in #story6 years ago (edited)

Entry into Calluna's "Tell me a story" - A Thermal Apocalypse

'The sky is dark with plumes of volcanic ash. The sun hasn’t been seen for months - Earths’ surface resembles one massive volcanic disaster zone; and it is. The lack of sun has caused temperature to plummet, and it is about to plunged earth into its next ice age. It could’ve happened sooner if the insulating effect of the ash cloud wasn’t acting like a greenhouse and trapping the heat from the volcanic eruptions. Slowly but surely, the cold is winning as each day heat seeps away through gaps in the dark mantle.'

‘Over the entire surface of the earth, humans and creature alike may be surviving in small isolated pockets – and each day the disaster which came to a head three month ago, may be claiming more victims. Humans with an intellectual advantage is the most prone to adapt, but the lack of ready resources is nullifying the advantage. For the human species it is a race against time; and it’s less than a fifty-fifty chance at this stage. Our only hope at this stage lies in creating self-sustaining colonies cut off from earths’ now, toxic atmosphere. Ahead in the survival race, are bacteria, viruses and fungi partial to temperature extremes and to the cocktail of chemicals now freely available in the atmosphere, followed by insects and subterranean creatures; led by cockroaches. We have an epidemic them feasting on remains and rotting flesh and beasts and humans alike. The air we breathe is now a wash with toxins such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid and nuclear waste. We have a limited time to defend against this threat – that’s if the effects aren’t already irreversible.’

‘My name is Gerhard Snyder, and I survived the disaster which ended life as we knew it; for how long I do not know. I’m not an expert but I can relate the matters as I saw it unfold. It all started five years ago when world renowned geologist Prof. Von Waldheim made an announcement concerning mysterious sink hole which were occurring all over the world, including some identified on the ocean floor. “The earth is shrinking,” he announced after years of extensive research. To the question, why? - He responded, “The molten core of the earth is running out of fuel which causes it to burn cooler, for this reason it is shrinking. A cooler body in general tends to shrink.” As time progressed, the planet continued to shrink, and more sink holes where reported worldwide, at an ever accelerating rate. The earth’s crust literally began caving in on its core; the core using its own crust as a fuel – the planet was cannibalising itself!’

‘About 1 year back the airs’ ambient temperature began dropping which was the misdirection for the first paradox. The cooling of the earth core had a direct influence on air temperature. As the phenomenon went viral due to international media attention and government warnings, the vast majority of earth’s inhabitants invested heavily in protection against the first wave, falling temperatures. Yes, the temperatures fell dramatically all around the globe, but the worst was yet to come. They should’ve been weary of the second, third and fourth waves as some of my prepper buddies and I were, thus we’ve managed to hang on. I now live in a well stocked bunker on one of the remaining solid pieces of land left on the plant; a 50 thousand square kilometre solid granite vein which we identified in our research. All land outside of this vein and others like it is likely to be freshly formed. I live in one of 30 concrete underground bunkers established by our 500 hundred strong community. Our biggest threat comes from survivors outside our community wanting our resources. We’ve killed many over the past few weeks; a necessary evil. There are no more governments, and there are no more laws.’

The second wave of the phenomenon occurred 3 month ago as the as continents and mainlands separated at geological faults, and started sinking. The increased pressure on earthen molten forced ten thousands of tons of liquid molten rock to spew out along these faults; mega-volcanic and tsunami activity played out simultaneously worldwide; swallowing massive unsustainable land masses. These were accompanied by the highest degree earthquakes. Catastrophic infrastructure failure and loss of habitat had wiped out half of earth’s population. Cold was replaced by searing heat from volcanic activity. People well equipt for the cold were frying alive...

The nightmarish hell, was only beginning when the third wave kicked in; nuclear facilities and weapon installations were laid bare by natures’ fury. Out of control facilities were ripped apart by seismic activity, spewing toxic radiation into the atmosphere. Atom bombs detonate randomly, and the planet braces for more. I don’t know for sure, but only small communities of preppers’ could’ve have survived on stable pockets of land such as ours; and of course those being in the right place at the right time. Outside of a community such as ours they are the walking dead. The world was burning...


