Twin story part 2!

in #story7 years ago (edited)

So as you know me and @hazem91 wrote a story together a while ago, and as some of you asked for a part two.. 😉 so here it is.

This time @Tattoodjay is in it and his amazing pictures that I think blows us all away from time to time. So Jay here it is. Hope you like it 🤗


Confusion was strong for the twins, they could hear each other and the voices were familiar, but they had no idea how. So many questions and no answers.They said goodnight and so they both fell asleep.

Sara dreamed about a beautiful beach on which was a man. Something drew her to him and she asked:
-who are you? And what are you doing sitting here in front of this beautiful view?
-My name is Jay and I'm a wizard creating new worlds for people to travel to. All throughout the pictures I'm taking.

Sara was amazed when we she saw what Jay had to offer.
-“Wow.. I would love to live in one of your creations. They are magical!” She said.
-well I actually have one in mind for you it's with a beautiful sunset and a beach and it's taken in Sweden so if your twin Hazem sees it in full scale he can travel through the picture as it's a portal.
-How do you know about Hazem? And twins? Sara was really confused.
-I met you and Hazem as kids in the unborn world of eternity and I gave you both the gift of mind connect and mind traveling. With means that if you ever think hard enough about a place you will get there in your dreams. And Hazem has the gift of writing and when he does, it touches people's hearts and it changes the world.
“Hmmm... I wonder what my gift is”
-Your gift is your huge heart and the way you make people feel.
-How did you know I didn't say it out loud?
-Because I can hear minds; yours is pretty laud and Hazem’s is more deep and quiet.

At the same time in Tunisia Hazem got this idea of a picture he saw online taken in Sweden and for some reason the name Jay sounded familiar so he printed it out, not knowing why he did that. He was very surprised when he saw that the picture was as big as the house. "How did this happen?"

He stood out up and took a long look at this beautiful beach and just got drawn to it for some reason, so he walked closer and got drawn even closer until he got this heart squeeze that he felt before so he jumped…

He found himself in a place exactly like the photo. He felt he was a character in some kind of a fiction story. The only difference was that it was all happening in the real world, or so it seemed. He didn’t know what to do or where to go so he kept following his heart.

Sara was talking to Jay at that time so she didn’t connect with him and he didn’t want to tell her where he was. Something inside him was telling him that he’s so close to his twin. He kept following that instinct that led him to a nice quite house that had only one light on.

Hazem could see his twin through the window he stood there for few minutes watching her and wandering if that was some kind of a dream he would wake up from when she opens the door. That idea made him think a thousand times before knocking. But he managed to take that decision and go for it.
To his big surprise, Sara opened the door and she smiled at him like she was expecting his visit. He was so confused and he didn’t know what to do, so sara had to drag him inside and tell him all about her conversation with Jay so that he can find his senses.

They didn’t stay in that house for longer than half an hour, which was enough to print few photos and start their tour around europe, something that Hazem always dreamed of doing. Sara did visit few places in Europe but everytime she feels like something was wrong, something was missing. Someone should’ve been there with her in order to make the moment perfect and complete. But not this time.

This time everything is more than perfect for the two of them. They went to Budapest, Berlin, Vienne, Crimea, Venice and Zurich and they intended to visit so much more places, but when they went to Paris and walked in the Louvre museum, They found a protected area where there are astonishing photos but no one was allowed to get any close to them. They say the photographer wanted that. He didn’t want them to be in a public place at first but then he accepted with one condition. To keep it out of reach.

Hazem and Sara looked at each other and they could read each other’s mind. The photographer is Jay. The photos are portals to another world, maybe a dangerous one, or maybe a world that Jay wanted to protect from humans. There was only one way to find out.

That was our story hope you liked it 😆
And if you want to read part 1 here is the link:


Thank you for reading and have a wonderful Monday.
Hugs 🤗🤗 from @saffisara and @hazem91

Proud members of the best family


Excellent collaboration story and honored to make it into the story 😎👍👍👍❄️

Thank you Jay 😊 glad you liked it and your pictures really are unique so nothing is possible if you just believe right? 😁😁 lol
Have a wonderful Monday dear 😎📸🤗💕

Yes you have to keep believing that always and forever

Ooooooooooooooooo I LOVE how you kept it open-ended :D You two write so wonderfully together!!!!

Love this!!

Awww... Thank you so much darling 😊 means a lot that you liked it.
Yes it's really fun writing together only I fell so sorry for Hazem for putting up with me 😂😂lol
I can be to much sometimes and wonders off in my imagination and he has to put me back to earth again 🤗 I guess a great team.
Have a wonderful week dear. Love 💙💚💛💜

You're a good writer. Nice one. Thank God they finally met. Being with each other makes their love complete.

Thank you so much sweetie 😊 Yes many asked alot about how it ends and what happens next so we had to do a part 2.... Lol
Have a wonderful week. Cheers! 🤗

A beautiful piece, wish it were a movie already!

Aww.. Thank you very much dear 🤗
I hope you are having a great week. Cheers!

My week is starting out nicely, how about yours?

Sorry for the late response my friend 😉
My week was good and my weekend is great 🤗 I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Cheers!

I like your way of writing, you are a very good storyteller! :)

Thank you so much my friend 😊 means a lot.
@hazem91 is the one that got me to do this and his a big part of why it's good.... Lol
I learn more by every story.
Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers! 🤗

Amazing part 2 to this story, such a fascinating journey you have taken us on with @hazem91 and of course now you have a part 2 it really means you have to keep on adding to it!

Thank you deary 😉 yes it's a fun write and gets better each time and he is a great person to write with. Yes there actually will be a part 3 so we will work on it soon... Lots of ideas and only one post to do 😜 lol
Happy Sunday! 🤗🤗

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