feeling all along the watchtower this morning, bright end of days feeling sunshine.

in #sunshine6 years ago

Well, it’s a few days before dayle has to head back, we are in logistics mode and today is a nice day even if we got the news via push notification at 2am something that uk, france and the US had decided to strike at syria — just as I was getting my life together, thanks universe, no doubt russia with respond and who knows how that will come about.

As a ground sign I process these things in my bones, it’s like a low level frequency, a hum I can’t ignore, like the build up of something to push to the front of my mind like a distraction, I do my best to push it aside and continue living but it’s always there, bubbling up.

While I obviously don’t want to get all deep and meaningful on the topic of religion or politics or rational thinking of wars at the end of the day bad people will continue to do bad things at the expense of someone elses life, it’s hard to fathom that after generations of technology and human enlightenment we roll out the weapons instead of actively promoting global kinship and peace — we use chemicals (or not) against another human life and then who are we to say who should react and why — I don’t have all the data, I never will probably.

Just feels all so backwards.

I’m just a person who lives inside of a country that has to just stand behind the alliances that it has put in place — not it’s people, but the higher up govs of the world that I don’t have any semblance of awareness about. I just find them ill fitting and not fit for purpose in a constantly evolving world that requires constantly evolving mindsets and collaboration passed meals, drinks and pseudo hand shakes.

i don’t feel very British today, I don’t think I ever did. . .. what being that Irish, British hybrid, i’m hardly part of the this countries society or any for that matter, I just have people that I’m caring and compassion for that I see as good people trying to get by.

I don’t want to get into it really but I do want to eject the thoughts running through my mind, dayle has to pack, it’s a sad change, she’s going back to the US after six months here, it’s been fun. We did a lot, we could have done more, we could have gone more places, done more things, but we did exactly what we should have done — cared and shared love while physical together in a fairly tiny space and yet, still made it work.

Being a grounded sign, I feel all this at base level.

if today was the last day at least I know this, that I spent ten years with my daughter, feeling loved and I’ve spent the last six months feeling loved from @dayleeo, it was a warm day and the cooler breeze on my arm felt perfect and although we ran out of coffee on this day it was a good coffee and I enjoyed the buzz of the beans. I enjoyed my life and knowing that my daughter is at the coast with her mother fills me with joy as she was truly loved by both of us.

by writing this, I commit this to blockchain memory in the hope that in the end of days maybe one of the hundreds of machines hard drives this is stored on will be able to be retrieved so that data may live on in the heart of an AI someday and not repeat the mistakes of others.

Today will be packing, sorting, arranging and we are heading into the local town for supplies, wherever you are on planet earth today, give family a call, speak to your kids, hug them, spend time with them, let them know they are loved just a little bit more than usual.

I’ll try and shake the funk and be a bit more spritely in my next post.

I’ll leave you with this today..

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pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 (burton on trent) → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado ripped up the town (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin south by southwest event → video chat with robert scoble from rackspace → music video can you spot me? → won the digital derry contest for 5k euros → crowdfunded digital signage concept called pi street → now living life through digital blockchains.


I stopped watching new in the last years, as all i see is wars and sad news everywhere. Sometimes it is better to ignore all whats happening and try to be positive. There aim is to make us focus on the sad events and be negative and we should fight it back.

sure. i understand. i try, really i do. we all have to live not exist too.

Much loves Mouser 💕

Seems like all wa can do is live our life to the fullest till the mega maniacs blow it all up.

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