
Yes, exactly that!

some one who prepares for an apocalypse.

A win for the good guys :) Thanks for confirming for me @whitelite.

Yes, after years of prepping they need to all of that into action to save! Perfect for my story.

@whitelite I can see that. it was a great story. :)

@whitelite 😀Glad I got that right, I have met a few preppers in my life and for some reason, they always come from the US.

I'm not so sure, that I'm fond of the idea that the next wave of humanity will be all American...Hha!

Hmmmmm, me neither, I mean Trump?!?! Im sure it would be good TV watching though. Lol...

HHa... Hey! They even have prepper reality shows...

@whitelite really, I did not know that, we didn't watch a whole heap of TV when in the US there were too many things to go out and see, even if it was freezing, :)

Yeah, I don't think it would even make the top 50 list, over there - Hha!

Simply, too much "tele" going on there!

So true, the channels seem endless but funny enough the repeat shows are ridiculous, the same thing playing on three channels. why have three channels...

Thank you @insideoutlet .. Shai's comment was really spot on and I was wondering - in a moment of naivete - if it was another useful tag/community. You never end to learn here on Steemit. I use the ocd-resteem tag sometimes, it's a very good advice. I would just like to add that, last time I checked the guidelines, it should be used only once a month and, in any case, wisely for worthy posts (like this one). All the best.

You learn something new everyday, I didn't know you should only use it once a month, in all honesty, I haven't read the guidelines I just stumbled onto it once through @anomadsoul and use it on the odd occasion I think a post is worthy of their attention. so I probably follow the rules by fluke more than design. :)

If it's not strictly 1 per month its something about that. It was nice to meet you @insideoutlet. Other than learning you never end to meet cool steemians (what a fun avatar!).

Haha thanks, my selfie face, cant keep my mouth shut and nice to meet you too.

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