My Entry to the Constrained Writing Contest #5

in #story7 years ago (edited)

This is my entry to the writing contest by @svashta. The challenge was to write a story that does not make sense until you read the last sentence. I hope you enjoy this shortstory.

I am hiding from your eyes. Yet, the illusion of my being is your making. I am scared of fading away in the darkness or when you walk away from me. Am I for real? Your eyes avoid mine as well. Are we lovers or enemies? I cannot tell. Is one of us real or are we both only shapes and colours? Is there an inner world within you, and am I who I think I am within myself? Am I changing because of you or is it you who I am changing? Are we ever in charge of our action? Is there any action at all?
You dance and I dance with you. Finally our eyes meet. Black is your pupil just like mine I guess. But how can I know, the only one I have seen is you. Darkness and a beam of light. I wish I could hear the music you are dancing to. I wish I could smell you and break through to you. But the border is firm and only the image can pass it. Your pupils widen and tighten again. I can not tell if you look at me in hatred or with love. Why can`t you tell me? Please help me overcome the distance. I think I have forgotten the way out… If there ever was an emergency exit out of this.
You stopped your dance and I quit on it too. My time is over now. You have made up your mind. You do not have any time for me no more. I wish I could hold you back. I wish I could be at your place. I wish I could live. But with you looking away I vanish. I was the girl in the mirror.


Lots of Light and Love <3


Amazing story! Very, very, very well done! Left me puzzled until the last line, which is exactly what it was supposed to! :D

I got criticised by @rocking-dave that it's a somewhat hard challenge for a contest and yet you delivered this masterpiece. :D

Thank you very much for your entry!

Thank you very much for creating this challenge. It was lots of fun :) I hope more people will participate now ;) I think the task was actually really nice and I am looking foreward to the next one ;)

I'm very happy you enjoyed it! :D

I see these kind of challenges more as a chance to learn and grow as a writer than writing stories based on writing prompts. Part of the idea is to push you out of your comfort zone and write something a little different, whatever the idea you're trying to convey might be.
Many times when I write myself, I will give myself similar (or identical even) challenges also. It's fun to alter your writing style at times ^.^

I hope so also! :D
And I'm looking forward to you entry! ;D

OMG you are so beautiful! and the story it is magical!!

Thank you very much :D :D :D That gif is very funny <3

I also prefer liquid soap over hard.

Haha, this photoshooting was not at my home but at a castle in Wrodow a view hours drive from Berlin :)

I am still looking to the castle mirror!! like a portal

I am impressed with that photo!! and yes is very funny !!!! lol

plz follow me

Do you like to dance? You have physic similar to dancer girl

Holy smokes this was a beautifully haunting yet fantastic read! Goosebumps for sure! Congrats on this wonderful story of reflection.

Thank you very much :) I checked out your blog and I follow you now <3

The question is who you are when there are no mirrors - a beautiful lady of the future @yoganarchista
Now I will write one story in this context, maybe I succeed

oooh, it’s such a wonderful story ^_^

Great article and Steem On!

Excellent writing my friend ;) I enjoy a lot ;))

Thank you very much :) I am happy to read :)

A very beautiful story. At the end of the story I found a girl in front of a very beautiful mirror. Greetings love in the beautiful story @yorganarchista

Thank you very much <3

You are welcome my friend.:-) :-)

haha that's a great story indeed, i really enjoy reading it, i might not guess it exactly if you not write that last sentence

I was the girl in the mirror.

and also a image below, Stay awesome and thanks for sharing.

I am happy the last sentence was a surprise for you. I was not shure if the picture might tell to much before reading. Thank you for your comment and support <3

yes exactly the picture only reveals the stroy in the end not in the beginning before reading the story it's difficult to tell what that image is for but in the end it tells that you are actually talking to your own shadow.

nice job and great pic (as everyone else has said)!

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