BOOK LAUNCH - The Perfect Pause: Meditating Your Way to the Ultimate You

in #story7 years ago (edited)

The day has finally arrived!

I wanted to thank you all again for the tremendous support you’ve shown during this book launch with all of its excitement and a few technical glitches.

Our Steemit community has shown me, once again, what a valuable asset it is for indie authors. I believe Steemit could be the future of self-publishing and I plan on testing this theory later this year (more on this to come.)

The links to purchase are below, including PeerHub where you can purchase the book with Steem!

A Special Request

Please do me a favor, if you read the book and put its concepts into practice, take a few moments to write a review on Amazon and share your experiences with others. Reviews are so important to the perceived legitimacy of a self published book. Whether you loved the book or decided it just didn’t work for you, I urge you to be completely honest when writing the review.

Also, if you know of someone who might benefit from the book, please share it. I don’t care if you pass along your copy, this isn’t only about book sales for me it’s about my wish to make a positive impact in the world we share.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone! This guy is going to take time to breathe and celebrate after a couple weeks of very intense work!

Meditation is one of the greatest evolutionary gifts we have at our disposal.

It is a gift that we will only realize the true value of in the years to come. Despite how dire the state of our world might seem now, humanity’s potential is blindingly bright. In the coming decades we will see more technological and social change than humanity has experienced in the previous thousand years combined.

We are on the forefront of an explosion in advancements in the areas of arti cial intelligence, gene-therapy, virtual reality, robotics, 3D printing, and autonomous vehicles that will spark an unprecedented transformation of our species. Humanity has only just begun to take its first toddling steps into the crucial stage of directed and conscious evolution.

Most people can’t even yet conceptualize the advancements that are coming. One thing is certain: it’s going to be a wild ride, and for that reason it will be more important than ever that we stay grounded and have the ability to quickly adapt to change. Meditation is the very best tool we have to accomplish this. The simple practice of meditation will help to prepare us for whatever our future holds. The sooner you begin, the more positive your life-experience will be.

Paperback Version on Amazon

Kindle Version

Paperback Version on PeerHub

*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

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In the coming decades we will see more technological and social change than humanity has experienced in the previous thousand years combined.

That is crazy to think about. Exciting times!

More exciting at the moment, your book is here! Congrats Eric! You've obviously put in the work these past few weeks. Glad to see that chapter is closed and you can hand the book off to us.

Thanks for the Peerhub link!

Thank you, Lydon! What an exciting thing it was to hit that "post" button yesterday!

Finally the book out! Am happy for you man! Now it is time for you too take a rest after all the hectic days you must have had with Amazon not really helping you. Success with the sales!

Yes! Thanks, @edje! I'm taking a week off an then jumping into finishing the second novel.

Oh wow, you are working on multiple books at the same time. Enjoy your week off, and success with the your second book.

Yes, the sequel to Alarm Clock Dawn is about 80% done. 😊 Thank you! Enjoy the day.

So exciting, bravo!!! cheers to this reaching all the people who need it most and to your success!

Thank you, Ruth! Your copy will be in the mail soon! 😊

Can't wait!

Brilliant! Congratulations on the book launch!

Meditation not only changes individual lives (my wife and I both "do it"), but it has the potential to change the consciousness level of the entire planet.

Exciting day! And thanks for also offering the book through PeerHub-- that's awesome!


Thanks so much for your support! I totally agree with you, I think meditation is the key to evolution of our species.

Congrats @ericvancewalton Upvote

Your journey to meeting your life's dream has more than just begun. This is truly a wonderful day for you and I send my deepest wishes for a very successful outcome. I will be going to purchase your book on Amazon and can't wait to read it in its entirety. I'm sure I will treasure it forever. I feel that this is just the beginning for you on your special life's path and will go on to help many people who desperately need a way to find themselves. Again, my congratulations to a person who so deserves this success and more!.....Cabbagepatch :D

Thank you so much, @cabbagepatch! This past year has been incredible. I hope this book finds all of those people who need it.

Sorry I wasn't here for the book release, I was too busy today haha.
I hope it is a big success

No worries! Thank you very much, man!

Amazing news! I'm happy for you man! A book launch is always exciting. :)

I received my copy a few days ago, and I'm happy to leave a comment of course :)


Adil, all I can say is thanks for the support! You've been beyond helpful since our first interaction. You add a lot of value here and I greatly appreciate it!

Thanks a lot Eric, that means a lot. Hope that between all steemians we can push your book forward at the same time as we encourage self-publishing here :)

You're welcome, Adil! I'm actually planning on doing a post soon comparing the results of my Amazon book sales the first week the book was on the market vs. the Steemit post payouts. The results will be very enlightening!

Congratulations, it has been a pleasure to observe the process!
Best wishes!

What good news dear friend @ericvancewalton, I have no doubt that exceeded your expectations and it will be a great success launching the book.
I take the opportunity to wish you a beautiful week

Thank you so much, man! It's been a nice day. My wife and I have been celebrating the book launch with friends nearly all day. Have a wonderful week!

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