They Didn't See It Beneath Them FINAL CHAPTER # 12 (Original Story)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Chapter 12: The Megalodon Meets The…

The Navy was unsure on what method to use next to interact and capture the Megalodon, so the Navy had decided to request a large carrier plane from the Air Force to fly to the ocean over the last known location of the immense shark.


The carrier plane was deployed immediately and was transporting a large machine inside built specifically for intercepting the Megalodon.

Inside the large carrier plane was a specially dense triple steel and titanium enforced submarine drone shaped like a shark, the best of its kind.

The strongest metals were used for the manufacturing of this drone to withstand the crushing bite pressure of two fully grown T-Rexes, making the drone’s armor more than strong enough to protect itself from the Megalodon’s massive and powerful jaws and teeth.


It was also built to withstand any tackling or high-pressure impacts from either side of its metal body with auto-rebalancing functionality if it were side swiped or tackled in an encounter. It was the size of a torpedo and streamline-designed for speed. The drone was 9 feet long and 2 feet wide with four propeller engines, allowing it to move as fast as a Black Marlin fish, the fastest swimming fish in the entire ocean.

The submarine drone, like the Black Marlin, could reach speeds of up to 80 miles per hour underwater and was agile with its ability to maneuver in quick sharp turns.

The drone was also equipped with the best visual cameras with infrared and night vision to see through the darkest times and places of the deep oceans, and it was also built in with state of the art, specialized neon light high beams. The drone was the Navy’s final attempt at tagging the Megalodon with a permanent GPS device that could not be removed so easily as the last one that they had lost to the Blue Whales. This new GPS device would be penetrated deep inside the Megalodon’s belly with a powerfully shot needle with embedding hooks that would secure the needle’s position.

The large carrier plane reached the last known location of the Megalodon and lowered itself closer to the ocean’s surface. The Air Force’s soldiers on board opened the back door hatchet of the plane after unhooking the submarine. They strapped themselves into nearby seats and sounded off a short alarm. The alerted pilot lifted up the front nose of the plane, tilting it upward, making the submarine drone inside the holding compartment slide smoothly out of the plane and dropping it into the ocean. The silver plated submarine drone immediately began to send out sonar waves of sound to detect any large marine animals, fish and whales out to thoroughly search for the Megalodon.

The Megalodon had rested for a little while and the bruising on its side was healing bit by bit. The swelling had gone down from the collision of the Blue Whales. The throbbing pain that was in the shark’s head had also disappeared and faded away, and it was ready to track down the mother Blue Whale again. The colossal shark whipped its tail, propelled forward, and started to track down the Mother Blue Whale. It wanted to taste Blue Whale meat again so badly, that the Megalodon was determined to find the pack of Blue Whales and attack with more stealth and ferocity this time around.

The submarine drone picked up a very large sea creature and began to check it out as it increased to its maximum speed to close the distance. When it arrived within 200 feet of the creature, it identified the creature as a 82-foot long Giant Octopus wrapping its tentacles around a shipwreck.


The drone turned away from it and continued using the sonar waves to try and find the Megalodon shark somewhere else nearby. It picked up another even larger creature and began venturing forward towards that sea animal to identify it, in hopes of it being the Megalodon.

After pressing forward and swimming for a great distance, the Megalodon had followed its nose, successfully picking up the scent of the Mother Blue Whale. It had been tracking and stalking the Mother Blue Whale unnoticed for a stealthy ten minutes, and the shark was below the Mother Blue Whale by 300 feet. She was no longer bleeding from its wound that the shark had previously given to her in their earlier encounter and this time she was by herself. The Megalodon decided that this was the perfect time to strike.

The shark sprang into action and bolted forward, pushing through the waters creating swirling clusters of bubbles all around its body as it breathed through its side gills. 300 feet away and the shark was swiftly closing in on the Mother Blue Whale. 100 feet away now, and it stretched its jaws open to the maximum. It was aiming directly for the large tail of the Mother Blue Whale to cripple her on impact, so she wouldn’t be able to swim properly or maneuver away. With one last jolt forward during the beginning of the shark’s menacing attack, the war-ready Megalodon had its eyes now covered by a glossy, clear layer of protective skin.


The shark was only mere inches away from the Mother Blue Whale’s fin. The jaws slammed shut and clamped down on the whale’s large tail like a Giant Clam does to an unsuspecting fish swimming into its mouth. The Megalodon ended up biting off the entire tail in one crushing bite.

The tailless Mother Blue Whale began to flail and spin out of control, screaming in pain and anguish. Blood spewed out of the open wound with rapid force like a Giant Octopus

or Giant Squid

was spraying its protective black ink into the water when escaping away from danger.

The entire area became a dark, maroon red and the more the blood spilled out of the whale, the more ferocious the Megalodon became from the sweet scent. It started snapping away at the Mother Blue Whale’s dorsal fins, and then at the lower sides of her waist and belly. Chunks of whale meat were ripped off left and right. The Mother Blue Whale let out a last and final, ear paining, penetrating and deafening cry for help. As the final distress call of her deathly demise echoed throughout the ocean for miles, the whale became nothing more but a floating, lifeless body. In the far distance, a similar sounding whale cry came from the depths of the ocean, but it wasn’t anything a Blue Whale would make. It was a deep, low frequency growling; a moaning cry, and it was easily three or four times as loud as the Mother Blue Whale’s cry was. Its sound vibrations were so loud and strong, that they shook the ocean's currents slightly off balance. Still, the Megalodon paid no attention to it.


