Thank DOG It's Friday!

in #tdif5 years ago

Thank DOG it's Friday and we be hoppin' for joy!

As I took Piper out, I brought some steak piece with me so that she can learn to stay in the yard. She's pretty good when there are treats involved.

She's also learned to catch her treats when we throw it. It was kind of hard to take a picture at the right height and time when she jumps so some of these pics are the greatest.

This one makes me laugh because of her wide eyeball

Piper makes me laugh in this picture because of her face and ears. Glad I caught this one because we don't really see it as shes fast moving to catch the meat. Can you spot the piece in flight on the left?

Another great shot of her with the catch. This time though the meat is harder to spot, it's right at the top of her opened mouth. She kind of has the shape of a bowling pin going on here.

And once more her head is cut off as she tries to jump higher, making her neck super long. Makes me think of a goose's neck.

Outside is the perfect place for her to be practicing this jumping sport as she wont be knocking things over and breaking other items in the process.

What kind of tricks do you teach your dogs?

tdif is a little thing that @rebeccabe and I started in the chat room of the #powerhousecreatives discord channel. She came up with the idea of having a day for dogs, just like cats do for #caturday. What do you say @rebeccabe? Dogs rule and cats drool? :p Just teasing... I have a cat too ...Cat's can't read, right?

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Girl you and @rebaccabe Made a great new tag, and i love to participate next week. And Piper reminds me of Joey but steak to train would mean i need half a cow to satisfy his appitite 😂

Sweet! Would love to see what you would bring to the #tdif.

We had steak for supper so I was able to use the left over from the kids plates as a treat. And with steak, well its a perfect opportunity to train her more ^_^

Aww Piper is adorable. I really need to post on the furbabies. Leave it to you and @rebeccabe to create a new tag. I can imagine that conversation LOL.

hey good can't wait .. yay!

:D It was to the point actually, she thought it up, we worked through the naming bits and voila! A new thing. She is a real gem to hang out with ^_^

She is adorable, Keep training her. 👏

Thank you ^_^

I am trying to teach (or rather re-teach) her to heal. We shall see how this will go.

Oh yeah thats a hard one. They often 'forget'. The best of luck to you ^_^

Thank you! You do a lot of training. If you have any tips, please let me know. food doesn't seem to work for her - or maybe I need better treats LOL

Usually dogs are food driven which helps a lot during training. What are you using for dog treats? The big ones that they really like are liver and peanut butter.
Let me know what you are doing, I would be able to give better help with it that way. If you like DM me on discord to chat about it. Same name on there.

Thank you so much.

The dogs at my home don't do tricks...but does "sneaking out of the door at night" counts? That sounds like a talent instead 😂

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Hm... if its a trick or not, that sounds like skills to me :p

Piper!!! What a doggo she is :D :D :D Love how she's all happy and learning how to grab her treats mid-air XD So cool!!!!

I teach my doggos the basic tricks, sit, drop, shake, etc. Nothing fancy :3

She is very smart so I want to keep her engaged with different things, keeping her busy and not getting in trouble :p

She does those same tricks, roll over is the next one and I'm still trying to teach her to have the treat on her nose but she has no patience for that.

I don't have any pets at the moment and I love how you teach your dog to do this tricks. I see you are very happy with Piper and so is Piper to you.

Thank Dog is Friday indeed!

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I am very happy with her ^^ With just a bit more training in her temperament, she will grow to be the perfect dog that our family needs. She's already awesome ^*

Awe...Piper is sooooooooooo cute! She looks like she loves those little steak bites :-D

My dogs can sit, stay (sometimes), Pepper can balance a ball on his snout, Molly plays dead.. hmmmm.. that's about it. They are 11 and 13 so no longer interested in learning anything new. Just gimmie the treat dad! lol.

That's a LOT of snow.. Hopefully it melts away before long.

How cool is that! Balancing a ball on his snout is awesome!!!! And playing dead :D Thats some awesome training you did there. How's you do it?

The snow will melt soon, it's already on its way bit by bit.

haha..yea. It took a long time for them to get the idea. lots of treats and patience. small dogs are a pain to train, your dog is most likely much smarter. lol.

Piper has no patience to even have a treat touch her snout. That is a hard training. I've slowed down on it. Something I am not doing right cause she's not having it lol. She's smart but my small dog is also smart and uncanny. Most dogs can be by what I have seen so far :p

I basically held the ball there for about 10 seconds with one hand while pulling the other away, then pulled the ball off and gave him a treat .. saying "good boy". I did that several times a day for about a month. Slowly I would try leaving the ball there while moving my hand away and he just stayed there until i said good boy. he knew he was getting a treat at that point.

Good luck!

Cool! I'll try that! Thanks

Don't have a dog
Actually kinda scared of them
And that's what I caught most in the pictures... her sharp teeth hahaha
Great shots of her against the snow :D

Ah, when the dogs are properly trained and I mean trained to the core, they become the most trustworthy animal you can have besides a horse. Sharp teeth are nothing unless they are on some crazy wild animals. Then we can be scared; like on harks, baboons, gorillas... EEK!

The kids love dogs so I hide behind them :D
I just admire them from a far :p

LOL Im the same with horses :D They are intimidating you know.

Now to come to think of it....yes, I can imagine

Okay, so she looks like she is laughing!! Really seems to enjoy this game you are playing with her. Don't you ever wonder what she thinks sometimes? I see you still have snow......oh my no wonder she doesn't want to stay outside lol Enjoy your weekend, looks like you certainly have a fun playmate on your hands!

I always question the way her brain works and wonder what shes thinking, although sometimes its easier to tell with the expressions on her face.
There is still a lot of snow but its melting at a good pace. She does really enjoy the snow but come summer she will love it just the same. Now if only I can get her in the water to enjoy a swim. Last summer that didn't go so well.

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