most famous crimes

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Miguel Tauil parked his car at the entrance of the Minerva school in Prados del Este, an institute that provides secondary education for adults; before opening the door he looked in the rearview mirror, took a basket with an Angora puppy very carefully, verified the name of the person he had to see in that school and got out of the vehicle.

It had been two years since Tauil Musso, who was now 30, had graduated as a lawyer. Perhaps for fulfilling some family tradition he chose to study the same career as his father, but when he graduated from the university he chose to dedicate himself to the breeding and sale of breed animals. The center of operations of his small business was the house where he still lived with his parents. Miguel had a partner, his 19-year-old friend Juan Carlos González, a first-year student at the Santa María University Pharmacy; they were promoted by means of press notices and in many cases, like the one of now they took the pets to domicile.

As soon as he saw him with the cat, a girl came out to meet him and introduced himself; He called himself Cibell, the person who contacted him by phone. At the end of November the young woman saw the notice in the press and called to find out prices, finally that morning she called him again to make the purchase of the cat; the transaction had been agreed at 20,000 Bs., which she canceled with a check. Miguel Tauil handed the animal over, put the check in his shirt pocket and boarded the car. Before leaving, he could see the radiant face of Cibell while playing with the puppy. Around him other students chatted animatedly.

Miguel Tauil Musso could not imagine that afternoon of December 6, 1994, that he only had a week to live.
Prados del Este is a high middle class urbanization located in the hills that flank the valley of Caracas in the southeast, most of its streets do not lead anywhere, they are blind. When it was built in the middle of the last century it was promoted as an idyllic countryside just 10 minutes from the bustling city; Nowadays it is surrounded by industrial complexes, shopping centers and popular neighborhoods, but it is still isolated as one of those old fortified citadels of the Middle Ages. Its roads have names that allude to saints or nature and in each one of its plots enormous constructions of diverse architectonic styles are erected.

In one of those houses resided the Naime Yordi family, whose members were governed by the rites and traditions of Druze, one of the eighteen confessional groups that coexist in Lebanon, their country of origin. The head of the family was the obstetrician Shauki Naime, who worked at the Santa Sofia clinic and was one of the main shareholders of the Digital Medical firm. Dr. Naime always handled the upbringing and education of his children with extreme severity and did not hesitate to appeal to the blows if he considered them necessary. His daughter Cibell was fully aware of that and that is why the afternoon she arrived with the cat was quite nervous; she knew that her parents would ask her about the animal, so she decided to lie to them, telling them that a friend had given it to her. A shiver of terror ran down his spine when he saw the hard look of mistrust that returned to him the father who did not swallow that hook. The scare of the girl was well founded because in the desire to own the pet had committed a terrible fault: as he had no money to pay the price of the cat, stole one of Dr. Naime's checks and falsified his signature. If the matter was discovered as expected, Cibell Naime did not expect anything good, that night the girl locked herself in her room with the little animal.
The 18-year-old Cibell Naime Yordi was a small, dark-skinned girl with beautiful black eyes who was destined by her parents to marry a young man of Druze faith according to the customs that prevail in Lebanon. Those who knew her remember her as an emotionally unstable and fearful person, who however did not hesitate to get into trouble; problems that generated his father's anger and attracted terrible punishment. At the age that many young people studied the first semesters of college, Cibell was still in a combined third and fourth year of high school per para-system. Dr. Shauki and his wife Salam expected their daughter to complete middle school education to take her to Lebanon to fulfill the marriage contract; However, fate had prepared another path for them.

Meticulous and orderly as he was, obstetrician Shauki Naime tried to keep a strict control of his papers, and this was how he realized that he seemed to lack a check. He checked the checkbooks and vouchers and confirmed that one of his checkbooks from Banco Union had someone stolen a check, immediately gathered the family and interrogated each of their children, all denied knowing anything; however, on Cibell's face, the doctor began to suspect her.

The girl was terrified, she knew that her father would investigate what had happened and when she found out she would give her a tremendous beating, her punishments were legendary, on one occasion only to gain weight made her kneel all night; What could he expect then to steal a check, forge his signature and lie to him?

