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RE: Why Tax FUD actually benefits the Cause of Crypto HODL’ers

in #tax6 years ago (edited)

When I write posts such as this, the eyes of most people roll and they think, “another extremist doomsday bunker mentality crab”. People are not interested. They are preoccupied with their McFat and Superbowl parties.

The-powers-that-be are currently trying to maintain some apparency of the rule of law, whilst violating the rule of law in every way that they can with their kangaroo courts and such.

But I think they’re willing to take us into total chaos with abrogation of rule of law if they think they can divide-and-conquer the people. Even they could do some limited nuclear war to incite most of the people to demand that government have more control not less control. The problem we have is that most of the people are fooled. Thus…

This would prove extremely expensive and there aren't nearly enough drones to take out all of the dissidents in the USA.

It distills down to this. Can the Americans who understand what is at stake win a war with these bastards?

Apparently the Bundy standoff was some degree of success against the Feds. I haven’t really followed it. I saw something about someone being shot by the Feds in another state. And then a news headline about the patriarch winning a court judgment but I didn’t read the details.

I don’t think expense is their problem. $trillions in black budgets that disappear from the US Treasury. The documentation and accountants for the $2.7 trillion Rumsfeld said was missing from the budget, was irrevocably destroyed with their bombing of the Pentagon (and there is amble evidence that the plane flew over the Pentagon and never hit it). I saw recently some news about another $1.7 trillion that is unaccounted for now.

If Trump had any real control he would have eliminated the income tax, fired the Federal Reserve, and ordered the U.S. Treasury to print all the dollars they need to balance the budget and pay off all the debt. Thus I surmise he is just a pawn of the elite who are behind the curtain because we can see for example his proclamation of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and his escalation of war in Syria based on some false-flag chemical attack.

We’re living in a very corrupt world. And we dissidentspatriots are only united by the decentralized ledger. This is why I am being very clever about what we can do with a decentralized ledger to minimize their ability to use the law against us. Because they can first use the law to break down the leaders of any resistance. They go after the key people first, because normally the next layer of dissidents aren’t as skilled or dedicated.

I don’t think we are strong enough. But I am willing to see if these other dissidentspatriots start to talk to me. Mostly what I see thus far is nobody cares for example about what really happened at 9/11. When I write about the power vacuum of democracy, very few people make any comments. I thus must presume that most people are fooled or preoccupied.


I don’t think we are strong enough. But I am willing to see if these other dissidentspatriots start to talk to me. Mostly what I see thus far is nobody cares for example about what really happened at 9/11. When I write about the power vacuum of democracy, very few people make any comments. I thus must presume that most people are fooled or preoccupied.

I haven't studied all the complexities of 911, but knew from day one that it stunk. I didn't have to research it to know that it was an inside job. I've read some of William Binney's work years ago. The few facts that I did know (the trillions missing days before from the pentagon budget) and suddenly the same amount of gold magically disappears from the basement of WTC7 was more than enough to know the official story was total BS. Bush 43 was under investigation by the FBI, but once 911 happened, that whole case evaporated.

I've been reading your blog and I think we see the world in about the same way. I have no doubt that these psychopaths will try to keep us enslaved with everything they've got. I do however doubt their ability to succeed long term, we could be in for a digital panopticon if we allow centralized crypto such as Ripple to gain a significant foothold for a generation or so, but it won't be permanent (nothing ever is), because centralized IT is fatally flawed and will eventually collapse. They are also at war within their own ranks because of their own psychopathic tendencies which provides a little bit of decentralization at the top.

I've written in my blog that I think that the world achieves freedom because of the 3rd world. Those of us in western developed nations have no real incentive to change. We've become the British empire and in a few years time the world will have it's 1776 moment against us. But the tech underlying bitcoin will have to become easy enough to use so that Andreas Antonopoulos's mom can swipe her finger to complete a transaction.

As for not being strong enough, that's why I'm hoping DAC's can make up the difference causing natural disintegration of the old legal structures. The less their laws reflect the realities of life, the less perceived credibility they have, and the more people will be forced to ignore them.

Back in the mid 90's I used to use PGP (integrated into Eudora), but later versions didn't support it and it's been obvious since then that authority has been doing everything it can to create a world wide surveillance state for the sake of control. They get around the illegalities of spying on their own populations by outsourcing their spying. For instance the British spy on us, and we spy on the British, that way it's technically "legal".

Once I released my last project in 2016 (Delphic Oracle XPF), I started looking at cryptography again. This brought me finally to take bitcoin seriously (which was about the 3rd time I'd been admonished to buy). William Stickevers told me about this (the 2nd time) back in 2015 when bitcoin was around $200, but I got sidetracked by my cross platform implementation in FMX. The first time I heard of bitcoin was around 2010 when I was looking at payment processors.


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