TeamGB Update. List of recruits and decisions to be made.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #teamgb7 years ago


It's happening Steemians of the world, the sleeping giant has awoken!

We're on our way Britain, the recruits for TeamGB have been coming in and I'm writing this post in order to give a full list of Steemians who have pledge to the cause so far and to pose a couple of questions to the collective.

So far we have 20 Steemians who have committed and I'm confident our numbers will swell as the weeks and months pass.
The list isn't all Brits as there is as least one foreign member who is living in Britain and wants in.
Isn't that what our country is about anyway folks. You bet it is.
The Aussie @teamaustralia started with 21 members and I suspect they are now approaching 100, so I know we can do well.

This is the list so far:- @tremendospercy @podod @abh12345 @flatrider @sixteen4nachist @zoobeedoo @gmuxx @rickyjrx @zeus1 @stormriderstudio @scarletleonard @outerground @adamm @crytobeard @bisade @the-sassy-owl @hopehuggs @medaliciousmango @perceptualflaws & @ckz who is known as Sexual Chocolate!

If I have missed anyone out please accept my sincerest apologies and let me know in the comments.
Also if your are reading this and want in please comment below saying "I'm in" and give your answers to the 2 questions posed.

As I've said before this isn't limited to Brits in Britain we want overseas Brits too as well as foreign ambassadors so anyone from anywhere can represent their country or state.

Thanks so much to all of you for pledging your allegiance to this cause.

The 2 questions I'd like to get out of the way as soon as possible is:-

  1. A team name. A number have been suggested. They are TeamGB, SteemGB, Teambritain, TeamUK and TeamGreatBritain.

  2. A logo. 3 have been sent to me so far and I invite anyone who has the skills to send one in their post and again vote for the one you think is the best.

The first one is the one I have used at the top of this post provided by the brilliant photographer and creator of my first proper avatar @outerground

These are the other 2 provided by the fantastically named @hopehuggs

The first offering. image.png

Very creative.

image.pngThe second.

Please post in the comments below you preferred choice for name and we'll go with the one that gets the most votes.
If you are creative and want to enter an alternative logo please post it too.

I do want to get these things done and dusted as soon as possible in order to get us up and running, so please get logos in quick so they can be voted upon.

Any banners and motifs you can come up with will be a great so we can start to catch up with other teams. @teamaustralia look very professional already and I have no doubt the emerging teamUSA/teamamerica will soon be also. Word is there is going to be a teamgermany too so come on Brits get involved.

@aggoed has supported the initiative by agreeing to give us thread in the discord app so we can post to each other so we don't miss each other's work in the increasingly busy Steemit thread. If you haven't already signed up it easy you can do it by clicking the link below.
And as always please show support for the minnowsupportproject by getting involved and upvoting the minnows who provide quality content to this platform.

So there it is folks we're nearly there. We are on the cusp of something great that will not only be a support network for us all, it will be a lot of fun.
The Aussies love the "sledging" as we all know and I'm sure the banter with our mates in Germany and the good ole US of A will be great fun too.
If it hadn't been for the encouragement and support of the legendary @sirknight who started @teamaustralia I would never have started this in the first place so all banter needs to be in humour and abuse is discouraged.

We are all part of the great Steemit community after all.

Thankyou for visiting @tremendospercy
TremendosPercy avatar created by @epicdesigns


I'm in (we're an adventure lifestyle magazine from South West UK).

Team name: SteemGB
Team logo: 2nd one

Cheers guys - looking forward to being part of the group.

Thx I'll do an update tomorrow.

I'm also in (I'm the founder of @adaptnetwork - this is my personal account).

Same answers as above.

Cheers :D

Great stuff - really glad you've set this up - was starting to go green with envy re teamaustralia and thinking if I had any tenuous links to those down under! Really keen to join. Regarding the name - either teamGB (served us well at the last few Olympics so should work equally well on Steemit) or steemGB. Of the 3 logos, the first one for me (sorry @hopehugs).

You're in dude.
Glad to meet ya dude.
Follow the others and the Aussies won't know what's coming.
I've followed you and would appreciate a resteem to get the message out we need more members if we're ever going to catch @sirknight and @teamaustralia thanks for reaching out.

Oh look everyone - TeamGB is mobilising for the STEEM WARS. Hahahaha so funny I upvoted. In fact this will give Team Australia a great laugh - resteemed. SK ;)

I'm confused as soon as I heard there was going to be a team Germany I assumed we were clubbing together to defeat the Hun all the while waiting for team America to rock up on the last day to try and steal the glory.
I look forward to your pictures of a wombat pissing on a Warratah dude.
Or maybe some unfortunate surfer taking a "bondi cigar" in the face.
Dude, the banter is going to be awesome. Save some piss taking for the yanks though buddy, and the Germans and kiwis etc etc etc........
Later Buddy. Cheers for the charity vote. 😃 @tremendospercy

@sirknight Dont you have a few more shrimps to throw on the barbie? And those Foster's aren't gonna drink themselves! :D

Please let me join and I'll do my best to be a whinging Pom! 😛

You're in ya gorgeous Bugger you!

Think I like SteemGB the most dudeski.

Hey Sexual Chocolate,
How's it going buddy.
Check this out. I know you love stacking the shiny.
Put a comment in the post and join dude.
Follow everyone in the trail and resteem the post.
They'll all follow you back.
Do the same with TeamGB follow everyone. We all need to stick together.

@tremendospercy great idea and you know for sure I'm onboard with this! Thanks for all the hardwork you've put into this .. I'm thinking SteemGB and perhaps the first logo?

Cheers mate. I'll note all the decisions and post again soon.

Hi, can you explain to me what the cause is, and what participating in it will mean?

Just a bit of fun and a support network for your work you post here are you in?

Count me in!!

I'm on the discord minnow support group, same username.

Check my thread and follow @tremendospercy
I've just posted an update I'll edit your name in.

Would live to be a part of team GB. Hoping to be part of a community that works well and who i can help a little along the way! Xxx

Then you're in @yummymummy
Great to have you on board.
Keep an eye out for the next post regarding TeamGB and check out my thread I'll be doing a caption contest later today to win 10$BD.
Cheers and thanks for visiting @tremendospercy

@meesterboom, are you interested in joining this UK Steem Group (when you are back from your hols of course)?

Hey @hopehuggs check out my latest work. A epic history of the minnowsupportproject written around the whales helping out the minnows I hope you enjoy.

Nice initiative! Looking forward o seeing the work of fellow Brits. Keep a Strong & Stable upper-lip y'all!

Thanks Buddy.
It'll be a nice support network for those who currently do good work for little reward.
Thanks for commenting and keep an eye out for posts with a TeamGB tag.

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