Game - Set - Match. Why winning is a choice and not a resultsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #strategy7 years ago (edited)

The desire to win is a commitment with ourselves: it´s the promise to give the very best. 

In that context we have the opportunity to exclusively focus on our personal self-improvement on the way to success and forget about external appreciation and recognition. It´s the decision to keep up our self-esteem and value, independently from any other opinion. 

It´s called THE INNER GAME. 

Winning 'the inner game' 

In one of my latest articles I mentioned that I was promoted to a leading position in an International Publishing House a few years ago. Since it was the very first time in my life I was accounting for such a role, my boss assigned a personal coach to support me during the initional stage. What I learned during that coaching was absolutely mind-blowing, not only referring to that specific role I was given and the lessons I needed to apply in my job. I learned for life. Today I would like to share some of these concepts with you. 

The outer vs. the inner game 

My coach divided the present scenario into the outer and the inner game. 

Success in our job as well as the recognition and appreciation from others are part of the 'outer game psychology'. There are some professional areas where it is difficult to measure results (success) or even recognize them in the short term. That is why people who work in these areas rarely receive the corresponding esteem - their doings are not effectively valued. A constant lack of recognition can lead to strong negative feelings or even depression. 

To avoid this passively evolving defense position where we wait for an external appreciation that won´t ever appear, we simply have to change our perspective - and focus on the inner game! 

Rule no. 1: Don´t be against the fact that life isn´t fair. 

What we need to do first is to forget about the romantic idea that we have all the same opportunities and that (professional) life is fair. That only happens in fary tales or in Hollywood. 

What really counts instead is that you have an important position (role), and that it is absolutely unimportant if you are considered being successful in that position or not. That means 'playing the inner game'. 

The inner game is a commitment with yourself: you simply give your very best. Always. 

If you really do whatever you are able to and recognize that just by yourself, then you can´t ever get depressed. That´s the way you keep up your own self-esteem. Then you win, unless you have lost the 'outer game' (and don´t receive external recognition). 

Especially as a Manager it is important to focus on the inner game. As a global player it is getting very complicated to win the outer game since markets are becoming less transparent and extremely competitive. As long as our self-worth depends on external factors, we can´t ever win and won´t ever become truly content. 

We have to change the context and start focussing on us, thus we need to exclusively concentrate ourselves on our own doings and their outcome.
There is no need to be loved. 

If I am an inner games winner, I will automatically feel good and be more motivated. Then my positive mindset will have a considerable impact on my results (the outer game - bam!). 

Lesson learned:
My success is not a specific and countable result, my success is a constant process. 

Everything we do with a certain inspiration and inner impulse, doesn´t tire us too fast. As a positive side effect our PRO-attitude will help us to be even more efficient at what we are doing. 

Success is a debt to be collected at the debtor´s residence 

The focus on the inner game requires a lot of self-discipline. You may lie to others but you can´t lie to yourself. If you don´t give the very best at what you are doing, you will know that by yourself. 

If you were a successful football player and your coach told you to concentrate on your continuous improvement during the day-to-day training, to furthermore maintain a healthy way of living and stay focussed on your personal aims, then fulfilling these requirements would be your personal commitment

In the long term your constant focus on the inner game will help you to improve yourself - and then start winning the outer game as well. The players who just considered the outer game - external influences and expectations - wouldn´t success in the long term. They would try to be perfect right a way without working on the real problem (themselves). 

We rise to a challenge 

Only where life has a meaning, contentment can evolve. 

The meaning in this context is: self-improvement. We rise to the challenge to constantly improve ourselves, highly concentrated and extremely entertained. Once we have understood that it´s not about the success but about the process to get there, then we win. 

Remember: even the inner game is still a game! Sometimes you win, and sometimes you learn. But you cannot lose. 

