Ulog #01-Life: I come to say goodbye

in #surpassinggoogle6 years ago (edited)

It was still rainy outside, I just finished my dinner with family, rice and vegetable, simple dish for dinner. My phone was ringing one, I ignore it while I was talking to my little girl. Again, it was at the third, I picked up the phone and …, my sister called me from the hospital and informed me that my uncle just passed away a view minutes ago, heart attack. They were preparing to transport him from Banda Aceh to our hometown. I was shocked and started to think what to do next. I rang the rest of the family and the neighbor to inform about it. They came to my uncle's home 30 minute later and started to prepare his home for ceremony. It was like a dream, October 5th, 2018, his journey came to an end in a cloudy day..






RIP, my Uncle Syahkubat Bin Tgk Husen

My uncle and I were so close, I learn a lot of things from him, he was a really good carpenter, he expected me to be a carpenter as him, but I was not that good to do wood job. I like to do other kind of things. I respect him, as and uncle, mentor, and protector. He is the one who look after me when I was a kid and supported my study as well. I would never get any punishment or the pressure when I fail to get good reward of my math, but he would stand aside me and show me what was wrong with my homework. He was not a rich man, but he always provides me with what I need for school. He was the man who will tell me a tail story about the trees and wood, he taught me about the wood quality and basic calculation of wood materials and the function of each traditional tools.


I did not realize that my tear flow over my cheek. I come to the city and wait for him to arrive. The ambulance arrived at 3.15 in the early Saturday morning, I convoy them to his home, even there were my sister in the ambulance. We set him in his room and preparing the prayer in the morning when the other relatives and friends come to say goodbye.

Today, October 13th, is the seventh of his funeral, it means it has been seven day since he passed away. In our culture, when someone passed away we will pray for seven day and seven night at funeral home, and at the end of the day we will have little dinner together with family, close friend of him for the last prayer, we pray for him “May He rest in peace and may God bless him in his new life, aamiin!”.



He may have gone forever, but the memory of him remains for eternity. He has contributed tremendous amount generosity to me, his friends and his family. Rest In Peace, I come to your grave this evening to say goodbye.

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With my best regard


Hope for the best and prepare for the worst

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I am sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle. Having lived in your country, I know some of the customs and traditions that you described.

I can hear from you post how important he was to you. I am glad that you had someone in your life you provided for you, protected you, and encouraged you.

I hope to be that person for my children.

Saya berdoa kepada Allah bahwa Beliau akan memberikan damai kepada @el-nailul dan keluargamu.

Thank you @sumatranate, I really appreciate the way we connect on this platform or on discord channel. Thank you too for your prayer to our family. I wish you and your family all the best too.

Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rajiun.. i am so sorry.. semoga almarhum diampuni dosa-dosanya dan semoga @el-nailul dan keluarga tabah menghadapi musibah ini

Terimakasih kak @rayfa atas doa dan harapannya. semoga kita selalu dalam istiqamah

May he rest in peace. Condolence to the bereaved family and friends.

Thank you very much @macoolette, any things could happen at any time, but the most important thing is we need to be realistic and keep our life going for better future

Keep going while there is air to breathe. 😊

innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiún.. turut berduka dan semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan sabar dan ikhlas, Allahummaghfilahu warhamhu wa'afihi wa'fuánhu

Terimakasih doanya bang @dipoabasch, semoga abang dan keluarga selalu dalam lindunganNya. Aamiin

I am so sorry for your loss. How beautiful is the ritual your culture gives to honor the life and the loss. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you very much @uniwhisp, I believe that all the culture in the world are good and has it own meaning to it community.

Innalillahi wainna ilaihi Raji'un, turut berduka cita ya bang, semoga alm Husnul khatimah dan ditempatkan di surga Jannatun na'im..aamiin

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Terimakasih atas doa nya @inesanugerawati, semoga kita selalu dalam lingdunganNya. Aamiin

My condolences. I hope you are able to cherish the memories you have of him. It's good that you had that influence. God bless!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thank you very much my friend @blockurator, Sure, I will always cherish all the memories about him and what he has told me about life. I wish you all the best

I feel the honor and respect you have for your uncle and I think he was beloved by many, family, neighbors and friends. To have a good man like him in your life is a wonderful treasure.

Thank you very much for your uplift words @donna-metcalfe. He is really some one in my life

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved uncle, @el-nailul. Your family is in my thoughts. This post is a beautiful tribute to him, and an amazing way to say goodbye to a loved one. I appreciate that you shared something so personal and heartfelt with us. Brightest blessings to you.

Thank you very much @traciyork, I am trying to give him best I have for the last. Wish you all the best for you and our steemitbloggers community

What a wonderful tribute to your uncle. He sounds like he was quite a good man, and I am sorry for your loss. 🙏

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