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RE: a rationale for suicide?

in #suicide7 years ago

This article really resonates with me because I went through a similar process, or perhaps mindset. Basically, I did not see the point in living anymore and felt that there wasn't really a difference between living and dying. If I were to continue with life for another 50 years, well that would be about as significant and meaningful as dying tomorrow. Living just to live. I spoke of death all of the time. I was depressed. I branded myself. I asked myself over and over "what is the point of life?" until it eventually consumed me. I read or studied philosophy and psychology and religion and spirituality, and basically any knowledge that would help me answer the question, "what is the point of all of this?" I eventually concluded was that there is no grand purpose to our lives, there is no absolute meaning to it all other than maybe the point of life is simply to live. Ultimately, meaning and purpose are figments of our own imagination. They are thoughts created in our minds and that is why the answer is different for everyone. Different perspectives and different meanings. Different purposes.

Spending our time doing things that we enjoy or that are interesting to us. Creating. Living in the moment and possibly the most influential - connecting with other people. These are some things that tend to bring about happiness and a sense of purpose for many individuals.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your personal experiences. I do not think you are alone in having these thoughts so I think it is good that you are sharing them. I am sure they will resonate with others as well.


I see myself in what you experienced -'living just to live', what I can't see is any hope if I cannot find any subjective purpose. That would be (and is) crushing. Maybe simply writing about what I think is enough, although again I'm unsure and skeptical.

I agree with you that purpose is of our own creation, what frustrates me is that I don't feel genuine or 'real' if I just choose one. I don't honestly know how to reach an answer. The mind is such a conflicting contraption.

I was extremely doubtful of posting this as I didn't know what to expect as a reception. This changed when I realized that I would be effectively self-censoring by not posting, which the thought of which was making things much worse. Also as shown by some Steemians and other people in my personal life, suicide is something that should at least be talked about, in a candid way.

Thanks for helping me to try to figure this out

I agree with you that purpose is of our own creation, what frustrates me is that I don't feel genuine or 'real' if I just choose one. I don't honestly know how to reach an answer. The mind is such a conflicting contraption.

@mahbubalam I see what you are saying and agree. I personally do not think it is beneficial for us to just pick and choose a purpose for our lives. I think it is a process that happens organically and authentically for each individual. If it happens authentically then purpose becomes integrated into "who we are" which gives our life meaning.

My personal belief is that when it comes to the meaning of life, there is no absolute, definitive and objective truth. Rather, meaning and purpose are subjective and personal to each individual. In the same regard, I do not believe that we need a purpose or that we necessarily require there to be a meaning to our lives. If we believe that we need a purpose, this in itself can create discomfort, anxiety and depression because we my feel as though we are missing something. We may also spend our lives looking for something that is unattainable, which may further our discomfort.

My point is that if we feel as though we have a purpose in life then - that's great. however, if we feel as though we do not have a purpose, then this is also fine and we can be assured that there is no absolute purpose for anyone and that such things are simply illusions created in the mind. If we realize this then we can end our search for meaning and purpose and simply live within the given moment. Many philosophies teach that we eliminate suffering and find happiness simply by living in the moment.

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