Tesla Model 3 Test Drive ~ I’ve Just Experienced The Future

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Preaching To The Choir

I was an easy mark from the jump. The Tesla sales staff had to use zero psychological tactics to convince me that their product was superior.

I’ve been a fan of Elon Musk’s business (ad)ventures for years. I think they captivate me because each of them, in their own unique way, give me a spark of hope for humanity’s future. Of all of Elon’s companies the one that particularly captured my attention was Tesla Motors.

It’s the classic David and Goliath story about a team of geniuses who’ve discovered a way to deliver technology to the masses that, in large part, has been successfully suppressed for nearly a century.

I’ve watched dozens of videos and have read hundreds of articles about Tesla in the last decade. I’m certain my friends and family (not to mention my poor wife) have grown tired of my enthusiasm. I just can’t help but spout random factoids about the latest and greatest Tesla innovations.

The Test Drive

I’ve always dreamed what it would be like to be behind the wheel of one and yesterday I finally found out. My friend Juan (@luckyfellow) and I scheduled a test drive of the Model 3 at a local Tesla dealership in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Sales associate, Todd, had a rear-wheel-drive Model 3 ready and waiting.

The car we drove fell towards the bottom (slower) of the Model 3 lineup with a top speed of 140 mph and a 0-60 time of 5.3 seconds and a range of 240 miles per charge. The top of the line all-wheel-drive Performance version of the 3 clocks in at 162 mph, 3.2 seconds to 60 mph and a range of 310 miles, respectively.

Initial Impressions

Of course, my first question was ”Is there any chance I can try out the Ludicrous Mode?” Unfortunately the Model 3s don’t yet offer this option but as I soon found out it didn’t really matter.

I drove first and was immediately impressed by how comfortable and solid the Model 3 felt. I also liked the elegant simplicity of having all of the controls on the center touchscreen and two controls on the steering wheel. The minimalist design of the cabin was a refreshing departure from the barrage of gauges, screens, and lights on most modern cars.

The regenerative braking was a bit aggressive. When I took my foot off the accelerator the car slowed down fast, almost like the parking brake was left off. Todd assured me that you get used to this quickly and it almost eliminates the need to use the brake pedal in most cases.


As I entered a freeway onramp Todd told me to punch the accelerator and see what the car could do. I floored it. Our necks snapped back and our heads were plastered against the headrests. Juan let out a loud yelp in the backseat, there was an instant flood of adrenaline, and we were up to highway speed, or significantly more, (wink) in the blink of an eye.

I've driven, or ridden in, a few really fast cars in my life and even this basic version of the Model 3 easily stacked up there with the quickest cars I've experienced. The power was delivered without the pause of shifts or the thunder of an internal combustion engine.

Autonomous Driving Mode

Next I tried the Autonomous Drive feature, which is activated by two clicks on the gear stalk. I snapped the picture below shortly after I engaged it and briefly took my hands off the wheel. I have to say, this took a lot of faith in technology to let the car drive itself at highway speeds but it performed flawlessly.

The sensation of Auto-Drive felt almost as though there was a ghost driving the car. The car stayed centered in the lane and the system showed all of the traffic around us on the monitor. The car can currently change lanes and navigate freeway on/off ramps and nearly drive itself in every situation. Todd told us that Tesla will be enhancing this feature before the end of this year to include full autonomous driving, allowing you set your destination and the car will take you there.

The Auto-Drive feature showing the car to our left.

Self Parking Feature

The Model 3 Backing Itself Into A Parking Spot (with @luckyfellow behind the wheel)


In short, I'm hooked. After experiencing the test-drive I'm convinced that Tesla will be my next vehicle. I'll be ready to trade-in my Prius in about a year. Driving the Model 3 felt like an instant jump fifty years into the future.

Although the initial price is higher than I like, the cost of ownership over the life of the Tesla should be significantly lower compared to a car with an internal combustion engine. When you combine this with zero C02 emissions it's a no-brainer.

I'm just hoping the US government reinstates the EV tax credit which, thanks to our current President, expires in June. One thing is for sure, Tesla is proof that no one can hold back the future forever.

Thank you for reading,


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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the Steemit blockchain

My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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I understand your enthusiasm, however, you are not driving a car of the future, you driving a car that should have been built in the 80s.

The Tesla is built out of a book published in the 1970s.

