  1. ... b4
  2. cxb4 axb4
  3. Qxb4 Rfb8
  4. Qe7

4... Nd6, queen should die soon :))
If 5.Ng2 to free the square Nf5

That looks great now! :) You are the winner of this round! :)
Your other variation looks good, too and wins!
Actually there is also an alternative way to win after 2. Qa4:

  1. ... b4
  2. Qa4 Nb6!
  3. Qb5 Nd6 (3. Qc2 Nxg3)
  4. Qc5 Qb8! and the queen is trapped again.

I hate this kind of games, you will never see me turtle like this. I'd rather loose after a poor gambit. Die like a Klingon. Therefore, my technology is not fit to salvage this.

  1. Qc2 Nxg3
    4 Qd2 or c1?

Normally (the way I play) this shouldn't be a problem. Black would want to trade the valuable knight for the useless rook? Or am I missing something? I prefer more aggressive play because it allows me to add value to each piece by the amount of moves invested in it. Black losing its only active piece could be wonderful if white had any kind of vague plan going on.... f2-f3 is awful!... Why does black have pawns over the half of the board while I have non.....what is my queen doing there? is she trying to run away from the battle? Is she going to mount an attack on her own?

I would have told my opponent I resign if she promised never to tell anyone about this match. lol

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