Sunrise Surprise is Sweet, Nutty Rice with Carrot and Sweet Potato - Breakfast with enternamehere

in #sunrise-surprise6 years ago (edited)

With a little bit of planning and intention, breakfast can be beneficial fuel every morning.


Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast is essential because when trash goes in, trash comes out. Therefore, I like to create mindful plates for myself as a way to say thank you to myself, to my Creator, and to the people with whom I interact. When I disregard a thoughtful first meal, I almost always turn into a hangry, anti-productivity creature MoNsTeR. Perhaps you have encountered that same creature lurking within you some mornings.

#sunrise-surprise is breakfast, made enternamehere style, which means meals that are quick, tasty, and flexible. Enjoy!

”Each day is a gift, that's why it's called the present.”
-old saying

What's In It?


A - Leftover cooked brown rice with raw diced carrot & raw diced sweet potato, sprinkled with cardamom and cinnamon.
B - chopped, raw pepitas
C - maple syrup
D - chopped raw pecans

Stir pepitas, syrup and pecans into rice. EAT.


Proof of sunrise surprise, sweet, nutty rice with carrot and sweet potato

What is your morning routine like? Do you prefer quiet or chaos when you arise?

Please enjoy your day. Thank you!

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Who is enternamehere?
ENH is a steemian exploring artistic expression one day at a time through visual art, poetry and other fun activities. Also known as Seana. Here I am.


enternamehere/SCB is not a doctor, scientist, nutritionist or expert. enternamehere/SCB is a layperson and is by no means qualified to give medical or nutritional advice. Readers are encouraged to do their own research before ingesting unfamiliar foods. enternamehere/SCB content is expressly created for and is intended for entertainment and artistic purposes only. Unless otherwise stated, all images used herein were originally created by enternamehere/SCB.


Wow, that is one healthy-looking breakfast. Makes my toast and almond butter and honey and plum compote and soy sausage look a bit heavy. Though I agree, eating a junky breakfast does really put the day 'off' and make the brain rather anxious and jittery. Particularly if there is a lot of sugar in the mix. Though if I'm doing labor work, and don't eat a larger meal, I lack energy. It is amazing, as you say, what goes in, comes out in bodily action.
I like it quiet in the AM. Slow to get moving. Do some exercises, watch a bit of Colbert on youtube while doing it, then off to breakfast. A whole lot more enjoyable to the days of catching a bus at 4:15 AM to go to work on an empty stomach. Yikes, don't miss that.
Are you mainly into raw foods? Or is that just for breakfast, or every now and then? Just curious, I know there are raw-only diets many people follow. I've not tried the raw sweet potatoes, I will give that a try.
Well, onward to Saturday, hope yours is grand. And not too hot. Cheers

Are you mainly into raw foods? Or is that just for breakfast, or every now and then?

I'm mainly into delicious food! I'm on my own diet plan. Right now it consists of mostly plants, eggs, occasional dairy and meat about once a week. I eat the plants raw or cooked, whatever makes sense to prepare in the moment. The reason I don't eat much meat is because I have no easy access to fresh, natural meat right now.

Your breakfast sounds delicious! Especially the plum compote, did y'all make it at home?! Yes, the extra-sweet, processed sugar breakfast is counter intuitive to productivity, though some may argue brown rice and maple syrup is a filthy carbo pit to be avoided at all costs.

Slow mornings are to be savored! I'm with you there. Get up before the sun, breathe, get the blood moving around. That's the good stuff, at least for us slow-movers ;)

Thanks for the well-wishes, it's been a fantastic weekend! Yesterday was one of the hottest yet of 2018. It was just a hair under 100° when we went to play disc golf - Welcome to summer! Hope you're feeling a bit lighter now and enjoying the holiday weekend. ☺

Your presentation is on point! Looks very healthy indeed, and sounds sweet too, which is always a plus at breakfast :) I need at least an hour every morning nursing a coffee before I'm ready to roll, haha. Maybe a change in food could help with that too...

Yes, as gatekeeper to the morning, the mindful breakfast is important. Easing into the day with coffee has its perks, I hear ya!

A change in your food will definitely make a change in you, for better or worse. The little choices we make over time are the ones that have the greatest impact.

Thank you for your comments, certainly appreciated. See you around! ☺

You, little MoNsTeR, are such an healthy bunny! Now we want a posted where you get completely wasted for the sake of balance!!

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it! ヽ(^o^)丿

This sounds so yummy! I personally don't eat breakfast, but this would be an amazing one. I used to scarf down platefuls of carbs but I've moved on. This is a much healthier choice by far. For me, now, it's black coffee and Steemit for breakfast :)

That's a remarkable breakfast you take! You must have vast stores of energy within you to go hardcore like that. Running on art energy! I wilt without my nutrients :]

What kind of meals do you eat now, since erasing carbs?

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