My Personal Thoughts on "Finding Dory"

in #story6 years ago (edited)

When Finding Nemo was released back in 2003, it was a universally acclaimed smash hit. Being the seventh highest grossing animated movie of all time, this classic family adventure featuring that well-known orange and white striped fish, had the hallmarks of success written all over it. The adorable characters, great supporting cast and tight narrative were a joy to behold and another treasure issued from the golden vault that is Pixar Studios. The character of Dory, a forgetful yet likeable regal blue tang, provided for several amusing moments throughout and thus a strong supporting role in Finding Nemo. But was her presence enough to warrant Dory starring in her very own movie and ultimately sequel to this precious, endearing masterpiece?


One year after the events of the first movie, Dory (reprised by Ellen Degeneres) is now living with Nemo (voiced by Haylen Rolence) and his father Marlin (voiced again by Albert Brooks). After a series of vague flashbacks involving fleeting visions of her parents, Dory heads off in search of them accompanied by the loyal duo of Nemo and Marlin. And so our brand new adventure begins. So, armed with nothing more but the dubious memory of Dory and a bucketful of hope, will she ever be once again reunited with the family she'd lost all those years ago?

Given how well-received the original was and the unblemished track record from the animation gods themselves, Pixar certainly had their work cut out. But sometimes a safer approach lies in keeping with the same formula that worked so well in the past. So that is exactly what the studio execs decided upon and therefore we have ourselves another "family hunt", so to speak. Although this time around it's our main protagonist that needs the rescuing. Reason being that this movie has heart whilst knowing not to stray too far from it's "oh-so-solid" roots. Watching the hapless team go in search of a cause that has the odds so firmly stacked against them, has you willing them on every step (or swim?) of the way. I did find myself quite emotionally invested in the movie. As you'd expect, there are times where the trio do get separated, mostly due to the innocent negligence on Dory's* part, which in turn leads to them meeting the rest of the supporting cast. By far, that is my favourite part of the movie. Of particular noteworthiness is a floppy, wriggling, eight-tentacled octopus named Hank (voiced by Ed O'Neil) whom I just adored. Very funny and extremely charismatic, I only wish that he could get to headline his own stand-alone movie someday. As I mentioned, the calibre and variety of "friends" Dory and her adoptive family come across along the way, are memorable and add volumes to the enjoyment to be had from this delightful movie.

Another huge plus are the "improved" visuals from the first movie, that in of itself were also of an extremely high standard. Fast, flowing action sequences intermingled with wide, sweeping shots of the sea and underwater terrain, are high-grade eye candy. Further confirmation (if any was needed) that the team heading up Pixar are truly the benchmark against which everything else is set. The main story, as is always the case and not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination, is fast and frantic. "Blink or you'll miss it" is the order of the day here. Yet because of the tightly compacted script and clever mix of on-screen character timeshare, you hardly feel the running time at all. It's all creative genius at it's best and all ties in nicely together to make one hell of a ride.

Now, if there were any negatives, this would be a tough call for me. Not because there aren't any, but just on a contextual basis. I'll elaborate. Dory being the main protagonist soon grated on my nerves. Which is a shame because all the other characters were so well rounded and affable. Being as "forgetful" a fish as she was, you found her literally stumbling into conveniently placed procedural story-lines "by accident". The inconsequential nature of these events admittedly took me out a little. Add to that the fact that most of the movie was spent having her two companions chasing her around, frequently almost into the jaws of death itself and you feel a level of frustration with Dory as a main character start to set in. Now, on the other hand, I understand I am by no means the overarching target audience for this flick so I'm only going to assume a child would gloss over such concerns. I feel for an adult, it may not work "quite" as well as it could have, given the slightly more overall childish nature than the last. And that sadly runs in stark contrast to most other Pixar productions I can think of.

Though all things taken into consideration, there are plenty more positives to be taken away from Finding Dory. The fast pace at which it moves along only goes to help, instead of hinder, this movie. For me however, it's the astounding visuals and great supporting cast are the show stealers here. Because without their welcome presence, the film would be nowhere near as good as it is. Finding Dory is not as good as the original, but comes in as a more-than-decent instalment to the franchise. Well worth a relaxing watch on a lazy, Sunday afternoon.

