A Submission for @sethlinson's Portrait Contest

in #surrealart6 years ago

This is a submission for Portrait Contest held by @sethlinson.

As the tittle said, the challenge is to portray anyone you like into an artwork.
You may have a surreal or abstract bent to it, but the main purpose of this contest is to depict the likeness of a person.
In this drawing I prefer to draw @thekitchenfairy in caricature-style and portray her in her fairy-bitmoji's costume, I hope this 'surreal' enough for a proper entry.

Here's the comparison with the reference I randomly picked form her blog:

In Indonesian language:

Di Portrait Contest ini, tantangannya adalah menggambar portret seseorang atau dirimu sendiri, bisa kasi nuansa surreal atau abstrak, tapi lebih diutamakan kemiripan dengan sumber foto (obyek gambar). Di entri ini, saya coba gambarkan @thekitchenfairy, blogger masak-memasak yang cukup kampium di Steemit, dalam bentuk karikatur dan dalam kostum karakter imajinatifnya. Semoga ini cukup memenuhi kriteria 'surreal'-nya.

Drawn on Photoshop, here's some progress pics:

Here's the contest link if you want to participate:


wue.. jadi model nih @thekitchenfairy. itu temanya apa ya? thekitchenfighter kah? @sentanu74 hehehe

Cita2 rak kesampaian mas. Emang aku pengin dadi rocker ket cuilik. Saiki yo ngejreng neng pawon wae isone 🤣👩‍🎤👩‍🎤👩‍🎤👩‍🎤🤣

Waduh... ? ...Sodara-sodara...segera amankan panci, baskom, dll di dapur anda masing-masing, sebelum penyok digebuki sama rocker dapur!

Saya siapkan seperangkat piring, mangkok beserta peralatannya untuk diisi masakan @thekitchenfairy hehehehe:D

saaahhh sodara2 :D hahahaha


Matursuwun mas. Semoga menang 🤗

Tak vote 100%


apik mas @sentanu74, mantab lah

Yaa mesteeee... Kayong nembe kenal. 😁😁

ho..oh, mas aku cah anyar

Waduhhh .. akeh tamu tho. Nglembur nganti bar saur, kiye nembe nglilir.. puasa ya ora tak suguh.. lha endi kiye lady rocker nya

Wingi wis tak komen loh mas 😂 scroll up 😉

That's brilliant. So funny and cool. Thanks!

Masakane enak ora yah?

I love the work-in-progress sketches. Your art is featured in today's contest showcase!

Tuvm sir. I'm happy to be in this contest.

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