Ray Pearce; the Story of an Alien Abductee...Chapter One and TwosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago

Chapter One

The Psychiatrist

Ray Pearce is talking to his psychiatrist about his strange reoccurring nightmares “I’m lying in bed when suddenly I hear a noise” He begins to explain as he nervously rubs his hands together. “I know I should get up and investigate because the children are in the next room but I’m too tired and I decide to stay in bed. Then I hear the noise again this time it’s louder and wakes me up. I decide to get up to see what is happening but I can’t move” Ray explains. As he stops to take a sip of his drink his psychiatrist notices Ray shaking as he places the glass on the table next to him “Then I see a face, its glowing green, very ugly like a goblin or a demon or something, the face smiles at me, it’s a twisted smile with a sinister look to it.”

Ray stops talking “what happens next?” The psychiatrist asks, Ray still does not respond, he looks lost in thought. “What happens next?” the psychiatrist asks again this asking louder. Ray snaps out of his apparent daydream.

“The face is taunting me and I still can’t move, I attempt to lift my hand up to stick my finger up at it but I can barely raise my hand from the bed.”

“He wants me to look to the left of me” Ray explains “but I am still struggling to move” he adds. “Has he told you to look to your left?” the psychiatrist asks. Ray shakes his head “no” he answers “not in words anyway but I know it wants me to look to my left” he explains.

“After a struggle I finally mange to turn myself around and look to my left” Ray looks visible nervous “what do you see?” the psychiatrist asks “it’s dark” Ray answers “at first I can’t see a lot but then my vision begins to clear and I can see outlines of people standing in the room. They seem to be communicating with each but not with speech or sound but telepathically. Then they all turn around and look at me.” Ray carries on explaining as he looks nervous and fidgets.

“They’re not people” he explains in a terrified tone “they’re dark grey skinned and I am still struggling to see them but I can see they are not human and they look interested in me. It’s like they are talking (telepathically) about me and what they are going to do to me.” Ray begins to cry.

“What happens next, Ray?” the psychiatrist asks as he notices Ray has slipped in to another day dream. “They begin to walk to me; one of them touches me with a strange metal stick.” Ray stops talking again “then what?” The psychiatrist asks “then I remember nothing” Ray answers “its seven o’clock in the morning and my alarm clock wakes me” he adds.

The psychiatrist continues to write when his receptionist interrupts “your next appointment has arrived and scheduled to begin in ten minutes” she explains.

The psychiatrist looks at his watch and then looks at Ray and says “I would like to see you as soon as possible” as he looks through his dairy “what about Wednesday at three o’clock?” he adds “Wednesday three o’clock is good with me” Ray answers as he picks up his jacket “I’ll see you Wednesday” he confirms as he walks out of the room.

Chapter Two

The Family

After a twenty minute drive Ray is back home, his wife Laura walks out to greet him as he parks his car on his drive “how did it go?” Ray gets out the car “waste of time” he answers “he wants me to go back Wednesday” he adds as he shuts the car door and walks to the house.

As he walks in he notices the house is very quiet “where are the children?” he asks Laura “they have gone to my mom’s she said she will bring them back at about seven” Laura answers. Ray walks to the fridge and gets himself a beer as Laura watches “so that’s your plan, just sit here drinking yourself to near death again?” Ray opens the beer and ignores his wife as she continues to talk about his drink problem.

She storms of upstairs as Ray quickly drinks his beer and gets himself another. The door knocks and Laura comes rushing down to open it. It’s the children nine year old Jack and seven year old Lucy with Laura’s mom. Laura gives both of the children a hug and they both quickly run over to their dad.

“Where you two been?” Ray asks playfully “nanny took us to the park and get some ice cream” Jack answers. Laura’s mom Mandy is a retired teacher and has in the past struggled to see eye to eye with Ray. She leaves the house and calls Laura out with her “is he drinking already?” she asks “he’s had a couple it’s not like he is drunk” Laura states in his defense. Mandy shakes her head “disgusting a full grown man like that drinking this time of the day” she mutters “it’s after seven o clock” Mandy shouts as she walks to her car.

Laura walks back in to the house and looks at the children as they sit on their dad’s lap telling him about their day. “Come on then kids” she shouts as she begins to walk up the stairs “time for a shower and bed” she adds Jack and Lucy give their father a kiss and run upstairs, Ray gets himself another beer.

Its half past nine by the time Laura comes down the stairs “the kids are asleep” she shouts to Ray as she enters the kitchen, there is no response. “The kids are asleep” she shouts again but there is still no answer. Laura walks in to the room only to see Ray asleep on the couch. She turns out the light and walks out of the room leaving Ray downstairs.

By the time Ray wakes up he has no idea what the time is, it’s very dark and Ray struggles to see anything. Ray desperately tries to find his bearings but it’s so dark he cannot do it. Suddenly Ray blacks out.

The next thing he remembers is waking up face down on the floor as he raises his head he notices blood “oh shit” he says to himself as he attempts to get up but fails and ends up back on the floor. Ray does not even realize that his wife his behind him until she coughs to get his attention. He manages to get up and then looks at his wife “you had a few last night didn’t you?” she asks Ray looks next to his chair and sees a piles of empty bottles “you turned the light off” he moans “It was pitch black, I fell over trying to find my way out of the room” he adds as he walks upstairs “where you going?” Laura asks “for a shower” Ray answers. Laura looks at the blood “well I had better clean up this mess” she moans to herself.

After just ten minutes upstairs Ray rushes to the front door dressed in a suit “where you going?” Laura asks, Ray looks at his watch “work some emergency meeting bullshit, I don’t think I will be gone for long” he explains.

Upon Ray leaving the house Laura gets the children ready for school when walking to the school she is surprised to see Ray driving back home, she waves in an attempt to get his attention but he does not notice her and he drives right past. “That’s weird” she says to the children as they continue walking the school “I wonder how come he is back already?” she adds.

When Laura gets to the school gate she gives her children a hugs and kisses “have a good day” she shouts as the children run to their friends on the field. Laura smiles to herself as she begins her journey back home.

Laura enters the house to see Ray sitting in front of the TV with a beer “its half nine in the morning” she moans “how come you are not at work? She asks. Ray laughs “because I don’t have a job anymore” he answers “they’ve gone bust” Laura holds her head in her hands “how you going to pay for this place without a job?” she asks in a concerned tone, Ray shakes his head “I’m just going to have to find something else, it can’t be that hard” he calmly says “I will start tomorrow” he adds as he takes a sip of his beer.

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