@Jedau & @Verbal-D's Post-Game Scrabble Stories # 1: Solo Assassin (Original Short Story)

in #story7 years ago (edited)


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The objective of the collaboration post is simple. I have lost every match so far to the skilled Scrabble samurai @jedau and I vow to avenge my continual death at his crafty war-blade, but fortunately, we have made an ancient pact to craft legendary stories using every word seen on this prophetic game board. Our battle was fierce, but his weaponry and swift, methodical swordsmanship bested my every tactic. Now I shall write you a thrilling tale to the best of my creative and imaginative ability in this very moment right now, following my humbling defeat. @Jedau shall also post his own interpretative story in due time, so for now, please enjoy mine...

Solo Assassin

Cee Liao mounted her majestic, jade-adorning Tapir. Every last Yen she paid for this imported exotic creature was worth it. She lived extravagantly and dangerous, showing off her riches and her prideful ego to anyone willing to bend their neck towards her way. Her husband, Reh Liao, was a weapons collector, so much so, that he would man a German Panzer, which he acquired from a hot-tempered general, who had owed him a favour for saving the general's children from a neighbouring rebellious regime last year. He would go everywhere across the lands, rumbling and crushing vegetation and natural habitats in his gargantuan tank, and gab often about his explorations and conquering conquests of newly acquired lands he ruled.

Reh Liao had a dual personality, as most emperors did. They appeared to have a certain balance and poise about them, but turmoil and darkness, a twain of evils overshadowed whatever goodness remained left dormant in his freezing heart. His eyes often gave icy glares and if you crossed him, he would jot your name down in fine ink and have his alertest men drub you to a slow, tortuous death with any weapons of their choice.

One day, a group of men, who called themselves the Muro Martians, planned to unionise to overthrow this wicked man, and steal his beautiful wife, Cee Liao, to have her to wed their leader Wae Eme. They congregated for a week, planning their attack while surviving on nearby caught crabs, which were steamed and cooked, and floury pastries prepared by their women. The group would attack in three days time as planned, but the following night, El Re, the youngest of the group of men, snuck out of camp early to take matters into his own hands so he could claim glory and fame for killing the emperor and retrieving the royal would-be widow. He brought a bow and a strapped bag of poisoned arrows and was able to noose an Emu on his way to the palace of Reh and Cee Liao. He smacked the Emu towards the front entrance towards the guards awaiting at the front gates, and as the Emu caused a distraction running towards the guardsmen, El Re swiftly climbed a barricade on the side of the main palace, stealthily avoiding any alarms.

He didn't have much time, and needed to make haste. His mo would be coming soon, and he didn't want to jeopardise this only opportunity. A guard came around the corner, and El Re quickly subdued him with an arrow in hand, shoving it into his neck and grabbing the clothes off the deadman, hiding his body and getting redressed in a new disguise.
Royal guards qua emperors' chamber watchmen, stood before Reh Liao's bedroom where he and Cee were preparing for sleep. El Re, dressed as one of the guards, came up the hallway and fibbed with an aggressive and passionate performance commanding, "We have urgent orders to regroup with recruitments at the front entrance. There is a mob out front of the palace and we need to prevent any possible intrusions and quell the rebellion. Ready your weapons, let's go!" The men, compelled by his convincing conviction, without much further thought, rushed from the door and down the stairs towards the main entrance. El Re readied his bow and arrow and opened the chamber's doors.

He spotted Reh Liao and shot off an arrow quickly, splintering his dome into pieces, brain matter flowing out like raviolis. Cee Liao screamed in her sleeping robe and El Re quickly restrained her, covering her mouth with a cloth and tied her arms, pulling her towards the exit. That is...until greed pulled his eyes toward the gold and diamond encrusted Sphinx statue next to their royal bed. He couldn't stop staring at it, admiring its beauty. He had killed the emperor, he had the widow, and now if he could bring along this Sphinx statue to the group, his three feats would be legendary. As he held Cee Liao in one hand and reached for the Sphinx statue with the other. Cee Liao thought quickly...Either run for the door and scream or fight! She chose the latter.

Cee Liao, trained in the art of Ki Roo Ed, jumped with both legs as a Kangaroo and leaned forward yelling out "Hi-Ya!!!" twisting her head and body away gracefully, yet still falling with force towards El Re successfully slamming her head down aimed perfectly on to El Re's unexpecting dome as he had gripped the Sphinx statue. A thudding blow brought him crumbling to his knees, leaving only a medium headache for Cee Liao. Cee yelled out "Ow!" but El Re was losing consciousness and crumpled over nearly convulsing into shock due to brain damage.