My Verdict: (8/10)


*Source: (1,2,3,4,5)

Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


Certainly Finding Dory was not better than Nemo. While it tried to replicate the magic of the first one it fell short. Not to say there isn't parts to like.

The scene where Dory is utterly alone was well done in my opinion.

As you pointed out, Hank the octopus is a great character that was more than single-sided.

What I found to be the worst part is Ellen DeGeneres' voice blasting into my ear holes for so long. I can stand it for the short periods of time she was talking in the first one, but to have to listen to it for the majority of this one was quite a turn-off.

Lol, I love your comment about Ellen. Like nails running down a blackboard! That certainly didn't help in pushing me to like the character of Dory. I do love the original and must admit was really surprised by all the positivity from the online critics. But never mind, we all can't think alike all of the time. But as far as you and I? Our sentiments couldn't be more aligned. :)

Ehy @ezzy, another nice one.
I've watched this one briefly after it came out, and I have to say I agree with most of what you've said. There was something in the movie that didn't convince me as much as the first one, I can't really point my finger on it though. I guess that those plot elements you hinted about might be the culprit, but maybe it was just a generic vibe, a lack of originality if you will: if I single out every scene one by one I find them amusing and sometimes even outright brilliant, but the movie as a whole didn't work for me as much as I'd hoped. Then again, as you point out yourself, the intended target of the movie aren't adults, so I'm happy I had fun watching it. I liked the visuals too, but I noticed a difference between scenes inside the ocean and scenes set elsewhere: the former looked a little poor, detail-wise.

Side note: I'll keep reading your reviews, if only to read some of the comments under them. Some of them (if you're reading this, chances are your comments are not those I'm referring to) are so amazingly out of place that they become automatically a work of art.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, @ziofeda! The essence of the first was lacking, IMHO. I just couldn't relate to Dory. As I mentioned, the real stars were the supporting cast (including Nemo and Marlin). I believe the CGI camerawork was way better than the first so if you saw though a little less of some of the visuals in this movie, the pace forced us not to linger on them for too long. But an interesting viewpoint, buddy.

Lol, I know. Some of the comments I received are strange, at best. But I've muted so many by now that I wouldn't be able to see them anyways. You can have fun with them though, lol. :)

I haven't watched finding Dory yet but with your feels like i can tell the story( lol). you know there are some folks that would narrate a story for you and you'll be like, you don't narrate well but you... you scored a point. good read.

Thanks very much! I'd say check it out if you get a chance as it's quite entertaining. :)

Highly enjoyable, my son loves Dory!!! Do you know if they're making a third one anytime soon???

That's awesome! I can see kids absolutely loving this movie. I haven't heard anything through the grapevine on a third part yet. :)

I know for sure where is a huge success in first movie, there is even higher expectation in second. That is the reason I never watched “Finding Dory". I saw “Finding Nemo” and I loved it. So far there wasn’t many people recommending to watch it. After you review I think I will give it a shot.

Well, after watching it, I do understand why it may not be for some. But for myself, I believe it is incomparable to the first. The original was such a great movie. :)

Finding Nemo was still the revolutionary one to me. It captured the whole world underwater for all of us.

For Finding Dory, I must say what stood out to me the most was the white beluga dude with his funny sound signature thing lol. That cracked me up. That was all honestly.

Lol. I loved the "beluga" dude too! In fact, I corroborate all that you have said. :)

Wow I haven't watched that movie in a long long time. I need to re-watch that again and other Disney movies like the Incredibles to get ready for the new one coming out later this year.

You've just named my favourite ever Pixar movie. I absolutely loved The Incredibles and simply cannot wait for the sequel to come out. :)

Yeah I've waited too many years for this and even though I am much older than the target audience I will probably be much more excited to see it than them. Great movie can't wait to see what they do in the next.

Finding Dory may have had plot issues, but is was just such a fun, adorable film to watch - who could not like it.
Upvoted, resteemed & followed

Thanks very much, buddy! :)

Man I just have to say this this whole movie was a piece of art from start to finish.

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