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RE: Game - Set - Match. Why winning is a choice and not a result

in #strategy8 years ago

The major thing is the title itself: Why winning is a choice and not a result. The reality is that winning requires the inner game aspect as you describe it, in order to succeed int he outer game, as you also said it. The title is misleading, because winning is a choice indeed, but winning is also a result that demonstrates an accomplishment externally, having accomplished some inner development and understanding first. The internal is validated by what it can do with that knowledge and understanding, for without doing something, nothing is done, and there is no actual winning being created in reality. It would only be a "winning" internally that would not manifest externally. I hope I explained that well enough ;)

Also, you use a tick ´ for apostrophes. I wonder if you can find the single quote/apostrophe? It doesn't really matter that much, just thought I would mention that as well.


Ah yeah now I got it! Well to be honest I have chosen a controversial title on purpose. They usually gain more attention :-)) But you are absolutely right. From a logical point of view winning isn´t really a choice - it´s the desire to win. Thanks for clearing that.
And yes, I have an apostrophe problem :-D I don´t remember who was it, but there was another user who commented that some weeks ago. We had a quite good laugh about it actually. But it seems that I don´t want to learn the lesson, haha
Again, thanks for your time and support spent!

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