Steemit Vision Quest Week 5: Queen Of The ForeststeemCreated with Sketch.

in #svq6 years ago

Secretly Queen

My naked feet go scampering across the forest floor,
I heard "Be home for dinner" as I bolted out the door.
The elves and fairies greet me with all due admiration,
Others see chipmunks and squirrels, but that's an aberration.
A crown of scented blossoms is placed upon my brow,
All woodland creatures that I pass drop to one knee and bow.
Warmed by the sun, I stuff my mouth with juicy muscadines,
Then jump and grab and take a swing upon their knotty vines.
The creek is searched for polliwogs, crawdads and the like.
I'm quite confident and regal, for such a little tyke.
When at last I've inspected every inch of my domain
I begin to walk back to the world where I do not reign.
I'm fed and bathed and set before a glowing TV screen
But my heart's in the forest deep, where I am still the queen.

This week's prompt screamed "inner child" to me. As a child I always felt so at home in the woods, and I do remember when animals did not fall silent or run away when I came around. It felt like I belonged there and like the inhabitants of the forest seemed to agree. In the interest of full disclosure I did not actually swing on my first muscadine vine until I was nearly 30, but my inner child was still present for that event. ;)

While I am no artist my inner child is still with me and still likes to color. I had a picture I wanted to put with the poem; that process began by grabbing my grandchildren's toys and my granny glasses...


I roughed in the main foreground trees


Then added my queen swinging on a vine

Next I filled in the forest a bit


Then I began to add some color


When done with the colors, I gave the queen some detail, and it was done (top photo.)

That sense of belonging in this world is easy to lose as we "mature." All the ways we are unique can make us feel isolated. Drawing this picture and writing my poem caused me to go into those memories of my youth where my place in this world was not something I had one worry about. I simply WAS, and that is the best way to BE.

Thank you @cabelindsay for another awesomely inspiring week of searching out my highest self in such fun ways. To join this challenge, please see this post:



Wow you can drawing too? I'm interested to participate in this contest.

The link is at the bottom, jump in!
I suppose you could say I draw... I would never say I am an artist lol!

Yeah I will check it. Hehe but you well done. Good job friend and good luck

Yeah, I'm with you, feeling at home in nature. I often wonder if I'm turning into a plant. Maybe a peach tree. :)

We celebrate your Creative Spirit, and we appreciate your entry in Steemit Vision Quest.

May you receive all you seek.

You are peachy... ;)

Hey Sister! Your Vision is showcased as a highlight of Steemit Vision Quest Week 6: Queen of the Forest: Thanks for all the ways you're making the Quest so enjoyable!

Thank you @cabelindsay! This has been incredibly enjoyable for me too!

nice drawing , inspiration all the best

great the last one drawing seem very good

Thank you. If I were still 5 years old I would say it is VERY good... lol!

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