Chess problem 31 / Schachaufgabe 31

in #chess7 years ago (edited)


Sometimes a comparative high chess rating can be really useful: in the position below I had the white pieces, and my last move was f2-f3. Being aware of my miserable situation I quickly offered a draw. Fortunately either chess goddess Caïssa or his fear of my higher rating blinded my opponent - he shook my hand and agreed to the tie.

In the analysis after the game I showed him how he could have won. Do you see it, too?


Manchmal kann es sehr vorteilhaft sein, ein vergleichsweise hohes Schachrating zu haben: In der Stellung unten hatte ich die weißen Figuren, und mein letzter Zug war f2-f3. Da ich mir meiner miserablen Lage mehr als bewusst war, bot ich schnell Remis an. Glücklicherweise blendete entweder die Schachgöttin Caissa oder die Furcht vor meinem höheren Rating meinen Gegner - er schüttelte meine Hand und akzeptierte damit das Unentschieden.

In der Analyse nach dem Spiel zeigte ich meinem Gegner, wie er hätte gewinnen können. Seht ihr es auch?

FEN: r4rk1/2qn1ppb/4p2p/pp1p4/2pPn2N/Q1P1PPP1/PP2B2P/3RNRK1 b - - 0 20

Black to move: / Schwarz am Zug:


D7, B6. Trap the queen.

  1. ... Nb6
  2. fxe4
    Then white has won a knight ...

3.B5, B4 capture queen

  1. ... Nb6
  2. fxe4 b4
  3. cxb4

Did @armen solve this?

So far nobody found the solution.

  1. A5, B4...Queen under attack with nowhere to go.
  1. ... Nb6
  2. fxe4 b4
  3. cxb4 axb4
  4. Qxb4
  1. b4! cxb4 2. axb4 Qxb4 3. Rfb8 -> Queen is trapped

1... Qa4 2. Ndc5 dxc5 3. Nxc5 Qb5 4. Rfb8 -> Queen is trapped

  1. ... b4
  2. cxb4 axb4
  3. Qxb4 Rfb8
  4. Qe7

4... Nd6, queen should die soon :))
If 5.Ng2 to free the square Nf5

That looks great now! :) You are the winner of this round! :)
Your other variation looks good, too and wins!
Actually there is also an alternative way to win after 2. Qa4:

  1. ... b4
  2. Qa4 Nb6!
  3. Qb5 Nd6 (3. Qc2 Nxg3)
  4. Qc5 Qb8! and the queen is trapped again.

I hate this kind of games, you will never see me turtle like this. I'd rather loose after a poor gambit. Die like a Klingon. Therefore, my technology is not fit to salvage this.

  1. Qc2 Nxg3
    4 Qd2 or c1?

Normally (the way I play) this shouldn't be a problem. Black would want to trade the valuable knight for the useless rook? Or am I missing something? I prefer more aggressive play because it allows me to add value to each piece by the amount of moves invested in it. Black losing its only active piece could be wonderful if white had any kind of vague plan going on.... f2-f3 is awful!... Why does black have pawns over the half of the board while I have non.....what is my queen doing there? is she trying to run away from the battle? Is she going to mount an attack on her own?

I would have told my opponent I resign if she promised never to tell anyone about this match. lol

Destroy the white queen


You are an inspiration for my daughter @jaki01
You got to check this out:

I just checked it out.
Did that 'smothered mate' arose in one of her own games? :)

Your question can only be answered by her. She is a chess player as well. A trainer and has played state level.

I see,,, the white lady is in trouble...

That may be true: can you catch her? :)

1 b4 cxb4, 2axb4 Qxb4, 3 Rfb8 Qe7, 4 Nd6 N(g2 or g6) 5 Nf5

Looks really gooood, but ... check @heimindanger's post ... he was faster.
Nice that you found the solution though! :)
By the way what did you mean with "g6"?

because there is another solution. Once the black queen is in e7 the only scuare that she potentially has is h4. If Ng2 then is also posible g5, and Re8 is inevitable. So in orden to avoid g5 then Ng6! and there Nf5 wins..

That's true, but 5. Ng6 is hopeless anyway ...

by the way... I am learning deutsch... this is my first post in your languaje
schach blitz des tages

Gut! :-)

@jaki01 I was thinking even if Knight captures pawn on g3 as a sacrifice and white captures with the the h2 pawn and queen captures back on g3+ to pick up the white Knight and pose a danger on white's king. Thoughts?

  1. ... Nxg3
  2. hxg3 Qxg3+
  3. Nhg2
    Is there any way to win for black now?

I'm also thinking black can then push the e6 pawn all the way down to attack the the f3 pawn or start moving the g7 pawn down to attack the f3 pawn to allow black's bishop on h7 to come down and pin white's Knight that will be on g2 threatening mate.

I need exact move orders. :)

Try playing it out with my suggested move. Sacrifice knight for a queen.

I think, not on this way.

nice....resteem and upvote for you...

Thanks for that! :)

u r welcome...buddy

Ne4 x g3, h2 xNg3
Qc7 x g3+, Kg2 - h1
Qg3 x Nh4 +, Khi - g1 (or g2)...

  1. ... Nxg3
  2. hxg3 Qxg3+
  3. Nhg2
    However @heimindanger found a clearly winning move order already ...

I guess I was late to the party.

Right ... but you still can enjoy to check out the solution (or first try to find it out yourself). :)

I try to find the solution myself, that's why I don't read what anybody else posts.

Next try:
… b4!

Gooood idea, but ... check @heimindanger's post ... :)

Thank you. Yes the queen is trapped. No way out.

... Nxg3
hxg3 Qxg3+
Nhg2 a4
b3 axb3!
Qc1 Rxa2
Rd2 Rfa8
Rxa2 Rxa2
f4 b7!
Qd1 b1Q!
Qxb1 Bxb1

  1. ... Nxg3
  2. hxg3 Qxg3+
  3. Nhg2 a4
  4. Rd2

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