#192 STEEM Food Tours #49 A Szechuan Restaurant in Belgium 🇨🇳🍲🇧🇪 | 比利时正宗川菜馆推荐

in #tasteem6 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone, in this review I'm sharing my food experience in a wonderful Szechuan restaurant in Belgium. :) It's opened last year, and it immediately became my favorite Chinese restaurant in this region after I first tried it out. So I went there recently again and again, on my birthday and on Valentine's Day too! =)



Szechuan ("Sichuan" in Mandarin Pinyin) cuisine originates from Sichuan Province of Southwest China. It's known for its bold pungent spicy flavours, resulting from liberal use of garlic and chili peppers, as well as the numb-your-tongue Sichuan peppercorn (Huajiao) ;).

Since most early Chinese immigrants overseas are from the coastal provinces like Canton and Fujian, a large amount of old Chinese restaurants out of China serve dishes from these parts. A few of them are genuine with subtle flavors, most are westernized usually with sweet and sour sauce or covered by soy sauce, which is pretty strange to the Chinese eaters.

I've probably explained 1000 times to my international friends that Cantonese cuisine is only a small part of Chinese cuisine, and even much of the Cantonese cuisine we get out of China is not so authentic. ;) So when I discovered this Sichuan restaurant in a small town in Belgium, I felt exhilarated. Yes, the immense joy of devouring genuine tasty Chinese food! :D

川菜大家可能都熟悉,多年前就已经火遍全国,在海外华人聚居区也不难看到,只是在比利时这样的小地方并不常见。因为早期的老移民餐馆多为迎合西方口味改良的非正宗粤菜,而真正能做出粤菜鲜香爽滑嫩口味的不多,造成很多没去过中国的国际友人的误解,说到中国菜,就以为是那种类似咕噜肉的酸甜系,或者酱油包揽一切的一团可怕黑糊。。。>_< 我在世界各地被吐槽多次,每次都要苦口婆心解释一番。别说中国这么多不同的菜系,只是其中的粤菜就包括广州菜、潮州菜、东江菜/梅州菜这些不同的地方风味,主料之广泛丰富、配料之精细讲究,几天几夜都讲不完啊。还好去年新开了一家“当代”风格的川菜馆,除了鲜香麻辣的川菜,也照顾到当地人的口味,有北京烤鸭、广式日式韩式的一些菜品和小点心,很棒,可以常去解解馋。=)

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The Pig Year of 2019:

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This restaurant is located in the countryside with ample parking space. It has 2 seperate rooms. Small but cosy. When I first visited it last year, it was still quite empty, but after a few times, this hidden gem has obviously been discovered - it's getting packed nowadays. And you see Chinese eaters here each time - always a great sign! :)

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The sweet girl at the reception told me her brother is the chef, and she's responsible for the rest. At first, we saw each other as "a young girl", but later it turned out we are both 30 something and she is already a mother of 2! Ok, thanks to the forever young Asian gene... ;)

She moved to Belgium from Sichuan over a decade ago to join her brother who came here earlier. I would soon witness all their magic - her pretty interior decor and her brother's excellent cooking.

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They have 3 menus - for delivery, for Chinese eaters and for local customers:
成功中餐馆的菜单标配 —— 外卖单、中文单、本地人单:
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Since I was here many times with quite a lot of photos, I will leave the drinks part to the next post. So today I'm only showing you some food pictures I took, like this famous Sichuan Dry Fried Long Beans (干煸四季豆). It's like Peking Duck and dumplings - always a safe choice. No matter Chinese or not - everyone loves them. =)

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Beef with ginger and pickled peppers(仔姜泡椒牛肉丝):
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Spicy chicken in an iron wok (干锅鸡) :
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At last, a few more photo collages of the food I tried in this resraurant. Most of them are typical Sichuan style, like the vegetables and meat swimming in red oil ;p (四川冒菜), spicy Mapo tofu (麻婆豆腐), Dandan noodles(担担面), fish with pickled cabbage (酸菜鱼), shredded pork with garlic sauce (鱼香肉丝),clear noodles in chili sauce(川北凉粉)...

A few are not from Sichuan province but too popular among locals as well as Chinese :), such as the Dim Sum, gyoza and Peking Duck:




So that's it about this lovely restaurant. Hope you enjoy it like I did! =) Next time I'll talk about the different types of tea here.


I'll definitely recommend it to you, for its authentic Sichuan food as well as not-so-firy dishes ;), for its friendly and fast service, and for its light music and cosy atmosphere. It's also good value for money - about 20 to 30 euros per person, you get such great food and drinks, every time.

The only thing is it's not easy to reach by public transportation, but because of this, you can dine in a more quiet and peaceful setting, once you make it there. :)

好了,这家餐馆就介绍到这里,你觉得怎么样?我很喜欢,强烈推荐~ 如果你来比利时,吃够了西餐薯条巧克力,可以来这里换换口味 :)。好吃不贵、环境幽雅、上菜超快,兄妹俩友好和善,哥哥是大厨,妹妹接待客人跑堂。唯一的问题可能是公共交通不便到达,但也正是因为在郊区,所以停车方便、自在悠闲。

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All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

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Restaurant Information

Mang Mang
Parkstraat 65, 3053 Oud-Heverlee, Belgium

A Cosy & Chic Szechuan Restaurant in Belgium
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Hey @itchyfeetdonica, great review from you! Love the photos and your write up as usual. Didn't think that Belgium will have such yummy Chinese food!

Thanks! Yup it’s precious in this small country. 😂

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What a beautiful place, Donica! I do love Asian cuisine but I don't remember the last time when I was happy about the food that I had in a Chinese place. Here it's more about the fast food and no authenticity. The place that you showed is so adorable. I like the interior and the dishes looks so good! The presentation is spot on! And your photos are very nice :) They should hire you to take photos for their websites, flyers or something like that :)

Thank you for sharing and have a lovely start of the week!

Thank you Martina for your kind words as always! :) The owner’s asking for some photos indeed. I’m also looking forward to seeing your shots of your future restaurant! Hope it’s going well now. Must be a lot of work to do?

You'll have to wait a little bit for that :)

Right now I focus on studying so that I can pass the exams in April and then be able to apply for a license. I'm also busy with doing some design and picking furniture. And the worst and most frustrating thing that I do is costing.. But well, what needs to be done needs to be done :)

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Thanks for your entry to @steemfoodtours #49!

Sure thing~ here are some snacks for you: @teamcn-shop


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吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


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This sounds like a lovely place to eat, with a wide variety. I'm glad that you found someone nearby to get your favorite foods. You did a nice job with all your pictures.

Yeah I’m very happy with this discovery! :) Thank you for your visit and lovely comment!

Great read! The details of Sichuan was wonderful. Photography high quality. Thank you!

My pleasure! Glad you like it. =)

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lovely sharing, for your way in Belgium :D
Thought it's in somewhere else China

Haha, lucky right? I like your account name! What kind of food do you eat the most?

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