He decided that he would call Miguel Tauil to ask him to return the check with the excuse of taking the money in cash; but it was too late because he had already charged. He then asked him to reimburse him for the money and the man refused. The girl did not know what to do; by irresponsible he faced a great problem and very soon he would react like a wild beast that scared and furious is suddenly caught in a trap.
That week he called Tauil several times; first demanded, then asked and finally begged for the return of money.
Everything was in vain, the pet seller always refused. - Please, my father is going to kill me. - I'm sorry - answered Miguel in a tired tone, probably thinking that it was another of those spoiled girls of the high.- I can not return the money.

Cibell insisted until he knew that there was nothing to do before the firmness of that man and it was when his altered mind began to forge the macabre plan that would make it infamous.

On Tuesday, December 13, 1994, bad luck for the Tauil and Gonzalez families arrived on board a taxi.

On the morning of that day someone who called herself Adriana communicated to the Tauil number and asked to speak with Miguel, the woman showed interest in a pair of sausage dogs that the vendor offered in classified ads; Adriana proposed that they meet at two in the afternoon at a bakery near Plaza Las Americas shopping center in El Cafetal. Miguel suggested that he better go up to his house in Los Naranjos and so he could choose the pets he wanted. She agreed with him and agreed to be there in the afternoon.

When he hung up the phone Cibell had a slight blush on his cheeks, made a good effort to fake the voice but apparently the trick worked, however he had to make a slight change to his plan; Now, at the request of the pet seller, he would have to come to his house to talk with him, but it did not matter, what was really interesting was having the opportunity to speak to him personally and ask him for the last time to return the 20 thousand bolivars. that if he got the reimbursement he could temper his father's fury. That day he could not fail, so to ensure success he would carry a 7.65 caliber pistol that Dr. Shauki kept in the closet. If Miguel refused he would intimidate him with the weapon. It must not fail! Finally he looked at the address written on the paper and waited for the time to leave.

At two in the afternoon the taxi left her at the entrance of the Los Naranjos urbanization.
Mrs. Mirtelina Musso de Tauil, Miguel's mother, would always remember the person who arrived at her house on the afternoon of December 13 as "a young woman with abrupt manners" who, as soon as she entered, asked about her son. She told him that Miguel was in his room and would soon come down to see her. He offered her a cup of coffee that the girl took in slow sips while looking around. The bell of the fifth "Taumus" rang again, this time it was Juan Carlos, his son's partner. While the young man waved, Cibell mentally reviewed what he was going to say, he knew that Miguel would recognize her when he saw her and then he would have to invent an excuse that would justify his presence and also allow him to take him out of the house to another place, there with his mother could not act.

When Miguel went down he told her that the person who was interested in the dogs was an aunt of her who waited in her car at the entrance of the urbanization, because not being from the area, the officials of the guard post did not allow the passage. Miguel and the newcomer Juan Carlos kindly offered to go look for the lady and it was the worst decision they could make in their life.

The story that follows is what Cibell Naime herself did during the reconstruction of the facts before the judge 36 and the prosecutor 66 of the Public Ministry: "That afternoon I arrived in a taxi to Los Naranjos, I got off in front of the sentry box. security where there were four guards and I made the journey on foot to the fifth Taumus. There I was greeted by Miguel's mother who gave me coffee, I invented the boys that an aunt of mine waited at the guard post; so we went looking for her in Miguel's Toyota Samurai truck, I sat in the back seat and before arriving at the entrance of the urbanization I asked again to get my money back, as Miguel refused to take out the gun I brought from home to scare him and force him to give me the money, then there was a struggle inside the truck, it was when I shot him in the head, when I saw what he had done I turned to Juan Carlos who looked at me terrified and I told him: Forgive me, excuse me, I'm not bad but I can not leave you alive because you saw everything ... then I killed him. Scared I got off the Samurai and walked to the exit, I took advantage of a taxi coming by, I approached it and so I left the area. "The next day the case was reviewed by the press as Los Naranjos double crime and was one of the many bloody facts within the wave of crimes that shook the city at the time. At first the information was confusing, it was said that a band led by a brunette woman had kidnapped the two men with the intention of assaulting their homes, when these refused, they had killed them coldly, the possibility of a revenge taking in tells that one of the dead was a lawyer; of the case, the Division against Homicide of the Judicial Technical Police was entrusted to the commissioner Leonardo Díaz Paruta. A series of preventive detentions began and the main witnesses were summoned: the mother of Miguel Tauil and the four guards who had seen the woman enter and leave. The police drew up a spoken portrait that was immediately sent to the press, and by not getting solid clues, the investigation focused on the circle of friends of the murdered lawyer. The pain and surprise were reflected in the faces of the Tauil and Gonzalez families who could not explain what could have happened, none of their children had enemies. Who could be interested in killing them in that cold and cowardly way? The answer would not come until January 1995.