The guards arrived due to all the commotion and retrieved El Re's unconscious body and brought him before the council to be judged to death. Nurses came to aid Cee Liao, who began to weep and mourn over Reh Liao, and the guards quickly retrieved the emperor's lifeless body as Cee Liao was relocated to a more clean location, free from heartache and bloodshed.

That night, the entire palace chanted out "Xi, Xi, Xi, XI, XI, XI!" as a hundred arrows pierced the body of El Re 'til the last drop of blood drained from his still corpse. His face, frozen in agony and pain.

The guards tossed his body out front of the palace a couple hundred meters as a warning sign to anyone else from the Muro Martians group. Needless to say, no one dared try to penetrate the palace's grounds for the next few centuries from such a horrific tale and outcome of the brave yet greedy El Re.

All Gifs used from Giphy.com

Next Post coming tomorrow

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My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!


Happy Halloween!!
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Thank you, appreciate the greetings. Hope you are well after all the frights and scares

What a story

Thank you for reading, it was quite the rush to write in the moment

aahahaha, bro, the entire story borns for a scrabble game? love it.

Yes indeed bro lol, glad you love the concept. More to come soon, it makes for good fast flash fiction story writing practice. Thanks for reading and giving support

i can't see videos all the day because the internet, so i use my time reading steemit, that's a good idea for practice something that you enjoy do.

Yeah I know what you mean, reading is also good, and yeah I love workplay, writing lyrics, and learning new words, and scrabble is a great game, which I can now turn into stories

totally, i never played scrabble in my life but i know how it works, you know what a ''cadaver exquisito'' means? is when you start some writing or painting or whatever and other people continue the work, at the final you got a bit of everyone who write or paint or something in the thing that you want to do, it's a good exercise too

I have never heard of that before, but that sounds really cool.
Rengas are poems where one person writes the first line
and the second line is written by two or more people.
So it is like a smaller version of a Cadaver Exquisito.
That is an interesting name because a cadaver is a dead body, and exquisite is something beautiful and amazing lol

yeah! you got it, the concept comes from painters of the dali's epoch i think, that's is why surrealism have elephant's riding on bycicle, yeah, i think it's like a ''frankenstein'', with parts of every person that integrates the exquisite corpse, try it, i did it with my band and the result was to unexpected and beautiful.

You went ahead with it already!! I have been drafting the very first match and planning to work my way up sequentially. It was way harder than I thought, so kudos to you for beating me to it haha!

A fine job, brother! This was a well crafted story. Did you manage to use all the words? I have been creating a cover photo that we could use, but you already posted way ahead of schedule haha!

Bwahahahahaha, yes my fellow minion, I did. I wanted to propel you forward with peer pressure and catch you off guard for our first story. Thanks bro, glad you enjoyed this story. I wrote it in a blazing 15 minutes just connecting random words and improvising along the way. We have 6 more days where I can edit that cover photo in, I had no idea you were making one.

Keep me updated, but I wanted to show you the seriousness I was about our collaboration :)I was able to use all the words yes, some of the more difficult words that were two letters were just easier to use as names :) I look forward to reading yours when it is ready, now I will check for my turn in our next game.

Haha! I don't think that would help it progress though. I'm targetting several to be posted on December. Great work using them all, I see you got crafty with the names. I'm sending you the link of a cover I cobbled together just now in our FB conversation. Let me know what you think.

Thank you bro, yeah the best solution was to use names for the small words that seemed too abstract to use. Glad you saw how I worked around that obstacle, but don't worry, put yours out when you can. Time to check that cover and play my turn! I will definitely let you know what I think bro, thanks for the heads up

Did you see the proposed cover? I'm open to suggestions, bro. If you would like to use your own, I have no problems with that either.

I am not so amazing with designs, but let me give it a shot
I liked what you put out so far. I will check scrabble and be shocked once more to see the next juggernaut word you play against me. but I am okay with losing, I love learning new words, and I am focused on how exotic our word choices will be for our future collaboration stories :)

Don't take too long though. Once this post is past payout, you won't be able to change the cover.

Oh You're right bro, I will add it onto our post now

Also what do you mean that the background is transparent? I still like your design.

It wouldn't make a difference if Steemit was on night mode or not. The cover would still look the same. Try it out.

I don't know the difference between regular steemit and steemit on night mode. lol I didn't even know there was such a thing haha
I will add the picture to my post now, it's all goody

clear thinking of friends

Yeah it was fun to write

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