Tarot Tuesday

in #tarottuesday6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to another Tarot Tuesday

Every reader uses the cards differently, for me it is an opportunity to open up to intuition and speak from that inner place. My intent is to provide some basis for reflection and contemplation. As a free being you are able to decide your path in life completely, therefore it is up to you how you interpret anything suggested here.

This Weeks Reading - Active for One Week

Two of Cups
XIII - Death
Eight of Swords


Transformation is happening right now

For both the individual and the collective. This is the theme of the centre (death) card. The death card is never about literal death, it is more to do with cycles and regenesis. It is also to do with the cathartic process of letting go.

Now is a time to recognize the new life you are living, we have been traversing strong energies and jumping light years ahead of ourselves. September has marked a kinder adjustment period, allowing these new energies in - to play with them :)

As much as the new is important, we also have to honour the old - and see it's evidence in our lives. Let the remnants of your previous incarnation fall away. It's up to you if you want to wait for a strong breeze to knock down those dead branches, or if you want to go in yourself with a hack saw and make sure it gets done. Either way - it's a recognizing of what no longer serves you and the collective.

We are always being transformed and reborn, it's a necessary process which brings freshness and life to the being. By being aware of our habitual ways of doing things we can choose in each moment if we want to go with that or to make a new decision.



In a sense relationships are one of the main reasons we have come to earth, to experience ourselves in contrast to the other. We learn a lot about what our conditions are, and what are bottom line is - all by relating to people.

With the death card as the centre piece the implication is that there will be an all around tidying up on this front. Perhaps it's time to 'cut out' unhelpful patterns in certain relationships. Perhaps it's time to cut some people out all together, because the energy that sustained that connection is no longer there.

This kind of letting go is especially hard, because it involves so much feeling - we don't want someone else to feel bad, and we don't want to feel bad ourselves. This stagnant energy needs to move though, so sometimes brave action is required to honor what life is telling us.

Let's be clear I am not telling you to ruthlessly start cutting people off, I am saying honor the energy which already exists. When we honor ourselves and stop pretending, it is immediately refreshing and will provoke a similarly honest response.


The eight of swords depicts a figure bound and blindfolded. The very picture of constriction. A closer look reveals that the bonds are loosesly tied, and she can easily escape. The castle in the background represents a goal or outcome.

Coming back to relationships, we have to come into our own deep responsibility in this realm. The recognition is that we have a lot of power and choice, our helplessness is a script that we use to protect ourselves from dealing with the rawness of life and emotions. By being helpless we don't have to take charge and face the consequences, patterns repeat and play out again and again.

This is more or less what relationships are about - learning about our habits and tendencies through a conversation with another being. With the death figure in reaping mode right now, expect some extra pressure to acknowledge where we are stuck and start having a conversation about it.

We fear so many things, and being exposed and vulnerable is one of the things we fear the most. This is often what clogs up a relationship, when we are unwilling to admit our doubt, sadness, loss of connection, or any other troubling thing that 'isn't supposed' to be a part of our relationship.

Now is a time to let all of these things go, feel them fully, and to allow that beautiful fresh energy to come in. The big white rose on the death card represents the purity and beauty which is the real result of harvesting the past and scything it away.

Peace Balance Joyfulness

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