"To Kill A Runner" Chapter 18 "Dog Food" (CyberPunk Fiction) (NSFW)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Darkness and pain, the pulsing vibration of techno music and the shuffling of loud feet across the floor is what finally woke Britney up. Locked in a closet inside a steel kennel inside a closet. Hearing the shouting of intoxicated gang members, just load and obnoxious enough to be heard over the music. Where did they take her? How long had she been unconscious? These panicking questions are what she thought of as she gained back her cognition, quickly realizing that she had been striped nude and shoved in a locked dog kennel.

She started shaking the cage and kicking the sides to try to escape until the door to the closet opened and a shirtless Latino man stood over the cage dressed in sagging denim jeans covered in Latin King gang tattoos. A massive Rottweiler violently barked at her through the cage pacing in front of the gang banger's boots.

“Look who's awake, chollos. The rape bait dealer who was selling shit in our hood! “ He said as he nelt down and taunted Britney.

“Let me the fuck out of here, I didn't do anything” Britney screamed as she held on to the thin steel cage bars.

Swiftly the gangster took a pair of pliers out from behind his back and with force of a clamping motion broke two of Britney's fingers ripping them off the bone aggressively. Dropping the hunk of flesh to the linoleum floor a wild snapping canine to chew on the severed fingers. Britney screamed hysterically pulling back her fingers that gushed deep red blood out of the holes.

“It was just cigarettes.” She cried.

“That's not the point. You where selling in my borough mariposa. You will be made an example of.”


“No, Fuck you. Every one of my homies are going to turn you out and fuck you, but first my prize winning fighting dog needs to eat. “

The gangster then turned away and laughed at his thugs that where preoccupied watching a thirty-six inch flat screen T.V. then he turned to the kitchen and Britney caught a glimpse of her clothes and Kevlar vest piled next to her gun. Then as the vicious dog snarled she heard the humming of an electric meat cutting knife. The gang banger then pulled out a steaming hot clothing iron and pushed the dog away with his boot. Reaching into the cage he yanked out Britney's arm and started cutting into the flesh of her arm with the reciprocating blade. Cleaving the skin and muscle from the bone and taking a few excruciating minutes to break the bone. A pool of blood from the severed arm sprayed on the floor as Britney's complexion went ghostly pale and her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she began to pass out. Then with the burning hot iron he cauterized the severed stump turning the bloody flesh into black burned char. Britney unable to stand the intense pain that shot up her shoulder muscle and into her brain, passed out.

The door was booted in and the gangsters looked toward the broken down door. A barrage of shots fired from an automatic rifle and caught two kings in the chest. The dog ran to attack Jarome but was met with a larger dire wolf that overpowered even the wild strong Rottweiler. Megana fighting with the dog as other gang members took cover behind the couch and returned fire with their pistols toward Jarome. Taking cover outside the door frame he them heaved a fragmentation grenade into the living room to explode with a defining shake making their ears ring. The shards of metal killing everyone close and splitting the television glass into digital static.

Jarome clearing the room after the explosion while Megana shook and transformed back into her human form, turning to Britney's cell and with mystical strength ripping the locked door of the cage. Pulling out Britney across the blood streaked floor and hoisting her up to carry her out of the ghetto drug den.

Catch up on previous chapters:

  1. Chapter  I - Down & Out
  2. Chapter II - Bore Snakes & Hammer Bites
  3. Chapter III - The Plan
  4. Chapter IV - Pixie Dust Attack -i wlan0mon
  5. Chapter V - A Fixer & A Fence
  6. Chapter VI - Prep Work
  7. Chapter VII - Living The Dream
  8. Chapter VIII - Seeking Asylum
  9. Chapter IX - Breathmaker
  10. Chapter X - Nanook
  11. Chapter XI - Wolf Hunt
  12. Chapter XII - Rising Paw
  13. Chapter XIII - Lucky Number
  14. Chapter XIV - Drawing Dead
  15. Chapter XV - Explosive Division
  16. Chapter XVI - Street Crime
  17. Chapter XVII - Three River City

Oh man @stray it is perfect murder

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