The manager of the Union bank of the agency Tamanaco politely greeted Dr. Naime, offered him a cup of coffee while an employee went in search of the information required by him. In recent days one of his checks had disappeared and he needed to know if anyone had used it. It did not take long to learn that the check was passed through the box office and paid for the amount of 20,000 bolivars. The doctor wanted to know who had charged him and the bank officials supplied him with the information. The payment was made by the lawyer Miguel Tauil Musso.
Was there any way to communicate with that person? - Dr. Shauki asked. - Fortunately, yes - the manager answered - we have his phone number.

That same day Dr. Naime called and he was attended by Mr. Antonio Tauil, Miguel's father. Upon hearing that the person asked for his son, Antonio asked him if the call was for a pet, Naime said no but he needed to ask something. It was when Antonio Tauil told him that his son was dead, apparently he had been killed by a gang of robbers. Dr. Naime, distressed, excused himself and offered his condolences. By hanging up the phone he already knew who had stolen the check and for what. What he could not imagine was that the murderer of Miguel Tauil shared the same roof with him.

That night the girl received a beating that left her unconscious, her father was really outraged, had not he provided the best possible education? Why had her daughter come out so rebellious, why did she not respect her elders as she did, why did she lie and do such a disgusting thing about stealing her own father? Something bad had to be in that girl. Below, Mrs. Salam listened with anguish to her husband's screams, fearing for what might happen to her daughter, I wish Shauki would not pass her hand this time.

A few days later and recovered from the beating, Cibell was dedicated to enjoy the holiday December, his father had not beaten it again in the early days of January had planned to go with the whole family to visit relatives in the States United; nevertheless he needed to mitigate the resentment that burned him inside, on returning from the trip, he would settle accounts with Cibell again.

On January 4, 1995, the entire family left for the United States.

The commissar Diaz Paruta and his men handled themselves with several hypotheses. Throughout the month of December, they proceeded to question the acquaintances, relatives and friends of Miguel and Juan Carlos, and also conducted several reconnaissance rounds with young women who had a background, based on the similarity they could present with the spoken portrait.
The detectives knew that in that case they would have to spin fine because neither of the two murdered men seemed to have problems with anyone; on the contrary, they had been very appreciated people in their respective social circles; It was not easy, what could be the phone? However, the truth would come to light soon. The clues were on the side of the last person who saw them alive, that strange girl who called herself Adriana and who took them out of the house with the excuse of going to look for an aunt. He began a review of the roles of Miguel and Juan Carlos, reviewed their banking movements and the books where they recorded the income and expenses, each information settled was investigated until they found that check, of all movements was the one that presented irregularity. The owner of the account had told the bank that the check had been stolen and his signature had been tampered with. With this there seemed to be a mobile; When they learned in depth that the banking instrument was used to pay for an angora cat, the person who made the payment was Cibell Naime, the own daughter of the owner of the account. When the detectives wanted to go find her, they knew that the whole family had gone on a trip. They decided to wait.

When the Cibell-Yordi arrived from the trip, Dr. Shauki took out the thorn that he had brought since December, he gave his daughter a second beating with which he left severe bruises on his face, somehow he had to learn, he thought.
The next day, Wednesday, January 18, the PTJ detectives arrived at the house and arrested Cibell and all those who were there at the time: his brothers and an aunt. When his wife heard about the incident, Dr. Naime went to find out the reason for the arrest. He identified himself and asked a detective if it had anything to do with the check. He was left in one piece when the policeman said yes but that the most serious thing had to do with a double homicide allegedly carried out by his daughter in an attempt to recover the stolen check.

Shauki Naime collapsed, she felt guilty for having cornered her daughter to the point of urging her to commit those homicides, she said that she had been extremely hard with her children because she believed it was the best way to educate them. He regretted the death of the two people and assured that his daughter had always presented behavioral problems, but that she was nevertheless a good girl. My daughter is not a drug addict - she said - she was educated in a good family, she does not have mental problems, I sincerely regret everything that happened.

Convicta and confessed Cibell Naime Yordi would now face a trial for the murder of two people. On Saturday, January 21, she was subjected to psychiatric exams, which showed that she was a completely normal person. When questioned by the journalists about what could have motivated the behavior of the girl clearly irrational, the Commissioner Diaz Paruta said that a terrified person can act like that.

