PLAYING FOR KEEPS… (orig story) Part 3

in #story7 years ago (edited)



To say Charlie's mind is blown.., is the understatement of the century… Not only did he walk in on his 100 year old grandfather walking around the kitchen with the grace of a freaking gazelle, drinking coffee and smoking… He tells him about some weird type of "angel" that has been visiting him.., and that he was -- BORN TO SAVE THE WORLD!

The next couple of days.., Charlie looks like some kind of zombie walking around -- but instead of being just zoned out, he's actually contemplating life… Maybe life wasn't meant to be this hard -- and all that craziness that happened at his grandfathers… "How can I be the guy that saves the world -- that's insane!..," and the next thought was -- "Well, he is pretty damn old -- I've seen his mind slipping for years.., maybe he's lost it completely…"

But for the life of him.., he can't explain what he witnessed -- saw with his own damn eyes… How was it possible for an old man, a very old man, who had basically been bedridden the last decade.., to move around that kitchen like he was on Dancing With The Stars.

I mean, the only way this WAS possible.., was if some weird super angel actually was visiting him… But if he believed that, he would also have to believe everything else, too. And being the "savior" of the world seemed like a pretty big responsibility -- the whole thing was hard to swallow… He didn't want to believe the old man had lost his mind, but the other option scared the shit out of him… So off to see Grandpa and to the bottom of this…

Plus, going to see his grandfather gave him the excuse to swing into the bar on street level and see Sin (not Cindy) -- SIN, the very pretty bartender… She pretty much ran the whole bar.., and even though the only time she the old man, was when she locking up at the of the night, or should Is I say early morning (about 5am).., she would sneak into his apartment upstairs with a shot of Jamison Irish whisky and 2 large hot chocolates from the bakery next door that was preparing for the day and just sit there for awhile -- so he wouldn't be alone all the time.

Charlie's had a crush on her for years.., but things like "hooking-up" is not something that happens too often, these days -- it's actually frowned upon. And relationships are even harder to come by.., people are so caught up in -- just getting by, getting through the day.., they have no time for others in their life. And trusting anyone else but yourself always came back to bite you in the ass -- in this "new world," as the old man called it.

After a brief, sloppy, but endearing attempt, at what he considered flirting with Sin.., he headed upstairs -- but the first thing he noticed when he walked into his grandfathers apartment, was the silence -- an eery silence. He knew what was coming, he could just feel it in the room… As he looked into the living room he could see the lifeless body of his grandfather sitting in front of the fireplace, with a snifter of brandy still in his hand and grin of his face.

What now…

He sat down at the kitchen table and poured himself a drink… Sitting there in plain site were all the deeds to the building and bar, already i Charlie's name -- with two notes… Before he opens the first one, he downs about half a glass of straight whisky like it's water…

*"Hey Charlie my boy --
Well, son -- you know I always thought of you as a son, after that night when you lost your parents.., and I lost a daughter. They say a parent should never have to bury a child.., and they're right -- you never get over that…

But she gave me. you.., she gave the world -- YOU!

Im gonna get right to the point… I know what you saw here the other day was crazy.., but I am glad you got a chance to see me, out of that damn bed -- it sucks getting old, Charlie.., it's more than your health that you lose, it's your dignity… And you know me, the first time that angel with a chip on his shoulder showed up.., I thought I was crazy, too. But before I knew it, I was walking around, drinking and smoking with this "strange being..," I had to believe what he was saying is true…

*You were always special Charlie -- the night your alcoholic, piece of shit dad wrapped his car around a tree, robbing you of your parents and me my daughter.., you survived -- with hardly a scratch… 8 years old and I had never met anyone in my life with so much character -- you didn't want any pity, you knew things in your life would never be the same.., and you let them go, buried them and got on with your life. I never once witnessed any of that "both my parents just died self pity" any child would have -- you wanted to just get on with it, like you knew you were here for a reason… *

Well, I guess.., we both know that reason now!

I don't have any answers for you Charlie -- I know you're searching for some… All I can think of is, there must have been a reason you came to live with me, it always seemed like it was meant to be, when you moved in… And as I write this, Im thinking about all the great talks we have for hours, all the stories I wold tell you about how the world was actually meant to be, not what it had become… How much your mother loved coming to Yankee Stadium with me when she was a child.., and how when I met your grandmother for the first time, I actually lost my breath.

It's those stories -- it's gotta be all those stories, Charlie -- but not the actual words, the meaning and the feelings they invoked. The bonds and the memories that were made, just sitting down to dinner with your family every night, without worrying about all this nonusense people are consumed with today -- IT'S ABOUT THE LOVE CHARLIE. Im not sure what's expected of you, my boy -- just know I'll always be with you.., you are not alone. Be careful Charlie.., I've gotta feeling they're -- playing for keeps!

P.S., Sin has a crush on you, too!!!

As Charlie soaks this all in, he pours himself another rather large drink of whisky… He can see from some writing on the envelope, it's from that "weird angel…" He finishes off what's left in his glass and as he opens the letter -- he can't believe what he sees...

Stay Tuned For Part 4

What could this letter say to have Charlie so freaked out -- and what comes next…

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superbly executed the part 3 very nice work @macksby

So glad you are enjoying it... :))

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Is this a realistic story?Interesting

I hope not.. :))

an exciting story @macksby sir after 2 days u post the part 3 of this i read charlies all parts..ur articles are good sir

Thanks @shencoin.., I appreciate it!

Part 3 was better then part 2. Amazing twists!

Thanks -- things getting interesting... :))

Great story @macksby

Thanks for sharing :D

Thank you dear @macksby! Waiting for the 4th part!

Amazing post. Thanks for share

Nice and interesting story. It was really fun reading it.

Appreciate it... Cheers @creative-mind!

I want to invite you to a challenge my friend. it makes me happy if you like to find answer of my puzzle.

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