We brace ourselves for the final test of our endurance and survival capability. Will mother earth ever recover from the nuclear winter which is befalling us? Will we produce enough generations to witness that day? While our portion of landmass is relatively stable; the construction of multiple inter-leading domes to shield our community and bunkers from earth toxic atmosphere, has been hampered by frequent earthquakes and aftershocks, sometimes measuring up to 5 on the Richter scale. Here on our modern day ark of granite - we soldier on; our lives depend on it and the survival of us the human species...

Personal Log - 2075, September 25

Wishing You - Love, Light and Peace

Rights Reserved @whitelite



G'day whitelite,

Nice post, I love me a little Apocalypse.

Friendly @Asapers advice consider using the writing tag instead os say prepper or curie.

Writing tend to have a better payout and has more readers than a tag like prepper, and the curie tag isn't really used by their team for curation you could use ocd-resteem instead as that tag is checked.

Kind Regards


Thank-you for the advice @shai-hulud. I will be sure to remember this.

Do you mind if I ask what's prepper? Thanks.

It was a tag he was using prior to shai letting him know about the other tags he could use. Im guessing it meant like some one who prepares for an apocalypse. Maybe lol...

Yes, exactly that!

some one who prepares for an apocalypse.

A win for the good guys :) Thanks for confirming for me @whitelite.

Yes, after years of prepping they need to all of that into action to save mankind...lol! Perfect for my story.

@whitelite I can see that. it was a great story. :)

@whitelite 😀Glad I got that right, I have met a few preppers in my life and for some reason, they always come from the US.

I'm not so sure, that I'm fond of the idea that the next wave of humanity will be all American...Hha!

Hmmmmm, me neither, I mean Trump?!?! Im sure it would be good TV watching though. Lol...

HHa... Hey! They even have prepper reality shows...

Thank you @insideoutlet .. Shai's comment was really spot on and I was wondering - in a moment of naivete - if it was another useful tag/community. You never end to learn here on Steemit. I use the ocd-resteem tag sometimes, it's a very good advice. I would just like to add that, last time I checked the guidelines, it should be used only once a month and, in any case, wisely for worthy posts (like this one). All the best.

You learn something new everyday, I didn't know you should only use it once a month, in all honesty, I haven't read the guidelines I just stumbled onto it once through @anomadsoul and use it on the odd occasion I think a post is worthy of their attention. so I probably follow the rules by fluke more than design. :)

If it's not strictly 1 per month its something about that. It was nice to meet you @insideoutlet. Other than learning you never end to meet cool steemians (what a fun avatar!).

Haha thanks, my selfie face, cant keep my mouth shut and nice to meet you too.

Very good story, I hope you can enjoy these in the future.

Thank you, my dear. I do appreciate your comment ;)

This is interesting, thanks for the share

Thank you for your comment. I gave the contest a go.

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Thank-you @c-squared, I thrilled that you've reviewed my post and found it worthy of your upvote! :))

I think that you gave life to a new paradigm for any catastrophic fiction scenario.

Hello @f3nix, I've been a long time admirer of your writing skills, and your project finish the story contest. I never had the courage to venture, doing it.

While I'm a believer in "there is nothing new under the sun" - I could attribute the "new paradigm" to "fresh eyes" as I am completely ignorant of this genre and it's limits; being my first attempt at it.

Thank you for your kind words, @whitelite. Feel free to explore the project as its aim is just that of fostering creativity in a friendly environment. I love eclecticism and experimenting, it doesn't matter if you're ignorant in a genre, as long as you're capable to let your creative side flow freely. Just my two cents :-)

You're welcome, it's well deserved.

Thank's for open invite, let's see if I can get some creativity flowing more than once. ;)

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