Celebration of World Poem Day 2018 at Hotel Bristol Vienna by "Pay with a Poem" | Discussion about Basic Income
Value first, Money second
Our World Poem Day 2018 yesterday was dedicated to this kind of gaps and disparities indicated in the title of this blogpost.
How many jobs do we have, where the so-called office sitters defray their existence by being in a system-corsett with no effort to change anything, getting overpaid with regard to the value they create, if they strive for "creation" at all?
One could call their salary a compensation for their following bore-out.
On the other hand we have highly useful jobs like the cleaning agent or the garbage man that care for not letting our worlds fall apart. In continuation of these thoughts we have occupational groups (if one could call them occupational at all, but in some way professional?): the creatives.
They are usually unemployed, when they failed to try forging ahead in traditional systems with conservative environment not allowing them to put the deepest part of themselves into the world. If someone seriously wants to develop these kind of skills, one has to be able to listen to oneself and to others, to understand the creation of artworks from the perspective of aloneness and inspiration by others. And how do I develop that? Slowly! With time and of course money.
To Listen is not valued everywhere the way it should be. Emotional intelligence? Usually, NO!
Usefulness of innovative and creative jobs is not per se readily apparent and often these situations are in need of an indirect explanation that for instance meaningfulness and senselessness are not the same.
At this point we must not forget to talk about basic income, about power relations and what kind of dependence we want to have in our societies:
Instead of being able to rely on social supports to develop their talents ["the creatives"], they’re pushed into the income trap like everyone else: forced to do unfulfilling work to earn the most meagre of incomes, or risk facing the heartless ignorance of a society that fetishizes labour and believes punishment is a better solution to destitution than compassion. This approach not only takes time away from the artist that they could be using to develop their artistic vision, but foments a sense of alienation that makes it difficult to find the energy for such tasks. It turns the brilliant into zombies of the corporate machine, eventually consuming their hope, and making them feel their creative goals are unrealistic dreams. [1]
So maybe it is a bit cynical way to say, but we (@gexi, Birgit, @brickster, Max and me) celebrated the World Poem Day 2018 in Hotel Bristol with the event Pay with a Poem
Congenial Network
As you can see, we met as steemit-austria breakaway group, not only to have a more personal/individual exchange with like-minded, but also to expand Steemit with promising new Steemians.
My entry and payment for the day was Vienna2018. I started to write the poem already in the tram to have more time for a talk :P
Happy buildings smile at you
Grantler saying fuck fuck you
Mercer 's telling blubb to you
Beauty stealing brain from you
Schnufflpuffl proud of you
Blueblack, Pink, Green, Red not you
Mozart 's making fun of you
Source [1] https://medium.com/@parismarx/if-we-value-art-we-must-support-a-basic-income-3f3ec941bc75
Yours @sciencevienna
Winner of the International Women's Day-Special Award "Hundezone" (2018) by @artpoet
What a pic bro.👍👍👍
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Nice photography
Great dear...