The Megalodon was so busy chewing away at the dead mother Blue Whale’s body, that it didn’t notice that the submarine drone had snuck up behind the shark from beneath and penetrated its tubular needle deep into the belly of the Megalodon. The Megalodon reacted to the familiar sharp pain and swam around in a figure eight before clamping down its jaws onto the submarine. A few dozen teeth broke off upon impact of the first bite. The submarine drone’s steel and titanium armor was tough to break, but the Megalodon managed to dent it badly after a few more successive direct bites. It left the drone alone and swam back to the Mother Blue Whale's carcass to continue eating. It ignored the pain from the GPS device embedded inside its belly. The drone, still intact and functional after being attacked by the massive shark, had completed its task and was heading back towards the Navy’s station.


As the Megalodon kept chewing away, the drone was making its way through the dark ocean waters and its neon lights were on. Its sonar wave equipment, which was still sending out signals, had detected the largest marine mammal it had ever recorded. It was larger than the Dunkleosteus, larger than the Megalodon, the Giant Octopus and still larger than the 101-foot long female Blue Whale from the whale pack. This new creature was humongous. It was terrifyingly big. The data of the drone was sent immediately to the Navy’s headquarters, but before the Navy’s team could direct the drone to do anything further, they lost contact with their drone and the signal went dead. Their drone was no longer operating and they had no other way of communicating with it. The drone was crushed into mere dust and the Navy still had the GPS signal of the Megalodon Shark, which was nearby. They turned their attention to the shark’s location.

The Megalodon, at this time, had chewed through 90% of the Mother Blue Whale’s body and left the bones exposed and most of the flesh and meat was already consumed. It turned away from the dead body, and as it turned away, it came face to face with a black hole. It was like a massive cavern, but it wasn’t a cave. At the top and bottom of this cavernous opening, were tremendously sharp, carnivorous daggers.


The cave opening was actually an extremely gigantic mouth. Hundreds upon thousands of teeth surrounded the Megalodon and the 68-foot shark didn’t even realize that this massive creature in front of it was swimming slowly forward, engulfing the shark completely into its titanic mouth. Its cold, black eyes felt nothing and the entire energy of this creature was nothing but power. It closed its mouth and jaws on the Megalodon, darkness blanketing the shark, and the shark was crushed into oblivion without any chance to react or resist. As for the GPS device, it was broken down along with the shark leaving no trace of its whereabouts or signal to follow up on.


The mountainous monster the Megalodon had encountered was called, The Bloop. It was so gargantuan in size, so mammoth, so immense and unreal, that if it wanted to, it could swallow 5 or 6 Megalodons with ease and still be hungry. Its mysteriousness and seemingly invincibility only added to its biblical proportions. Its weight is that of a hundred Blue Whales, and its length is half of a mile long. It has no predators, and it hunts and consumes anything in its way. Such a being of supernatural strength and presence could never be tamed, killed or subdued by anything here on Earth. The Bloop is a legendary creature that has been given many names, but its most famous name is one that brings fright and terror to those who know it well. The Bloop is still and always has been…


the Leviathan.

The End.

Thank you for reading Chapter 12, the last chapter in this series. Hope you enjoyed the story in its entirety. Be sure to do your own research on "The Bloop" and learn more about what is being discovered deep down beneath in our oceans today. I'm onto the next one.



Written By Verbal D & Co-Inspired By My Lil’ Bro Jacob

All Gifs Used From

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!


Wow man .. so much energy in this .. & great visuals!!

Thank you very much for noticing the hard work, I also appreciate you reading and commenting. After about a week or so, I remove the photos, and I only keep the gifs in my stories to avoid any copyright issues. The actual photos are just a temporary bonus visual for now.

yeah for sure @kurtbeil, I agree the visuals @verbal-d has made into an integral part of this gripping story !! nice one indeed !! upvoted MrD )

oh.... shark!!
it's very impressive...^^

Thank you very much, I'm happy you are impressed, hope you enjoyed the entire story.

Very cool story, I like how Bloop just turns up like a boss :)

Thank you very much for your comment and feedback. I also enjoyed writing about the ending as well. i wanted the story to end with something big! Who knows, maybe I'll continue another series based around The Bloop, but we will see. Did you get a chance to read all chapters? Hope you enjoyed every one. Much appreciated.

I started following you on chapter 9 I think. I will look into your previous chapters for sure. All the gifs and pictures add to the story. Very nice.

Thank you, I removed many pictures from the previous chapters to avoid copyright issues, but there should be definitely a handful amount of gifs to keep you at bay (pun intended) while you delve into the previous chapters. Thanks for the follow, I didn't realize you do gaming posts, you've gained a new follower as well

I finally finished this, because I knew it was the chapter and I didn't want it to end, but I finally caved in.

Another twist at the end, you always kept me guessing, I just kept guessing wrong.

I so enjoyed this great story, thanks for being creative!

Thank you for reading bro, I really appreciate you taking time out your day. Sometimes stories end with a dull downward slope, so I wanted to always keep it interesting with the twists and keep things suspense fully off balance. Now I'll have more time to read other's stories such as your own.

Cool, and I did think that you ended it well!

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