Tells the story about the image of Imagination the title of disaster on the world

in #story6 years ago


hello my friends all.

today I will tell, based on art drawings, which have been created by @xpilar.
in this story, I will tell you about the imagination of the picture, I gave the title "Disasters above the world"


without we realizing that we live on earth, during the day, the earth is always illuminated by the sun, if night has arrived, there is a moon, which illuminates the earth of this archipelago, so beautiful, so present, a beautiful dream, when we sleep .

but we do not know, there will come a day, this mouth will be silent, without a word from the mouths of all of us, the steps will stop when this disaster comes.


when this day comes, no one can prevent it, our loved ones, possessions and things, cannot be saved, are lost in the blink of an eye, n this disaster

if our last breath has stopped, nothing we can do anymore.
was only silent in the darkness of the night, staring at havoc above the world, like, pictured, in the image of imagination, made by @xpilar.

Hopefully all of this, being an afterthought, for us together, to move better in the future, we, make this disaster, as a test for all of us.

I end with word
greetings from me @sultan-aceh


Camera usedCannon 1300D
Lens CameraEF-S 18-55mm
LocationForest Aceh


Hi @sultan-aceh

Thanks again for reviewing my digital photo

thank so much @xpilar

du come her mer

Yesterday I also visited this digital image from @xpilar. and I also think that this picture is a disaster. but I say it like a tsunami disaster.

and I agree with you, that we must think about the disasters that have happened, and move better in the future.

terima kasih banyak @aulia1993

Semoga bencana gempa dan sunami 2004 di Aceh menjadi pelajaran yang berharga kepada kita semua.
Dan tidak terjadi lagi di bumi Aceh.
Apalagi baru baru ini kita semua dikejutkan dengan gempa dan sunami palu, plus tanah yang bergerak yang menelan kampung2 yang sangat mengerikan.
Semoga kita semakin dekat kepada sang pencipta.

Thanks bang @sultan-aceh artikel yang bagus dan menjadi pengingat kepada kita semua.

어떤 건물이 형제인가, 오래된 모스크와 같은 건물, 놀라운 아름다움 디자인은 어떨까요? 와우, 크고 오래된 건물이지만 놀랍습니다. 건물은 대자연의 한가운데 자연스럽고 강합니다.
What building is brother, how about a building like an old mosque, an amazing beauty design? Wow, it is amazing, a tall and ancient building, but the building is natural and strong in the middle of a great wilderness. I will know how to make it/
¿Qué edificio es hermano? ¿Qué tal un edificio como una antigua mezquita, un diseño de belleza increíble? Vaya, es increíble, un edificio alto y antiguo, pero el edificio es natural y fuerte en medio de un gran desierto.

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thank so much, this info @ankarlie

چه ساختمان برادر است، چگونه در مورد یک ساختمان مانند یک مسجد قدیمی، طراحی زیبایی شگفت انگیز؟ وای، شگفت انگیز است، ساختمان قدیم و باستانی، اما ساختمان در طبیعت و قوی در وسط بیابان بزرگ است.

Çima avahiyê birayê ye, çawa avahiyek mîna mîna mizgeftek kevir, sêwirînek bedewî ya ecêb e, wusa pir ecêb, avahiyek kevneşopî û kevneşop e, lê avahiya di nav çolê mezin de xwerû û xurt e. Ez ê dizanim ka çawa çawa çêbikin

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