A fairytale puzzle - solve it if you dare (Steemitbloggers Contest)

in #story6 years ago (edited)
This is not a story that starts in a land far away and it is not a story that happened long long long time ago. This story starts now and it starts here. It starts with you. I will open a door which leads in. Enter all ye who dare...

Welcome. I am glad you opened your mind and suppressed your fear. That tingling feeling you have in your left leg is completely normal. It is expected. Your nerves are starting to respond to impulses your eyes are receiving. As you are reading more of these words, that feeling is spreading to the rest of your body as if you are somehow being pulled into the letters shown on the screen. You have nothing to worry about for you are starting to enjoy that tingling sensation, aren't you? I know you would. Do not forget to blink. Whatever you do, do not forget to blink.

Can you hear that? What is that? Where is that noise coming from? It is my voice and you are hearing it in your mind. You are reading this in an unknown female voice and my words are echoing in your brain. I will be your guide through this adventure and with each sentence you will be one step closer to ending this. What do I want? I am just a small fairy that needs your help and you will help me, my happiness depends on it. Your happiness depends on it too for every fairytale needs a hero and I have decided you will be mine. You will not rest until you get the satisfaction of being triumphal at your task.

There is no leaving this story until you finish your secret mission, until you solve the fairytale puzzle. I will be in your mind until you do and by saving me you are saving yourself from me or I will be stuck in your head forever. You do not want that, trust me. Fairies get wicked and devious when kept in captivity for too long and you do not want me whispering mean things in your ear, do you? Solve the puzzle and I will leave you be. You will be free of me and I will turn to my natural happy self. Are you ready? Good. Here is the puzzle:

Read these words carefully. In them lies your salvation. Only one of them is the correct way to start, only one marks the beginning of your journey. Read them again and try to find the first one. If you find it, I will assist you in unlocking this. Ups... I think I already helped you, silly me. What do you need to unlock magical messages?

You need a magic key, of course. I will give it to you freely. Your magic key is : "ANAGRAMS". The words you were given hide different meanings in their letters. You need to rearrange them to solve this puzzle and set me free from your mind. From these ten words, a message is hidden in eight of them. We already eliminated magickey, now we have to eliminate one more...

Who am I?
You know this...
Who am I?
I explained myself in the beginning,
why would I then be among the words.
Who am I?
What eight words are you left with?

Excelent! Now that you have your 8 words to decipher, the best place to start is the beginning. steemitbloggers is our beginning, our first word to use. Blink twice for me, please. Thank you. Now you know the answer, don't you? Oh, sure you do, watch the letters rearrange in your mind...

Two of those are abbreviations, lit obviously stands for literature but what is GG and what kind of robes are gg robes? You will find your answer on acronyms.thefreedictionary.com. Since this is the second of two abbreviations, it is only natural that it is on the 22nd place there. Go and count the listed definitions until you find the one we need. Did you find it? I know it has everything to do with my favorite color. There are no coincidences here.

I am a green fairy, always have been. Do you believe in green things and how they can save our planet? What is green energy anyway and what does it have to do with me being in your mind? Oh, just about everything. Common little hero, let's continue. I have a feeling this will only get harder if you do not pay attention. What is our second word we have to decipher? Castle? Hm... Let me give you a little hint... What country do I come from? It is written on my main blog page. If that hint is not good enough, here is another one: what kind of energy is enabling you to participate in this? How is your computer powered? If you think about those two words (my country and the thing that is powering your computer) and look at the word castle, what anagram will you get?

You can imagine us two driving into the sunset in this beauty but that is just wishful thinking. Why would I go with someone like you? I only drive with intelligent people and by what I have seen so far, you are far from being intelligent, aren't you? I mean, I have been helping you far too much and you were thinking about the puzzle far too little.

Sorry... That is just my wicked side popping out because I have been trapped in your mind for too long. I would love to drive into the sunset with you. You are a lovely hero and are doing a great job of rescuing this damsel in distress. Thank you. Are you ready to continue? That c letter is bothering me, is it bothering you too? I have an idea. If we change the letter c with the number that represents its place in the alphabet, what number will we get? A is 1, B is 2, and C is 3. That means that we need to decipher the next 3 words together. 3 of them together will give us our next anagram. Let's see what we get. I should mention that I am getting a bit hungry. Can you imagine someone in your mind that can make me something to eat? How lovely of you. Oh yeah, the anagram... Here you go:

When I am happy and fluffy and nice, I do not normally eat men but I did mention what happens to me when I am held in captivity for too long. Are you going to risk it? Hurry up!!! We are running out of time and I am getting more devious by the minute. Imagine some figs and feed me in your mind and let's get going to our next puzzle piece. We have only 3 more to go and the clock is ticking!!! I think we need to speed this thing up! The next word is curse. I already know the answer to this one, do you?

WHERE?!?! Where do you need to cure the s?