This would be the beginning of a long legal battle in which some would ask for Cibell's pardon and freedom and others would demand that it be punished with all the rigor of the law.

On Monday, January 23, the reconnaissance round was scheduled but it had to be suspended at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office 66, since Cibell had a completely deformed face due to the beating that the father had given him days before, to Dr. Shauki Naime was opened a file for personal injuries.
On Tuesday, January 24, the day Cibell turned 19, she was taken in a patrol to Los Naranjos to carry out the reconstruction of the events, where she narrated step by step everything that had happened on the day of the crime.

The National Institute for Female Orientation (INOF), located in the city of Los Teques, Miranda state, was designated as a place of confinement. The case would be heard in the first instance by Judge Cristóbal Ramírez Colmenares who sentenced her to 30 years in prison for intentional homicide for futile reasons, with treachery, premeditation and cunning. A year later the defense appealed that decision, before the 6th Superior Criminal Court, in charge of Judge Clotilde County, alleging psychological instability based on a medical report; According to that report, the girl had a "mixed borderline behavior disorder" which implied that Cibell had several types of personality, a fact that would have caused the sudden loss of control over her actions during the period in which both murders were committed.

Two years later, on December 18, 1998, the County Judge ratified the decision made in the first instance on the grounds that the young woman was fully aware of her actions and acted voluntarily. So the sentence to 30 years in prison was still standing. In the same act, the crime of illicit weapon possession was dismissed because the criminal action was prescribed.

On April 27, 2001, when Cibell Naime had only paid 6 years of the sentence, the eighth judge of execution, Norma Pérez Díaz, in a strange way, granted him the benefit of redemption of the sentence for work detachment, which put the double homicide practically on the street. This decision was immediately appealed by the Public Ministry that alleged the existence of a set of inconsistencies and contradictions in the judge's brief.
In the psychosocial report prepared by the Social Service of the INOF it is established that the prisoner has a good intramural progressivity and family support, but in turn indicates that Cibell was transferred to Tocuyito prison by disciplinary measure, on April 13, 1999 (on that occasion the girl presented aggressive behavior with her companions and the prison guards repeatedly, to the point of getting to burn the mattress where she slept)

Also, the prosecutors explained that there could be no family support, when the referred report indicates "negative circumstances" of this element, such as dysfunctional family relationship, emotional immaturity, emotional imbalance and impulsive reactions to a circumstantial problem. Regarding the labor records it was observed that the prisoner during the same date and the same hours participated in two different activities. In the aforementioned documents, the number of hours invested in each activity was not indicated, necessary and essential information for an enforcement judge to determine whether or not the penalty is redeemed, in accordance with the terms set forth in article 6 of the Law of Redemption of Punishment for Work and Study.

But the most serious of all was the discovery by the Public Ministry of a letter issued by the National Office of Identification and Immigration, which states that on April 11, 2001, a few days before the decision of the judge Pérez Díaz, consigned by the ticket office of passport renewal, the passport number 004624 belonging to Cibell Naime Yordi, which could mean a danger of flight by the prisoner.

With this appeal from the Public Ministry, any decision to achieve the release of Cibell Naime was temporarily halted, however on July 28, 2004, the Appeals Chamber 7 granted the girl the benefit of pre-release or parole and was designated as new prison site the Community Center of Los Chorros. There he had to comply with a series of rules, such as not drinking liquor and undergoing strict psychological and educational treatment.
After 20 days of being in that place, he could leave on Sundays to return the same day, by that time none of Cibell's relatives, except for an uncle, were in Venezuela, they were all back in Lebanon.

In September of that same year, the Court of Appeals, chaired by Judge Maikel Moreno, granted Cibell Naime Yordi a freedom benefit, basing the controversial decision on "the academic preparation and good conduct of the prisoner" for the date Cibell Naime Yordi he had paid 9 years out of the 30 that had been imposed, the rest of the sentence would end up paying under the filing regime.

Cibell, already 29 years old, had to appear every 15 days before the court, He attended very few times, On December 15, 2004 he told the court that he had to undergo surgery and, therefore, requested permission for his appearances. I do not return anymore. Shortly after the supreme court of justice revoked the freedom and asked the security bodies to capture the condemned, however, Cibell knew no more cells.

facts investigated in the national press and chronicles of the tanatos
photographs taken from the internet


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