Why Is Waking Up Early So F***ing Hard?

in #success7 years ago

So I’ve got this idea in my head that I want to start waking up early. Everywhere you look there are articles about how successful people wake up at 5 am and get a strong morning routine crushed out before most of us are out of bed. I mean you’ve read about this right? Dozen’s of articles talk about it. And I think I understand the premises of the idea. You add more time to your day. You wake up excited to get working on your goals. And you have a set habit pattern that leaves you with willpower for the rest of the day.

It sounds freaking fantastic! I want more time. I want to wake up excited to do my work. I want to have a lovely morning routine sipping tea and writing. I want to be set up for success like this. So I prepare myself the night before. I get my morning planned out. I don’t go to bed too late. I know what I’m going to eat for breakfast. I have everything prepared for a good early morning.

And then the alarm goes off. And my heart drops. And I grab my pillow harder. And I slap at the snooze button. And I grumble and tell myself just a few more minutes. Sleeping feels so good! But my eyes are dry and they don’t want to open, and just a few minutes more won’t hurt. And so I sleep in. Don’t tell me you don’t ever do the same thing. Our beds are made to be comfortable. Of course we want to stay in them. But I want to be successful too. Sure there are people who sleep in and have found success, but at this point getting in a routine of waking up early has become a thorn in my side.

I can do before 7 most of the time. But I don’t get up and drop right into this fantastic routine that enlivens me. I stumble around. Scroll around on my phone. Maybe make some tea, get distracted by this or that and by the time I know it it’s 9 am and I haven’t done jack shit. So I’m putting it out there for you all to bare witness. I will wake up at 5 and have a damned good routine by the end of August. And I will tell you how the hell I did it when I figure out how the hell I’m going to do it.

Because if that many people can tell us that waking up super stupidly early is one of the keys to success well then I’m going to use that key. Even if it means that I have to start opening up that door with a paperclip while I try to find the key.

Love you guys, It’s 9:18 … I guess I’ve written a post before 10. That right there is a start.

(photos from stocksnap.io)


I would recommend not having the distractions around like phone, tv or computer. Putting some nice music on to help you concentrate, shit try a bit of classical if that makes you feel like an intellectual. And then create good habits, lights on, shower, breakfast, writing. If you cant think of a good topic to write, just write about your day yesterday, the practice of writing will put you in good stead for when ideas are flowing! I wish you all the luck in getting up early, I'm an early riser because of work, but struggle on the weekends, I'm interested to see what works for you!

ps one last piece of advice, use your 5 tags, peace love and light @stickycj

Thanks for the ideas. I haven't tried music but i should. I had someone the other day tell me it's best not to use all my tags... but that seems counter intuitive to me.

Same girl same. I want to wake up earlier to get a start on the day and get my morning chores done before I wake Davina up but when it's morning all I want to do is sleep in and stay up late watching dr who lol

yeah it can be hard to get getting up and going to bed straight!

Well, i found that waking up was so hard for me because I was doing something I didn´t love. The moment I stopped working in that job I didn´t enjoy and started to do what I wanted, waking up was something I could not wait for to come...

And no!! Waking up early is not mandatory to have success! That is what they want you to believe! hahaha

Damn yes! Good start XD

No no, avoid routine, even if you do the same things every day, do them in a different order... routine kills creativity and passion... (All of these are my opinions, they can either work or not for anyone...)

I am so glad you commented on my post, you gave me the chance to meet you and read you, I started following you :D

I'd have to agree that routines that are too strict really get boring and i just can't get on with who i am like that. I'm going to attempt the getting up early thing so that I can create more time for writing the novels I've been trying to work on. I know I'm psyched to work on them i just have to get too it in the morning. We'll see how it goes I guess ( :

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