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RE: Satsuki Azalea Backbud followup

in #teambonsai6 years ago

@mattlovell This is very good progress for one season. Well done. Here are two thoughts:

  1. I would leave the tree to grow in the nursery container for as long as possible to allow the tree to grow faster and thicken up. Please note that this tree still needs a lot of thickening. So leave the branches on for the season as sacrifice branches and cut them back in the next growing season. My advice would be to grow in a bigger container for development.
  2. If you are happy with the branches and want to start growing for shape trim back and start forming pads.

Azalea's are difficult because if you trim them like you have to for shape you will not get flowers during the developing stages and will only be able to enjoy your tree later on. On the other hand if you like the flowers you can enjoy them now and sacrifice the shape of the tree over the short term and build the tree over a period of time.

It's really up to you. I do not know your temperatures and local climate so care might be different then in our region.

Best of luck. I like flowering trees and I like working on them but I do not own any. The person that I apprentice at has Azalea's and he knows a lot about them.


Thank you for commenting, your feedback is very appreciated. I am going to leave the tree for now, and consider trimming some of the branches next season to start introducing some taper. I do plan on growing it out in a larger container (at least as large as its current container, maybe shallower and wider). It will need a re-pot next year regardless. It's packed into that nursery pot.

It is HOT in my location right now. averages of 95f+ with occasional days as hot as 115f. The trees are in shade most of the day now with the exception of some early morning direct sun.

I'm fine with not getting flowers on this one for now. I really want to focus on shape. I have another, smaller Azalea that needs a LOT of growth. It will have a few seasons of minor trimming and ill let it flower (even though allowing it to flower will slow the development a bit). I also got 3 rooted 'runners' from this Azalea as a bonus :) They are not really growing yet, but are still alive. I'm assuming they are spending all their energy on root development right now.

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