# Sunday Word Of Comfort: Laws of Sowing and Reaping Part 2

in #sunday7 years ago

Happy Sunday to all steemians, I hope we all had a wonderful sunday? Welcome to Sunday word of comfort and today we shall move to the part 2 of Sowing and Reaping.
The law of seed has never failed to come to pass.

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Galatians 6:7-8 says

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

Life is like a book. You write a chapter everyday and by the time you finish writing it, you will sit and read it. If fasting and prayers were the only way out of poverty, many believers will be billionaires. If all night prayers is all the secrete of prosperity , many believers would have been stupendously rich. But it does not follow, Dont misunderstand me please am not saying fasting and prayers cant bring you out of poverty...
You simply can not bribe God with fasting and prayers because if you do not sow there will be nothing to reap.
Paying tithes and giving offering and giving arms to the needy ate act of sowing. The bible says give(sow) and it shall be giving unto you. In other word if you do not give, it wont be given unto you.

The Laws

We reap the same kind of plant that we sow:

The bible says if you sow to flesh, you will also reap of the flesh but if you sow to the spirit, you will reap of the spirit. You can not plant maize and reap millet or is it possible you plant wheat and get beans?
Whatsoever you sow that you will reap. This law doesn't just apply to financial principle but all our dealings in life.

what you plant in one season is what you reap in another season.

You can not plant and harvest the same season. This law concerns every areas of our lives, whether it is home, marriage, finance, church, work, business, career, education , sport and so on. And because we do see or experience instant repercussion doesn't mean there will be none. The bible says because the judgement does not come immediately, the heart of man is waxed strong and hard in iniquity. A delay is definitely not a denial and God has ordained a planting season and a due season of harvest.

We reap more than we sow

You can count the number of seed in an orange but you can not count the number of oranges in a seed. You do not plant one seed of corn and expect to reap one corn.
King David killed a man and took his wife but by the time the time God visited him with punishment, it had multiplied to a generational punishment.

We reap in proportion that we sow:

If you plant only one acre of crop, you can not reap hundred acres. If you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly and if you sow bountifully, you will reap bountifully.

In Conclution

Everybody is a sower and will reap the harvest of their own plant, every seed contains invisible instructions on how to reproduce more of its kind and it is foolish to eat your own seed.

Previous articles

Laws of sowing and reaping part 1
Preparation begat success
Make use of your potentials
You are important
Hope Is Not Lost, Delay is Not Denial.



Nice one there sir. God bless you for posting this. Ive shared it on a christian discord platform.

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