REJOINING THE LIVING… (An Original Story - Part 5)

in #story8 years ago

REJOINING THE LIVING… Is a story of life and death. Kindness and humanity.


Things have become very real for Mick and Grace… Nina has confirmed, that there meeting was no coincidence.., but a much bigger plan, the universe has in store for them. Their love has transcended time and space.., but has been tainted by the evil that lives inside them both., and they are know ready to free themselves...

If you missed Part 4 click here to catch up.., or follow @macksby


While Mick is off retrieving that, very rare armagnac.., Grace has been made aware that the death of her husband and Mick's wife was.., part of a plan by the very universe, itself. The outrageousness of this statement challenges everything she has ever known -- everything she has ever believed. But in her bones.., her very soul -- she can sense it's truth.

Still a bit unnerved by all this… She hears the old woman's voice in her head… "that little child of yours has instilled great strength in you" and the image of Hope, seems to keep her grounded. And she remembers, all the times, she really had thought about killing herself.., only to be pulled back from the edge, by the thought of this special child. And all the words, she has just heard -- start to ring true.

Mick has returned.., and is pouring the ladies and himself a drink… There is a definite silence in the room -- but he writes it off, as exhaustion. They all have been through and been made aware of much, in such a short, unexpected time. As he hands Grace her glass, he can see a look, a depth in her eyes.., he has not seen yet. And with a touch of concern in his voice, he says -

"Grace.., is everything okay..?" "You seem.., different -- are you upset about something?" At that moment Nina, the old woman, seems to have gotten her second wind, after a few sips of alcohol.., she says -- Come my precious ones, lets step outside for a moment… 

They follow her out onto a small balcony or deck, that is directly above the one that Mick has spent so much of his time -- the very one they ate their special breakfast, that very morning… Before he voice his concern, Nina starts to talk staring directly at the night sky --

The sky seems brighter than normal, from the stars above.., tonight. (She speaks slower than she has been earlier on) It can be hard sometimes to see the stars, in a city filled with so many lights… But the one star you can always see -- the one star that is constant… That throughout history has been used as a guide, to help lost souls.., on there way. More accurate than any compass.., and used by ships lost at sea, to find there way home…

The North Star -- Polaris… It is constant.Unwavering. A source of great comfort, always for lost souls seeking a guide… (she smiles as she continues) It even has it's very own guardians, that march around it like sentries, steadfast at guarding there post. This magnificent star.., this beautiful creation of the universe -- will be an immense help to us, in what we all are about to partake…

Mick.., before we can proceed -- before we can even think of ridding the two of you of the evil that resides in the both of you… There is some very critical information that is paramount to the very outcome we wish to achieve… You must be made aware of.., certain facts -- that may be very unpleasant for you to absorb -- But before she can go on -- Grace suddenly speaks…

"If it's okay (and she looks directly at Nina).., I think it would be better, if I deliver the information you want to convey…" Of  course, my dear -- says the old woman, and continues -- it would be very fitting for one, such as yourself.., to do so. I will be right here to assist.., if you begin to waiver…

"What the heck are you two talking about?" says Mick. "What happened hear, when I went downstairs..?" and then looks directly at Grace -- "What Grace… What is that is so important..?"

Graces whole body starts to shake… But before she speaks -- she remembers what Nina has just said about the North Star.., and the power of it guidance. She looks up the night sky and speaks in a very -- gentle and calming tone… "If we are to believe, what we have heard here tonight -- which I do, with all my heart… How could we not, with all the events that have led us here… It is too much, to write off as some weird coincidence. Our very meeting itself was.., nothing less than extremely serendipitous, to say the least…"

As she continues… Mick listens, with the intentness and receptiveness her words deserve.., and require...

"Like so many, that have been affected by the current circumstances of our time… All the pain and suffering we've had to endure -- all from the events that occurred, one early September morning.., and all that has followed, since… If we are to accept, who we both have learned, are to each other… We must accept that the universe can be unforgiving, at times… But keep in our minds.., and hearts -- the bigger picture. It's plan."

She takes a sip from her glass.., and looks at the old woman, who says -- Go on, my dear.., you speak with great reverence. She continues -- "When we met, in that most unexpected manor… There was a sort of ., Déjà vu… And I knew, immediately -- and I could sense you did too -- that we knew each other, before. That we were connected, somehow.., throughout time. I could just feel it -- effortlessly."

Mick can completely understand what she is saying.., as he felt the same exact thing.

"What Nina has just told me… Has rocked me to my core -- my very being itself. But I accept and understand the importance of, nothing but total truth… I we are ever to be free." "Our souls have been entwined in the most lovely.., and yet, painful ways imaginable. But I believe, having been made aware of it all… We finally, have the opportunity to continue with the Universes plan for us. But it is imperative, that we rid ourselves of these beasts, that have embodied our very beings, first."

Well done, my dear… So gracious, so lovely -- says the old woman.., and continues -- "If you will, I can go on from here…" As Grace's whole body seems to completely relax, she sits and readies herself for what Nina is about to tell Mick. 

Nina has been preparing herself the whole time Grace has been speaking.., to eventually tell Mick, what has to be said… "My dear boy, my fondness for you is unmeasurable… And our connection throughout time has been long -- my vision, can confirm it. I would never do anything to bring you anymore pain, then you have already experienced… But, you must be made aware… Awareness and truth, will be our guides.., as we attempt to cast out the vile beings that have resided within you both…"

Mick is starting to get a little nervous.., and goes to pour himself another drink.

"No, no.., my dear… What we have before us, will require all senses…"

Stay tuned for Part 6:

  • Will Mick accept what he is about to learn?
  • Can Grace help him to move on from all his pain?
  • Will Nina be successful in her attempt to remove their demons
  • And what about Hope?

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