REJOINING THE LIVING… (An Original Story - Part 4)

in #story8 years ago

REJOINING THE LIVING… Is a story of life and death. Kindness and humanity.


In Part 3 we are made aware of an "Old Woman" that lives upstairs and that her or one of her ancestors were forced to flee their own country and there has been someone from her family living in this very apartment on the 3rd floor for over 100 years… We also learn.., she seems to have some very advanced psychic abilities. Things are about to really heat up...

If you missed Part 3 click here to catch up.., or follow @macksby


As Mick brings Grace upstairs to meet the old woman for the first time.., there is a sense of apprehension in the air -- and not even knowing, she grabs hold of Micks hand… Immediately upon opening her door to see Mick and Grace standing there  -- she stares intently, her face almost going completely white -- and for a second, they think she is going to faint… But before she loses senses, she sees their hands joined...

You two -- both of you, together -- have been in this very brownstone, before… You see, not everything in life is a 'peaches-n-cream…' I know the both of you are well aware of that… The people, the families that made us flee our very home, were interested in one thing -- POWER!

They didn't care what they had to do to get it -- AND KEEP IT!

Yes, money was important.., but it was just a byproduct of power. The more power, the more money… And they would go to any lengths.., stop at nothing to achieve this power. What Im about to tell you, will most likely shock, scare and even disgust you… But, these are the things my great ancestors were privy too, because.., of what most people call a gift. My ancestors, my family -- would not call it a gift, though...

This gift.., was the cause of great pain… Many of my own were tortured for what they saw -- and some, even killed in horrific manors. These people in power did not deserve to such prestige and when pointed out, by visions from my family… The torture and killing began. Once, admired and renowned by the same people of power that would know subject them to experiments of excruciating pain…

(She puts one of her hands on each of their faces…) You see, my loves -- life is not fair, not much is… But there is balance., there is always balance -- without it the universe could not go on.., it would, my dear friends, cease to exist.

Which brings me to my next point… With great love.., comes equally (even if it feels much beyond equally) great pain. The moment in time when the both of you were chosen by the universe, to experience such love -- the greatest love imaginable… You were marked for pain, as well.., agonizing pain.

Many nights, I sat right outside the door to your apartment, Mick -- and could feel your pain. Hear your cries. I sat there sometimes all night (sometimes with the axe -- it gets scary at night) just so you would not be alone… I know you felt alone.., but the universe knew I was there…

And you my dear… She looks directly at Grace -- You have been blessed with a very special child, who has lived many lives, before… She was blessed to you for your protection. I know, the both of.., on many occasions have thought about taking your own lives -- but you could not because of this beautiful child. And Mick.., Im not really sure what has stopped you from ending your time on this planet -- but that must be why I sat, in the dark, night after night, sometimes weeks -- right outside that door.

When I said, you two were chosen to experience such love… I have not said -- that through more lifetimes than I can even access with my vision, you have always found each other… You have walked with Gods, witnessed great empires and uprisings -- you have seen and lived in the fabled Atlantis…

But with such love came so much pain… I can see in my mind as I sit -- early one morning, before sun the had risen.., in one of these lifetimes, your village was sieged upon by a great army of the most vicious kind… As your people died -- were slaughtered, children, as well… The two of you fought the mighty and invincible army, back to back. Refusing to surrender this love that existed in the both of you… 

At the moment of your deaths -- Grace you were killed with a spear directly piercing your heart.., and Mick, you were killed by one of the fiercest warriors ever to have been spawned, with his blade plunging through yours.., at exactly the same time, my loves…

In this moment, the exact moment of your deaths -- the both of you cursed God! "How could such great love be snuffed out by such evil…" Is what you both thought together. This is when a hole was punctured in your very souls -- allowing a demon to enter each of you… This demon has been with you ever since, through all your lifetimes -- and is even in this room with us now, as I speak.

I can see and feel it wrapped around your hearts like a snake or serpent… That heart murmur you were diagnosed with as a small child, Grace -- is your demon. Mick.., the pains in your chest you have felt since your birth, but were always undiagnosable, is yours. These monsters have weaved their bodies around your hearts, causing the both of you such great agony.., ever since the fateful morning your village was seized.

Ninel (Nina in america) was the old woman's name… And she seemed to be exhausted -- but sensing their concern, she blurted out -- would you like me try and remove this evil from your souls..?  Unwrap these demons from your very hearts..? Neither one of them knew what to think… Their minds were racing -- and blank at the same time, but in unison.., they both said -- "Yes!"

Very well! Nina exclaims… But first I need a drink -- I think we all do… Mick, would you be so kind and get us some of that brilliant armagnac we had the other night. "Sure" says Mick, and heads downstairs for the bottle. Grace is alone with Nina, for the first time…

I have to tell you something, Grace -- that will have an immense impact on you, but is something you must know… You are stronger than Mick.., that little child of yours has instilled great strength in you -- because it was needed for this exact moment in your life. The universe always has a plan, my dear… and unfortunately, sometimes it is not so pretty.., and can manifest itself as pure anguish, as Im sure you both have experienced. 

You were destined to meet your great love, again -- in this lifetime.., and rid yourselves -- free your souls from the evil that has invaded it. But for that to happen, circumstances had to be put in place… Like when the the stars align, to bring about the most unexpected events -- they were forced to be put in motion.., the events that led to the deaths of each of your spouses…

Graces face goes completely white, instantly… As if all the blood has been sucked from her body -- and looks as if she is about to faint. As her body wobbles and her head spins.., she is reminded by Nina, of the inner strength that she possesses. And then, in a weak but clearly audible whisper, almost like a slight gasp -- "Why would you tell me this..?" she lets out.

My vision has never been stronger than this night.., and I myself, am a little "freaked-out" as you americans say… But knowing this, having this knowledge -- is crucial for the progression and freeing of your hearts and souls from this very devious demon. It will fight me and us with all its might (and it is very mighty) to hold onto, what it has deemed his home. I told you this, as I will need your help to keep Mick as grounded as we possibly can if we are to have any hope of casting this nefarious creature from your beings…

At that moment Mick returns with the bottle of armagnac -- Okay, I'll play bartender...

Stay tuned for Part 5:

  • Does the Old Woman (Nina) dispel their demons?
  • Can Mick and Grace handle what they have just learned?
  • What happens to the Old woman?
  • And what role does the little girl Hope play?
  • Do Mick and Grace actually believe any of this?

Image Source: 1 2 3 4 5 6


Excellent and beautiful ala once you have written. Thank you so much

That is one of the nicest compliments I've ever received -- Thank you, so much @jlufer. CHEERS!

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