Pearlescent Poems # 12: Spiritual Awakening Part 4 (Original Poem)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Nightmares & Fright Scares

This is in direct correlation with Part 3

We woke up that morning, and headed downstairs, it was just my cousins and I
Grandma Eleanor was gone, so we carried along, and decided that some eggs we would fry
I opened the fridge, above on the ridge, a cereal box hit the ground
I thought it was strange, maybe yesterday, at the edge had I placed it there down

I opened a cupboard, to pull out some spices and again we all heard something start falling
Again and again, many things were knocked down, what we found at the top was appalling
We headed upstairs, which led to some shelves that was directly in front of the staircase
Underneath were the cupboards filled up with clean towels,above on the shelves, where picture frames were all placed

Astonished and shocked as we stood there and gawked, mouths dropping, realizing what happened
We were freaked out, to even speak out, it was something we'd never imagine
Each family photo, each frame that had stood, was now laying down on its face
Whatever had done this, maybe was disgusted, all the love in the photos now disgraced

I don't think you realize how many picture frames there were, keep in mind this is my grandma's house after all
A very dark energy, strange ambience and aura, had filled up that place through the walls

We headed outside and stayed long as we could, hoping for my grandma to return
What happened later that night, to myself, me and it, was something I now can discern

I fell asleep and fell into dream, which, inside this dream, woke I from another dream
So follow me clearly, I felt more than weary, still laying in bed when things got extreme
Waking from this other dream (while still dreaming), I walked out my room to the top of the stairs
The same top of stairs, behind me the frames, looking down at the bottom, waited I as I stared

I was on edge, nervous and scared, as the thing showed its face from the hallway downstairs
I first saw its nose, then black beady eyes, the mole on its face, its scraggly black hair

The same description fits my great grandma Sara, but this fraudulent creature below was distorted
I braced myself as it flickered, Lightning? It was quicker, towards me up the stairs, had it teleported

Not just one teleport move, but the stuttering kind, my heart was exploding as this demon came close
So close to my face, locking its eyes to my eyes, it breathed heavily low and my nose near its nose
I felt its intentions, it wanted to kill me, truly end my life, rip my soul as it spears me
A horrific image of my grandma, it had used strong against me, a monstrous expression, evil eyes it had clearly

I woke up from that dream, this is real life now, the presence was here and on top of my chest
I struggled to breathe, there was no way to leave, my body, into the mattress, it was pressed
Something physically heavy, sat directly upon me, my head felt chained and locked to one spot

I jerked at my limbs, the hallway light was most dim, the light was for that which I'd fought

I couldn't open my mouth, to speak out any words, my eyes frantically searched as I focused my mind
I prayed in my head, no more fear it was fed, for the power I sought was divine
Dear Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior, deliver me please from this evil upon me
You think it's a joke, until you need it the most, but the evil released me so promptly

I never felt such a calming of soul, a clearing of mind and wholeness of body

I didn't wait long, I jumped out of bed, and didn't sense anything oddly
Although I was saved, by grace from this maze, this story does not end at this rescue
It's an on going war, for my soul and for yours, so I end this last note with a God Bless You

Thank you very much for reading this real life experience in its entirety. I hope it held your attention to the very end. Just to clarify, the only part that was a dream was the manifestation of the old hag demonic entity posing as my dead great grandma Sara, which then woke me from that nightmare to antagonize me further before it released me.

I write these series of parts for a reason and I respect whatever criticism you all may have despite of my own thoughts and disposition.

All Gifs Used From

Next post coming tomorrow 5:30am Hamburg Germany time


upvoted! awesome. i really love poetry. you could check mine and give me a critic :-)

Thank you very much for checking it out @annesaya and giving feedback. I love poetry as well, I will definitely check out your poem and give you constructive feedback.

I had similar experiences, with the Name of Jesus evil disappearing @verbal-d

I also have false awakenings, and sometimes the last leads to sp :(. I am not sure I am doing well reading these so late at night considering my own story. I confess I am not religious though I have an utter respect for all beliefs if they imply goodness, so I believe it saved you, that light, I do not get in names or explanations. As a child I was the best behaved good spirited child I could have, still have an obsession to worship innocence. I suffered this every single night, my first memories as a baby (as back as not eve two years) were this "other" world. My first memory :/. It happened every single night since 2 to 17, milder after but still frequent. So my shield is also denial. There is more to it. I will share my poems are songs but they are romantifications and my way to convey it through art. The raw scary stories I admit I would not write fearing I would be taken as a nutcase. Still I do not say it is real but it is perceived like so. What is what we feel but an interpretation of our brain? But I conclude my journey for tonight, still must listen to the songs but will do tomorrow from computer.
Pd. Check "the god helmet" syndrome.
More soon
Best regards. I will get back tomorrow. Sweet "dreams" (I mean it) ;)

Yeah it has happened to me fairly frequently as well but since praying up and rebuking these spirits in the name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they have stopped, which I am grateful for. And definitely our own mind can trigger instilled illusions and manifest fears as well, it is all related. Thanks for taking time to even look at these. Hope your sleep is uninterrupted as well, best regards also

As I say I may not be religious but I am spiritual. I rather be honest because honesty matters. Maybe as a shield, we all find out ways to overcome. If you found comfort and protection in your praying I do believe you and I am really happy it works for you. In my case I got obsessed to remain unstained in spirit (as much as we are all flawed, I simply try to instill light in my thoughts. Transformed all those monsters into misunderstood creatures of fog, branches, shadows, not evil but misunderstood) though my sp are scary I can weave fantasy stories, including even forgiving "them" do I make sense? Still out of something "bad" came an unexpected good outcome. The same way in your case made your faith stronger and protective. Light, shadow, we serk balance we counteract, but I have seen people giving it an unhealthy interpretation too. All the best. Sorry the topic is something I could talk for hours, fearing I write something weird. Though it is sp and it is weird.

No need to apologise at all, glad we could converse on this topic. It is a vast depth of mystery left open to interpretation by many. May your experiences allow you to have future peaceful nights. I definitely see how you wield the power of your mind to your benefit

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