STphotochallenge - Street Photography - is that juts an ordinary car?

As my second entry for Street Photography theme, I want to present you another photo I took in 2016 when I was visiting Cuba. This is from Trinidad to be more specific. But it is not just a photograph, it is photograph with a short story. Here it is.

Fiat 126p was produced in Poland from 1973 up to 2000. It has a special meaning for Polish people and it's strongly connected with Polish politics during the communist period which is up to 1989. Back then, to own the private car was considered as luxury good. Cars availability was strongly limited and salaries were very low. So, Fiat 126p was indeed the first popular and affordable car for ordinary families. As you can see it is a very small city car, but in fact, it was the only choice for most families if they want to own a family car. But... the production was not sufficient and families had to wait a couple of years to buy this car. Really.

Can you imagine my surprise when I saw this car on the Cuban street in 2016? :)

Click the photo to enlarge - it looks way better then!


Shot with Canon 5D Mark I and Canon 24-105mm lens

Feel free to also check my first entry for this challenge :)

I'm posting many more photos on Steemit, especially in my Poland is beautiful series. I strongly encourage you to check it out and follow me/resteem if you like my work. Cheers!


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Ha. Tyle wspomnień z kaszlakiem. Akurat moi rodzicie nigdy kaszlaka nie mieli ale ktoś w rodzinie miał i najpiękniejsze w tym aucie było to, że jak już zgasł mi na światłach i nie chciał znów odpalić to się dał na pych odpalić bez problemu. I to wtedy gdy sam pchałem (z koleżanką w środku).

Dało się tym nawet na wakacje pojechać. Jechaliśmy kumpla kaszlakiem w Bieszczady - trzech dużych kolesi, bagaże i gitara. Nadal nie mogę zrozumieć jak się mieściliśmy. A jak się popsuł to sami tymczasowo naprawiliśmy, praktycznie jakimiś śmieciami z bagażu i czymś znalezionym przy drodze.

I mój pierwszy wypadek. Koleś wjechał w tył kaszlaka kumpla i to tak ostro, że silnik był na tylnej kanapie - a nam nic się nie stało bo złamały się oba przednie siedzenia (nie miały zagłówków).

Tyle wspomnień :-).

Great shot! :) My uncle used to have the same car

Yeah, I also had one when I was 17 :)

beautiful , I love the colourful houses. Cuba is one top of travel bucket list.

It should, but if you want to know the real Cuba, go by yourself ;)

Thanks to the communists cars produced in Poland like Fiat 126p or 125p was exported to partnership countries. It's nothing unusuall in Cuba beacause there are more oldmobiles even from 50s'. I want to visit someday this country from that reason.

Yes, I know that. but I didn't expect to see it there, well at least not working ones. I have the whole set of photos with cars from Cuba ;)

Tom Hanks should upvote this post ;)

Hahaha he should indeed :D

@imperfect-one what a perfect Photography . Very Nice Picture. Wish You luck in the contest. I hope You win it. Totally deserving. Nice Work. Upvoted and Followed. :)

FIAT 126P for polland, probably have the same meaning of the first FIAT 500 for italy during the '60 economic boom.... I had both the 500 was my first car just as i got the driver license, and i used also 126 for a short period some years after.... congrats for the great photo.

Yes, I suppose those cars are a huge part of history for both our countries. I'm glad you like the photo. Cheers :)

An awesome shot and such a colorful street
Even better with the personal perspective on it

I have the similar filings, that's why I choose this photo to the challenge. The photo is just Photo without any story behind it, right?

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