Introducing the Words Driven Adventure - A Story to Build Together

in #storytelling6 years ago

Let us try something bold - an ongoing role playing adventure that would challenge our writing skills and imagination. Running on posts and comments. I think it is quite possible to achieve something good given we come up with a good structure.

I will lead such an experiment, starting right here. While I don't mind if others do the same or spin-offs to our story occur. That I actually encourage. It may become necessary to split in groups after a while, anyway.

Just a watercolour practise of mine as an inspiration. It might depict a small part of a small part of a world we may someday set a foot upon.


I believe I have enough experience in traditional role playing games to be able to simplify things by disposing of dice rolls, complicated rules and focus on the story building, creativity and decision making.

The unique thing about this one - words are power. Words will be your main resource and it will change in time.

Your role as participants

To invent original characters, and to navigate them through the story, under the rules I will describe below. The setting I will also provide below will allow for an almost unlimited variety of characters.

Through their background you will also have the possibility to world build upon the flexible foundation I will give you.

Their minds, bodies and will (and background) are up to you. You decide how they will act and what they try to achieve. This last part is the most tricky for new participants to understand properly, so let me give you an example:

You can't say 'I grab his hat and I disappear behind a corner'.

You can say 'I try to grab his hat and disappear behind some corner'.

My role as a Host

To create the environment and set the restrictions under which you develop your characters. To describe the consequences of your character's actions and to provide new situations, challenges and rewards.


  • Word limit - each guest author starts with 300 words per week. You may split them among as much posts/comments as you choose. Those recharge to maximum each Sunday at midnight, Greenwich time. You cannot save words for later but having words in your reserve before the end of the week allows you to react to situations and having them all spent leaves your character a bit more vulnerable. You will be awarded additional words as a reward for certain achievements;

  • No disrespectful conduct between participants, please;

  • Give me and the others time to respond;

  • Be patient. Sometimes days may pass without a response from somebody. The others just continue following the word restriction and recharge rules;

  • Mark your 'in-game engagement' or 'entries' parts of your comments or posts with [WA]

  • Mark your meta comments and social engagement with [META]. For instance, if you want to ask me something;

  • Comments without [WA] mark will be considered meta. Unless pretty obvious that you just forgot about it. One post or comment may contain both [META] and [WA] parts;

  • If you make separate posts, use the #words-adventure tag and leave links to your posts under my weekly posts that will be calling you to action. Most of the interaction will happen there;

  • Mention the authors you wish to interact with 'character to character'. Use the above marks. The mention does not count towards your word limit. Only texts starting with [WA] count towards that. Those are the fiction parts;

  • Take note of the 'Characters' section below;

  • I don't know. Rules will change to make things better and easier for everybody.


Will come unexpected at first. The I will have to adapt so they remain unexpected...

  • Words - your weekly word count will increase by exact amounts which I will 'hand out' personally with a mention in my summaries;

  • Story 'awards' - thing that we will learn about the world, in-game assets and sometimes losses. Which does not mean you deserve to be punished, just... you know, story;

  • Interaction;

  • Upvotes, transfers of either SBD or STEEM, sbi shares or sponsored treeplanter upvotes (if you do not want those, you need to specify, i.e. let me know when you join), etc. Happening without a promise, without particular order but with some reason that triggered me...


  • They need to be at least forms of sentient species. It is not a shame to be a human. Humans are quite diverse whereas intelligent coffee vending machines or bee hives might be quite streamlined;

  • Let's stick to one entity per author for now;

  • You may define one special ability for your character. Its boundaries will be redefined in the progress of our story;

  • You may define two qualities that work well for your character and up to two more such qualities at the cost of a balancing drawback each;

  • Your character has to be able to communicate;

  • You don't have to reveal all of your appearance or all of your background at once but clues will be appreciated;

And now - the Setting and the prompt situation

At the 204th issue of Intergalactic Ancient Cultures Convention on Altair Prime's moon a precious relic was expected to be brought forth for the first time. Its contents - finally immortalized as part of the virtual libraries of the Subspace Web. 'The Complete Halloween Encyclopedia' from Old Earth - thirteen tomes in hard cover of authentic Old Earth oak.

