Behind The Orange Mirror - #2

in #story6 years ago

Behind The Orange Mirror



Sonya held the mysterious item in her hands, wondering where it had even come from. It was a decorative dagger made entirely of one piece of metal. The metal was rough, and the blade was dull. She questioned if it would even be able to cut anything. There were strange markings engraved into the handle, which faded at the blade. It looked heavy, but felt surprisingly light. Why had the little girl dropped such a thing when she had turned into whatever that dust was?

Sonya had so many questions, and she hoped the mysterious voice would come back and give her some guidance. She didn't think she would be killing demonic little girls, or was that just one of the many things she was tasked with? What exactly was this job for, anyways? She pocketed the dagger, and let out a long sigh. Strange colored mirror in one pocket, and useless dagger in the other. What could be next?

She decided it was best to get out of the theater, in case it somehow became a crime scene. She had technically just murdered someone... or something. She closed the creaky doors behind her, and searched for the quickest route back into the busy part of the city. She wondered if they had coffee in this world, because she needed some. It was either that or vodka. She wasn't sure the latter was a good idea, considering there might be more strange creatures to fight.

It wasn't long until she smelled what she assumed was coffee and baked goods. She followed her nose, and when she turned the nearest corner there was a big sign with a coffee cup on it. Score! She walked in the front door, and a sense of dread came over her. Something was wrong here. She let out another long sigh, and pressed her fingers to her forehead.

Did she even have currency for this world?

She quickly walked back out the door, and made her way to a small alley so that she wouldn't make some sort of scene. She dug around in her pockets, checking to see if her wallet had somehow materialized with her. There was no wallet, but her hand did bump into something else. A small metal box was deep in one of the pockets of her jacket. She pulled it out, and looked it over. It was just a plain metal box with a latch. Nothing fancy. She opened it up, and there was a ring, some weird balls that looked like marbles, and a thin metal card. She eyed the small card. It looked the same size as a credit card.

She decided to suck up her pride, and give it a try. What was there to lose? She slowly made her way back into the shop, read over the menu for a bit, and ordered something that sounded somewhat normal. She nervously handed the employee the metal card, and it felt like time was moving in slow motion as she watched the young man slide the card through the reader.

Time went back to normal when he handed her the card with one of those fake smiles plastered across his face. She quickly grabbed her coffee, and escaped to a seat in the corner. Some things never change, she thought to herself. At least she had money, and coffee. She didn't understand where the money came from, but that was the least of her worries right now.

She had almost finished her coffee when she felt the familiar warmth in her pants pocket. She thought maybe it would be a good idea to start keeping the damn mirror in her coat pocket. The warmth felt really awkward when you weren't expecting it. She pulled the mirror out and sat it on the table, as she sipped the last few drops of her coffee. It showed a bridge, and she almost spit her coffee out. She looked around to make sure no one had noticed, and picked the mirror up to get a better look. It was a large bridge with lots of lights on it, but there was something else. There was a glowing orange spiral in the water below. Once she had taken the image in, the mirror went back to normal. She shoved it back into her pocket, glad that she was at least caffeinated now.

She was going to find that bridge, and she was going to find some answers.

To Be Continued...

I'm trying to express a bit more of Sonya's character during the whole introduction of this story. I hope things are easy to follow. This story could get confusing pretty easily. I think if people continue to read it, that I might do a Q&A at some point for those who have questions. Things will be explained soon though!

Also, being worried that you wont get your coffee is a genuine worry! ^_^;

Thanks for reading!

Previous Chapters:



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