Ray Pearce; the Story of an Alien Abductee...Chapter ThreesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago

Chapter Three

The Flashbacks

Its nine o’clock Wednesday morning and Ray it is on his computer looking for a job, he types out a C.V and after just twenty minutes begins to job hunt. After sending his CV to five different job openings Ray decides to have something to eat. Half way through eating his egg on toast Laura enters the house “I have created my CV and sent it to five different job openings” Ray informs Laura “well let’s hope one of them come through” Laura exclaims “I’m sure they will” Ray insists as he takes a bite of his toast. Laura begins to put some shopping away “don’t forget you got an appointment with the psychiatrist at three o clock” Laura tells Ray. Ray smiles “how could I forget that” he answers.

It’s two o clock and Ray is getting ready for his appointment, he is suited and ready to go when his wife comes down the stairs holding a pile of dirty laundry. Ray walks up to his wife and gives her a kiss “I will see you later, I love you” he tells her as he walks out the door. Ray gets in his car and begins to drive he is driving for just five minutes when the radio in his car begins to make a static sound. He quickly turns off the radio then he notices his phone is lighting up and picks it up to see why, as he as he messes he can tell something is not right “what the fuck?” he asks himself as his phone seems to be opening apps and websites on its own.

Ray looks at the road just in time to notice that the traffic in front of him had come to a complete stand still. He breaks sharply and manages not to hit anything and he realizes how lucky he was. He puts the phone down and decides to concentrate on the road when something in the sky catches his eye “what’s that?” Ray gasps to himself as he sees a ball of light floating in the sky.

The light just sits stills as Ray takes glances as he tries to keep his eye on the road. Much to Ray’s amazement the light suddenly zooms off and out of sight making no sound and leaving no sign. Ray takes one more look before again being forced to break sharply due to the traffic in front of him coming to a halt.

Ray arrives at his destination he is waiting for his psychiatrist in the waiting room when suddenly he remembers something from his childhood. He sees his brother (Marcus) but a young version of his brother his playing on a field. Ray runs over to him and pretends to shoot him with a plastic gun. His brother runs off in to the wood “don’t go too far” their mother shouts as they run away playfully.

Then they stop Ray says “I am going to shoot you” but suddenly Marcus is not interested in playing. Marcus is looking at a tall figure he can see in the woods he begins to walk towards “Marcus, where are you going?” Ray asks “what are you looking at?” he asks again as Marcus ignores him. Then Ray notices it too “who is that?” he asks his brother “I don’t know” Marcus answers.

They walk up to the figure slowly and are only about ten meters away when Marcus falls over making a noise that disturbs the figure. The figure turns around Marcus and Ray see its huge black eyes on its strange scary looking non-human face. Much to the horror of Marcus and Ray the figure is joined by another and both look at Marcus and Ray intensely. “Run” Ray shouts and Marcus and Ray quickly begin to run back towards their mother. Ray remembers telling his mother of the experience but his mother seemed dismissive “children and their imaginations” she laughed.

Ray is deep in thought when his name is called he quickly snaps out of it and makes his way to speak to his psychiatrist. Ray tells the psychiatrist about losing his job and waking up in his own blood and admits he has a drink problem and the psychiatrist offers him counselling and further advice via a variation of leaflets. “Take a look through them and see if there is anything there that you believe may be beneficial for you” he advises. Ray takes the leaflets. And begins to tell of his flashback “childhood memories that seem real to us as children and then throughout adulthood can unwillingly and unwittingly be fabricated by the brain” the psychiatrist explains. Ray is unconvinced by the answers he is getting but remains polite and open to suggestion.

“I would like to introduce you to a colleague if I may?” the psychiatrist says as he continues to write notes “yes if you think he can help?” Ray answers. “His name is Brian Andrews, he is a hypnotherapist, and he is very good and experienced in similar cases to yours” the psychiatrist explains. “Shall we say Wednesday again?” the physiatrist asks “Wednesday is good with me” Ray confirms.
Ray looks at his watch and sees it is five minutes to four and begins to walk to his car.


Ray Pearce; the Story of an Alien Abductee...Chapter One and Two https://steemit.com/story/@wolvoman80/ray-pearce-the-story-of-an-alien-abductee-chapter-one-and-two

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