And it was stolen. The admiral of the Courier Armada had immediately resigned upon confirming the fact that it was, indeed, missing. His act was of no consequence whatsoever to the attending billions.

What mattered to everybody was that somebody would do such an act of barbarism and what threatened one culture's artifacts threatened the principles of civilization itself.

A committee had to be organized and something done to restore peace in the multitude of minds...

This is where you step in, first, by introducing yourself and your possible reactions to the news.

Manol out.

P.S. Except that I would like to invite people I met across the writing and other creative circles. I will mention just a few but I hope you share with others as well.
@jayna, @calluna, @loreshapergames, @vdux, @mariannewest, @felixgarciap, @bananafish, @blockurator, @ntowl, @f3nix, @delishtreats, @ediblecthulhu, @improv and soon others. Forgive me, I have to go now.


Thank you for the shout out. This looks interesting!! But I am getting ready to tackle NaNoWriMo plus more posting to the group for that endeavor and feel that I can't commit to anything else.

Resteemed and upvoted to help to get more eyes on this.

Thank you and I wish you lots of inspiration! I will be travelling, working on other things and this is why I will not officially do NaNoWriMo stuff while at the same time do some writing when I can. I might still find the time to register and go in, who knows.

I will try to participate in #freewrite activities, anyway.

This is interesting. I'm not sure I have my head wrapped around it just yet. But I think it would fit in well with the Speculative Fiction Writers of Steemit Discord group.

Thank you, I will look into it. And no pressure, there are no obligations to participants. One could do it from time to time only and still be some part of it.


I stand before the Committee, having received the same memo as everyone else.

"Arch Dafter, of Decassatus descent, in case the ear's didn't give it away. You made the right call in inviting me here today, as they say, it takes a thief to catch a thief. Cat's may always land up their feet, but we of the Decassatus, the ground rises up to meet our step, we never fall to need to land. The universe guides our paths, and today, it brought me here to you."

I am distracted by a scuttling across the room.

"Oh my, what a cute spider!"

[META] Thanks for taking a part! You have 198 words remaining this week and 2 new words awarded.

I will make a new post tomorrow and call you all to action before this week is over.

Good night and I hope I see you soon.



ohhh sounds interesting :D :D :D i like the idea

do i have to create a post to introduce my character or can i just put a few sentences here for now?

i wanna play a character who has a spider pet. the spider's maybe as big as a tiger size. it is a timid spider, might look intimidating but really just want nice, cozy corners to feel safe in. the character is a technical person of some kind :D

Yes, you may do it here. You may do it through comments if you like, no need to make separate posts. You may even have me consider what you already wrote, starting with 'I wanna...' towards you word limit or you may make a new wording of your own again if you want to introduce your character more elaborately.

I am happy about people liking the idea :)

Aaaaaaah AWESOME awesome~

[META]Character submission!
[WA]Olligar Hoom: 31 years old man, descendant from a bloodline of Shadow People. Was unfortunately called Oilier when was younger. He inherits a Shadow creature that has been passed from generation to generation in his family, which has, like, dwindled away... The creature is a tiger-sized spider, who answers to the name of Argathrax! Though it looks VERY SCARY, it is a timid animal who likes long naps and safe spaces. Also, it likes fruits. Mangoes, especially.

[META] Hows that??? :D???

[META] Thank you! I really have to go so I will read it tomorrow.

[META] It is a good start, thank you.

This week you have 223 words remaining, 2 new words already awarded, so next week you start with at least 302 (further involvement will most likely increase those).

What I would still like to see is something to show what Olligar's interests are.

The spider Argathrax may be equipped to withdraw to a custom subspace that consists of a small mango forest. Withdrawal to it and coming out of it would cost a you a few words each time to initiate the action. You may accept or decline this in meta text. Or you may reveal it later in WA text.

See you around,


[META]Okei, after Manol approved my char, i am here now to reply with my chara's reaction to the news!!! \o/

[WA]Olligar was internally screaming. This was not a weird thing for him. He did this all the time, though very few knew about it since his face was pretty much dead-pan most of the time. He was still trying to improve on this 'emoting' business that seemed to be a prized preoccupation of some species.