HURRY!!! I am getting more wicked. Look at the next word! goblin.
What does goblin mean?!?! Hurry!!!

IN BLOG? Cure s in blog? What does it mean?
WHAT IS S?!?!?!?!

Hurry up you lazy ass,
do not make me stay in your head forever and ever and ever and ever!!!!
If I stay in your mind, I will torture you and you will hate it.
I chose the wrong mind to get into... You are incompetent...
I am already becoming too wicked... Please help me...
I do not know how much longer I can stand being here...
There is no telling how mean I will get...
You only have one word left to decipher...
What does treasure stand for?

S are true? So... You have to cure s, that are in blog and when we wonder about what s are we get s are true? What does true mean? I think we are so near to solving this. If we get back to the beginning, I think everything has had a clue about this. gg are what to each other? T and L in tesla word are what to each other? 3 lines in number 3 are what to each other? 3 lines of words, in our anagram with 3 words, are what to each other? HURRY!!!!! They are...




They are parallel to each other!!!


What is the symbol for parallel? How does that symbol look like? If s are true that means they have that sign on them somehow.


Do you know what you have to do? Have you done it already? I will not give you the answer for I am too wicked and mean now to help you. Only you have the power to set me free from your mind and turn me into a happy fairy again. Only you have the power to become free of me. If I stay in your mind, it won't be pretty. Do not say I did not warn you. What kind of ending will this fairytale have? Will it be a happy one where we are free from each other or will I continue to live inside your mind and torture you for eternity?

Finish the story.
Solve the fairytale puzzle..

Image sources:
- cover image is from png and is royality free, you can check it out here
-Green Tesla car is from here
- the two remaining images are from pixabay and are free for personal and commerical use, you can check them out by following these links: pixel2013 & GDJ ,
- gif images of anagrams I made myself using the web page wordsmith.org/anagram




Uh oh... I think I'm stuck on this page forever... No exit for me!

Uh oh... I think I'm
Stuck on this page forever...
No exit for me!

                 - bengy

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Damn it! Must be hitting 15 by now!

Oh @bengy, even the haiku bot is messing with you... :D Hitting 15? Is that meant for the haiku guy or me? :D

For haiku... I appear to have a hidden talent. I seem to collect him once or twice a day!

Man, that key in the eye pic is freaky!

lololol, I think he is in love with you. Well... maybe he can help you to solve this and get me out of your head. But let me tell you a secret, you already solved it and did what you needed to do, psssst, do not tell anyone...

This is soooo trippy! And so fun. And so original. And I need to come back later when I have attention and can sit down and focus. I'm unpacking the house right now. This deserves my attention. So cool.

Good luck, I am sure you will love it even more when you can really focus on it, let me know how it went 💚

Very COOL!!! I'm in awe of your talents in this story!!

Thanks for sharing this post on PYPT

I got my Snook Approved sticker!!! Yeah baby!!!! Thank you honey 💚

You, my fellow steemit blogger, are a genius! I'm trying to think of something awesome to say but it would not be enough in comparison to your writing skills. I can't figure out the puzzle, especially in the morning lol. I hope someone can do it. I wanna know the answer!

You know the answer, somewhere in your mind it is just hiding from you :)

I'm sorry that I ruined your life. It's the ADD. Please stop whispering that in my ear, I am not doing that, ever.

Okay, fine. I will do it this one time.

You will do it again, and again, and again... And I will never stop whispering...
:D :D :D
Thank you for making me laugh, your comment is wonderful!

My brain hurts.

That is just me making myself feel at home in your mind... :D

Well done! Don't see any answers... yet!

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Maybe the puzzle is too hard and maybe I am living in a lot of minds right now :)
Thank you for your support 💚

Just had another look - maybe use the #puzzle or #puzzles tag.
Ages ago I posted a cryptic crossword I compiled myself - got zero answers; plenty of comments but nobody knew how to do them! So, either go where the audience is or start off lightly and build up the mind-set needed - like my #brainsteem maths questions.

The end part is "dollar" or "dollars" - not sure if there is more to it before.

I added that tag, thank you for that advice! 💚
Your answer is correct and many people without even realizing, did what they needed to do because what do dollars have to do with any post on steemit? I choose to think that every person who upvoted this solved it but just did not want to share the answer with others LOL :D To cure S in blog is to cure dollars and to cure anything means to get it nice, healthy and big right? :)

Yeah, solved it!! :-)

As I said, kinda requires a cryptic-mind. The word "cure" is also in "curing meat", like the delicious parma ham, so that it takes time to reach the goal.

It's funny that people "gave away their answers" :-)

This excellent post was included in the latest issue of The Inbox Runneth Over. Stop by when you have a minute and see what else I found along the trail. Your companions here are all interesting in their own way, and your support for this project and especially its occupants would be very much appreciated. Thank you for everything. Have a lovely day!

Thank you 💚💚💚

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