Winning is not about externally measured success, it´s a personal process. Global players are moving themselves in highly competitive and nontransparent markets, where recognition and appreciation of success are rare. That´s why it is important to focus on the inner game which means ALWAYS GIVING THE VERY BEST. That´s our personal commitment - the promise we give to ourselves. Once we have understood that winning happens by appreciating our own self-improvement, we won´t ever lose again. 

I hope you enjoyed the read.
Good luck and happy games, Steemians! :)
Marly -

Picture sources:
Inner game quote:
Downgrade dream quote:



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Too cool!!! Thank you so much!!!
Now I remember that I have got another SteemTrail token left from one of my last posts. I hope I don´t lose it since a lot of time has passed already....

No problem. Just remind us. It'll help if you can link the article, in case we can't find it in our logs after this much time.

Really great information presented. I had to change me inner game as well. You can look back on my blog posts and see I was just after the money. We can take on the challenge of self-improvement.

It´s not wrong being after money. We just need to know that it´s not the most fulfilling approach of all...:)
Thanks for your kind feedback!

I thought it's not wrong being after money and it's not with how the works today, but why do I need an incentive to do things in life? Can't one just choose to do something without the concept of having to exchange anything of value? It's fulfilling if you believe it is.

Very good reading! Resteemed!

Thank you so much!!!
I am happy you enjoyed it :)

Oh that´s highly appreciated!! Thank you @hilarski!

Rule no. 1: Don´t be against the fact that life isn´t fair.

the most consistent winners are those who never give up

the second most consistent winners are those who give up from time to time, but nurse their wounds ASAP and jump back in the fight

That´s SO true!
Thank you for the adding :)

working on it.

heute hat ein Freund gesagt: " man muss es einfach mal machen"


Mein Bruder Max würde antworten: 'Alle sagten: das geht nicht. Dann kam einer, der hat es einfach gemacht.' ;-)

Yeah, we are all working on it...

Needed to hear this. Winning the inner game today. Thank you for sharing @surfermarly! :)

Hehe, I am happy to hear that :-)
You are welcome! Thank YOU for stopping by.

Great work. Very thought provoking as always :)

Thank you @sgtechservices! I truly appreciate your kind feedback and support :)

It's my pleasure @surfermarly. I'm always happy to support someone that puts so much effort into her work.

Good post, resteemed.

Oh, thank you! Too kind!
I am happy you considered it worth sharing :)

Thank you for writing it. Some minor semantic issues I might contest, but the overall message is great. Many people get frustrated, disillusioned and feel disenfranchised with how things work. Getting back to doing what we do for that thing itself, and not rewards or validation from others, is important for people to understand.

That´s the point. It needs some life experience (age) to get there, but once we have realized what really counts, we´ll do much better.

These semantic issues will follow me still... English is not my no. 1 language, but I hope it will get better blogging as much as I can :) If you have a minute and don´t mind, I would very much appreciate some corrections (here or in the

The major thing is the title itself: Why winning is a choice and not a result. The reality is that winning requires the inner game aspect as you describe it, in order to succeed int he outer game, as you also said it. The title is misleading, because winning is a choice indeed, but winning is also a result that demonstrates an accomplishment externally, having accomplished some inner development and understanding first. The internal is validated by what it can do with that knowledge and understanding, for without doing something, nothing is done, and there is no actual winning being created in reality. It would only be a "winning" internally that would not manifest externally. I hope I explained that well enough ;)

Also, you use a tick ´ for apostrophes. I wonder if you can find the single quote/apostrophe? It doesn't really matter that much, just thought I would mention that as well.

Ah yeah now I got it! Well to be honest I have chosen a controversial title on purpose. They usually gain more attention :-)) But you are absolutely right. From a logical point of view winning isn´t really a choice - it´s the desire to win. Thanks for clearing that.
And yes, I have an apostrophe problem :-D I don´t remember who was it, but there was another user who commented that some weeks ago. We had a quite good laugh about it actually. But it seems that I don´t want to learn the lesson, haha
Again, thanks for your time and support spent!

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