Walk With Me: My First Skate

in #story5 years ago (edited)


Benches are important.

This is, and will be an ongoing process of learning for me, as I establish new neuropathways between the right hemisphere of my brain and the left.


I’m committing new physical actions to muscle memory so that they can be recorded by my brain in a mapping (of proprioception) sequencing.

Yeah, OR, you could simply say that:

I’m aware that I’m learning to skate; remembering just how I did it; by repeating actions until they become second nature and I no longer need to think about what I am doing.

I started by practicing how to get on and off my board.

Then, I practiced stopping.

It seemed to me that figuring out how I should be stopping properly was going to be a critical skill to learn and perfect.

Then, I thought that I would take a wee look-see at one of my local skate parks.


Looks innocent enough, I thought.


It’s looking a little more serious the closer and higher that I climbed.


Nobody panic. It’ll be a bit before I try a rail....if ever.


I’m really just interested in learning to carve well, at the moment.

See What I See:



and hear...


The scream and commotion of an Osprey is very distinct. They’re a large bird of prey which usually announce their arrival to their fledglings so that they will know that lunch is being delivered.


In other news, I sold my shop...retirement has been set for July 25th, 2019.



after that, I’m planning to carve my way, all the way to the un-bank.


~ Rebecca ;)


So much to congratulate you on, wow Woman!!! Learning how to skate, and btw you look BADASS on that thing!! Sick art on the board too lol :) Ok, and retirement too, and selling your shop! You really are LIVING!

Thank you @lyndsaybowes!
Got your passport yet? Lol!
Living while I can and am just going to cool my jets while the Summer catches up to me...so far, I’ve cleared the month of August so that I can be present through the Bull run.

Hi Rebecca!
Nice to see you finally riding your new board. Just a friendly tip from a guy who skates 15 years. Don't rush. Skateboarding needs practice and confidence.
If you don't feel comfortable riding down an obstacle at the skatepark then don't. I am sure you you are gonna be allright though. Smoke one and go shred the spots.

Hi @knowhow92,
Thank you for your stellar advice.
I decided (when I took the sport up) that I was going to work on building strong foundations, first.
My goal is to keep my core strong and my ability to balance intact as the years march on. ;)

You are our kinda gal.
Very cool in our opinion :)

Thank you @vantocan!
Not going to waste a minute and I’m going to do all the things that I can, while I still can. ;)
...besides I have a little blue planet to save along side you guys. ;)

What a great story Rebecca.
Never to late to learn new skills.
Happy retirement and good luck at the skate park. I bet you will meet some awesome new friends too. 😎

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @andyjem!
My plan is to do all the things that I have never made time to do AND help people to really “live” at the same time. (To say that I’m stoked about this is an understatement. Best mission ever.)

It looks like some transperent and visibility contain by your skate board, the photo of the place is very much silence and like no body is there, hope you feel some thrilled while snaped.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @sheikh27!
Yes, it is empty because other people aren’t crazy enough to even entertain the idea. Lol!

Congratulations on selling your shop and I give you HUGE KUDOS for learning how to skateboard. I tried a few times when my boys were little and I simply don't have the balance...and falling hurts way too much these days. LOL

Hi @merej99!
So good to hear from you!!! Thank you for all your kind wishes. Yeah, I am starring down the barrel of 50 myself, so I am taking my time because I don’t bounce back as quickly as I did at 18. Lolz! The whole reason that I even decided to try, was to force myself to keep my core strong so that I can maintain both my balance and agility as I continue to age. (I also have access to unlimited cannabis, so if I really wipe-out, I’ve got tools to manage the inflammation. So far, I haven’t had any issues but I know it’s probably coming as I keep testing my limits. )

Hola @rebeccaryan. Looking good on your board.
Resteemed by @Steemskate

Thank you @steemskate!
I’m just going to work on the basic foundations of locomotion and stopping on and with my board for the first 6 months, or so. ;)

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