News had just broke about how a few different 'tomes' appearing at various places in the galaxies, each of them claiming to be the real one, which was, well, silly, considering that it was reported to be stolen. But then again, some people probably were born with different priorities. Apparently, being a criminal could be considered 'pretty hot' in some sectors, and would increase one's sex appeal. Apparently. Olligar wouldn't know ANYTHING about things like that.

However, there WERE things he was super adept at. One of the things was that he was one of a very small numbers of technical officers that had studied, labored, suffered, graduated, and attested in the field of Artefact Verification.

Olligar was still screaming internally. He was able to do this thing for a long stretch of time now, after years of (silent) practice.

As his messager beeped, his screaming intensified. It flashed: "#Report4Duty. 0900 hours at the newly formed Committe", with capital C, "at the headquarters' conference room."

[META] Sorry if this isn't how it was supposed to be done XD i've never participated in anything like this. Feel free to steer / yell at me if I'm doing sommit weird (at any time)

[META] Word count: 220

Thank you, and please give me a day or two to reply, I am on the road right now...

[META] No worries :D :D :D Take all the time <3

[META] Well, it's mostly ok and I will not change it yet. At the end of the week I will give you all some additional guidelines. Until then I will not change your work in any way.

@veryspider, you have... wait for it... 3 words remaining this week. I would advice you to wait for the weekend when I may present some opportunity for everybody. Cutting things out of your entries will be a skill to develop. Still, you are awarded 2 new words for getting into the action and for giving us clues about your character's personality.

[META] hahahahah i've exhausted my words in one go !

... thankfully it's friday here rolls around

i will wait for additional guideline :D

I'm in. I think i can adapt to any story thrown up. I'm seeking to develop my writing skill and think this is a very great step should we kick off

Welcome, glad to have you in! Check out what the others are doing in the comments around here and step in whenever you feel like it.

[meta] the introduction counts against our three hundred words? Meta posts count against the 300?

Posted using Partiko Android

Greetings and thanks for the questions! The introduction does count - it may be in fiction form. It may also include some action. The style is up to you - sometimes few words may have a lot of content behind them. Like in poetry. Poetry is allowed.

Check out the piece that @sarez submitted by link.

Meta posts do not count. If you have more meta questions, please, do ask freely.

[meta] K.
[Wa] Oak tree, 90' tall, leafless, voice like leaves rustling in the wind.
"My ancestors gave their lives for this. I shall join the retrieval expedition."

Posted using Partiko Android

[META] Awesome! You have 275 words remaining this week, 2 new words awarded so next week you start with at least 302 words. More to come for future interactions.

[WA] You hear voices close to whisper nearby but still quite audible for you:
'All this must be pretty painful for a tree.'
'Don't worry, they have thick barks.'
It is not obvious whose lines those were.

Super Idea @manoldonchev
I'm getting my character in first:
Any part that doesn't mesh I will write away- Mike does not have to be related to the theft of the Encyclopedia.

[META] Hello, once more, @sarez. I've gone through your post and I liked the way you entered. And I consider it a good idea to give people like you some more freedom. I may still correct some stuff in the future but no need to do that now.

So your post, besides introducing your character, gained 3 more words for you to use next week. This number may increase before this week is over. So as of now you have 211 words remaining of 303 total to recharge. I will not post your content here right now because that may bring people to you and create some favorable interaction between all of you who take part.

A summary will come near week's end, anyway.

[WA] Ria Gallant does receive a reply by an 'old friend' program running additional analysis and it states: 'Our only find that might be of interest to you, Major, concerns the time period specified. A black out with the same length was experienced recently regarding scientific equipment orbiting Bob Marley, Rim sector 25. This was also the period required by the oldest models of Subspace Diving Craft which would nowadays be owned by private collectors only for no obvious practical reasons.'

Hey, great! Welcome! I will check it out. Don't worry, everything evolves naturally, we just need to start somewhere.

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