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RE: Pearlescent Poems # 12: Spiritual Awakening Part 4 (Original Poem)

in #story6 years ago

I also have false awakenings, and sometimes the last leads to sp :(. I am not sure I am doing well reading these so late at night considering my own story. I confess I am not religious though I have an utter respect for all beliefs if they imply goodness, so I believe it saved you, that light, I do not get in names or explanations. As a child I was the best behaved good spirited child I could have, still have an obsession to worship innocence. I suffered this every single night, my first memories as a baby (as back as not eve two years) were this "other" world. My first memory :/. It happened every single night since 2 to 17, milder after but still frequent. So my shield is also denial. There is more to it. I will share my poems are songs but they are romantifications and my way to convey it through art. The raw scary stories I admit I would not write fearing I would be taken as a nutcase. Still I do not say it is real but it is perceived like so. What is what we feel but an interpretation of our brain? But I conclude my journey for tonight, still must listen to the songs but will do tomorrow from computer.
Pd. Check "the god helmet" syndrome.
More soon
Best regards. I will get back tomorrow. Sweet "dreams" (I mean it) ;)


Yeah it has happened to me fairly frequently as well but since praying up and rebuking these spirits in the name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they have stopped, which I am grateful for. And definitely our own mind can trigger instilled illusions and manifest fears as well, it is all related. Thanks for taking time to even look at these. Hope your sleep is uninterrupted as well, best regards also

As I say I may not be religious but I am spiritual. I rather be honest because honesty matters. Maybe as a shield, we all find out ways to overcome. If you found comfort and protection in your praying I do believe you and I am really happy it works for you. In my case I got obsessed to remain unstained in spirit (as much as we are all flawed, I simply try to instill light in my thoughts. Transformed all those monsters into misunderstood creatures of fog, branches, shadows, not evil but misunderstood) though my sp are scary I can weave fantasy stories, including even forgiving "them" do I make sense? Still out of something "bad" came an unexpected good outcome. The same way in your case made your faith stronger and protective. Light, shadow, we serk balance we counteract, but I have seen people giving it an unhealthy interpretation too. All the best. Sorry the topic is something I could talk for hours, fearing I write something weird. Though it is sp and it is weird.

No need to apologise at all, glad we could converse on this topic. It is a vast depth of mystery left open to interpretation by many. May your experiences allow you to have future peaceful nights. I definitely see how you wield the power of your mind to your benefit

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