Sublime? Certainly not the weather!

This is my entry for #sublimesunday by @c0ff33a.

We had well over a foot of snow on the ground, and then last night the temperature got a few degrees above freezing and we got a thunderstorm! It has been many months since the last time I heard thunder. The rain that came along with it compacted the snow but then the temperature dropped and we got a bit more ice and the bit more snow during the night.

My road has had continuous slippery spots for the past two months!


snow and ice on my daughter's Subie




But if you look closely some parts of winter are Sublime!




I hope everyone has had a Sublime Sunday!

I am looking forward to seeing lots of bird and animal shadows this week!

Shadow Photo Contest Round 58-Animal Shadows

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Howdy Melinda! wow those are some great winter photos, I really like the stuff on her car and that pattern made by the letters! But the road conditions from the mixture of ice and snow and rain sucks!

I thought it was pretty cool how the snowflakes collected on top of each of the Subaru letters. The roads really aren't as bad as they look in those pictures, they have been salted and the hills have had sand put down on them. We really are lucky they take very good care of the roads. It takes them longer to get to the secondary roads like mine but they get here eventually!

I was wondering what all they treat the roads with up there. Yeah they have that stuff down to a science.

Before the storms begin the often spray the roads with beet juice.

This is from Google. "When mixed with salt brine, beet juice helps the salt brine work at lower temperatures to treat icy or snow packed surfaces. Beet juice has been proven to lessen the corrosive properties of the salt that we apply to the roads."

wow! Holy cow I've never heard about that before, I wonder if that is a fairly new technique?

It has been at least 10 years that I remember. It works really well.

That’s freezing cold, sounds like you have had a long run in the cold as well. Loving the icicles hanging off the bottom of the Subaru.

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Thanks, Pix!

Beautiful pictures. I imagine the road must be very slippery with all the ice. But I guess drivers are used to it.

Wisconsin drivers are used to driving in snow. And they are well equipped. Many drive all-wheel drive vehicles and the tires are usually either all season or snow tires that they put on just for the winter that have a very heavy tread. There is usually an emergency kit in the backseat that has blankets, water, flashlights and something to start a fire with and a bit of food Just in case!

I see. Thanks for the elaboration. Nice to know. We, in the tropics do not know of such things. :-)

Haha! Unless you live up to your eyeballs in snow it is not something you would have to think about!

Your entry? it's a winner already ;) Good to be back on your posts.

That's so nice of you to say! I'm tired of snow and ice photos!

My pleasure :) I hope you keep posting photos and that is what I love the most here

more snow for you so, im sure another few weeks and it will be done. But you still found sublime, nice work, there is beauty everywhere when you look

There is! Especially when I'm staying indoors and watching it snow through the window! It's much more beautiful then. Have you had snow this winter?

we dont get much snow to be honest, a dusting maybe but not real snow. Last year was an exception, we got almost 2 meters here where I live, it was nuts, Spring is in the air for us now, lets hope it stays that way.
when will you expect spring to arrive then?

Of course it varies. We can often have a lot of snow through March and then just a few infrequent snow storms in April but flower planting weather doesn't arrive until the last part of May. That is usually when we can be fairly certain we will no longer have a killing Frost. I am so so tired of winter. When my husband was alive we would usually travel and get out of here about this time of year for a few weeks just to have a break from the dreary days. But I no longer drive and health concerns keep me pretty close to home so this year I'm just suffering through and watching winter happened. Do you live in a city or a more rural area?

ah thats unfortunate about your health and the loss of your hubby. Snow going into april is a long long winter. Im not suprised to hear you both would get away for a while.

Im on the city outskirts, but i am also on the side of the Dublin mountains so when there is a dusting, we tend to get it being that little higher.

Spring will be with you soon and will hopefully fill you with energy again :-)

I have MS and use a scooter to get around, so when the drive and walkways are covered with snow and ice I'm stuck in the house. I really look forward to warmer days so that I can be out and about in the neighborhood ended my yard.

I've always wished that I could have traveled to Ireland, but although I've been many places I never made it there.

oh no I didnt know you have MS. That must be rather taxing to say the least. But at least you do have s scooter for the warmer weather. And dont worry, you havent missed anything not getting to Ireland, its not really all the great. wheres the best place you have been?

Oh! So many! Greece. Belize Russia Bonaire Western Europe with several trips to France and a couple to Portugal. Taiwan And many road trips all around the US. There's more, but I will shut up now! When I was first diagnosed with MS I crammed my travel itinerary as full as I could possibly afford because I knew the day could arrive when I would no longer be able to go. I'm so glad that I did!

Despite the bad weather, the photos are amazing. 🙂
Don't you feel fed up with all that snow and cold? I cannot wait for this vicious winter to go away.

I am SO done with winter! I would love to see new green growing things. I miss them so much. I can't wait till your sisters flowers begin to come up. I hope your document her reaction to them.

You bet I'll do it. I'm looking forward to photograph colors instead of monochrome tones. 🙂

Oh! You and me both!

The flowers are tulips, right?

They surely are. 🙂

Hang in there! We usually only get thunderstorms in the spring. Maybe it's a sign?

Wouldn't that be something? I'm watching for any little sign!

Lucky you, with all that ice! Kidding, of course. We have blizzard conditions, with wind gusts up to 50mph and blowing snow, but I prefer this to that ice. At least the snow can be plowed afterwards!

We are getting those ridiculous winds and the wind chill is supposed to be 25 below zero tonight. But I don't think we're getting anymore snow until Tuesday living in the woods when the wind is blowing that hard causes you to look over your shoulder every time you hear the slightest noise outside!

Oh, I understand completely! I grew up on a house in the woods. At least you're not getting the snow, though I imagine it'll be awhile before the ice disappears. Did you lose power at all?

They buried all our wires last summer and since then we have not lost power once. It used to happen every time the wind blew so this is kind of nice to not hardly give it a thought now.

I send you some of my sublime sun and sublime soft weather of today my dear !

We keep having snow squalls today and there are high wind warnings out. The wind is actually quite ferocious and that's never any fun when you are surrounded by trees! I will take all the soft weather you could possibly send my way.

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