And the autonomous driving feature would never be used by me. It is just fine 99% of the time, but that 1% it does the exact wrong thing. When you look into the actual programming and get the real stuff, not the fluff you find out things like, current self driving programs ignore bikes, because they cannot accurately plot their direction. Further, they have a problem of tagging an object (bum) as street furniture, and then panic when not moving thing, begins moving.

And for you, in Minnesota, batteries lose voltage and power when cold. So, your fully charged batteries go from 100% to 33% in a snow storm.

Lastly, we have had diesel electric trains for all of our adult lives. Because they just perform that much better. We have also had turbines that are much more efficient then ICEs, but never had a transmission. That we haven't built turbine-electric cars yet is beyond me.

The Tesla is built out of a book published in the 1970s.



Again, you ask me something i can never answer.
Although, i can go to the exact spot in a five story library and pull the book off the shelf.

But, it was something like, How to build an electric car.

You have a funny memory, you can go to the exact spot to find a book in a library apparently full of books, yet you can't remember its name. :-)


Yes, my memory is quite odd compared to most peoples.
And is no end of problems when trying to relate knowledge.

Proving that you know something, in our society, is almost completely based on names.

Like, if i could say, "Jung said, x,y,z..." then everyone would nod sagely,
but if i said, i read "x,y,z..." people are skeptical, and when they ask, who wrote it, and i answer, it was in this big book. It was 74.33% of the way through it, and it was on the right hand page, 3/4s of the way down... then they just look at me like i am insane. (and that my information is useless)

I agree, much of the tech used to make the Teslas has been suppressed for decades. We still have a way to go before the autonomous driving feature is as good as a human driver in all instances but they're making some quick advancements. Our salesperson said it'll be about a year before they get full approval but Elon Musk said the same thing 3-4 years ago and it hasn't happened yet. Time will tell.

They actually have battery coolers/heaters that cycle off/on keep the battery bank in an optimal temperature range now despite weather conditions. If parked outside in extreme cold you'll lose some battery life from this but supposedly there aren't the steep drops in power that people used to experience.

I saw Jay Leno has a turbine car, it looked really interesting!

Hehhee! Super cool! I was out of my mind just driving around with one last year :) https://steemit.com/tesla/@mammasitta/how-does-is-feel-riding-in-a-700-ps-tesla-2017521t23244115z

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Great post @mammasitta! I want to drive the Model S before I make my final decision. I may decide to go with that one.

I am glad that the subway system is so good in Vienna and no car needed :)

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What a fun post. LOL on this

. Juan let out a loud yelp in the backseat, there was an instant flood of adrenaline, and we were up to highway speed, or significantly more, (wink) in the blink of an eye.

Probably with you behind the wheel.. lol

Anyway, so fun I am resteeming so others can enjoy the review and hear @luckyfellow as he allows the car to do its thing. :)

Thank you @rebeccabe! He also, jokingly, said he needed to find a restroom but I thought I'd leave that part out. Lol

Now we all know. lol

Freaking awesome! I've always wondered what it would be like, though I must say I preferred the shape of the last model to this one.

It sounds like you guys had loads of fun, hopefully like you say, your EV tax credits will be brought back once the man who thinks wind noise causes cancer departs the Oval Office :-)


It was so much fun! I still want to drive the Model S. It's a bit more than I want to pay but I could always find a used one.

"Big Brother" or Google (wait, aren't they one in the same?) must have been monitoring because a story showed up in my Google news feed about bipartisan support of the reinstatement of the full EV tax credit ($7,500). You sure can tell an election year is near...promises, promises, promises.

Ah the promise of a better future from our political overlords! :-)

It's almost London time... :-D


Same old sh!t, different decade. : ) Yes! We're counting down the days.

This has been the dream of most person to see self drive cars comes into reality , I think Tesla cars are the cars for the future and this enhance technology of self driving couple with zero carbon emissions makes this car a most have car

Exciting and fantastic rundown of your day!

Stunning how much power it has and also that auto drive is a thing on the roads now. I had no idea, even when watching Elon on Joe Rogan podcast - I still didn’t realise those models are out in the ‘real world’. Wow.

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Thank you @ashtv! The Model 3 is on the road but the Model Y is a good two years from delivery.

Tesla's are the future they are futuristic and beyond that !!!

On the recall of the car, I realized that you just fell in love with her, glad that your dream came true and you experienced the car. Indeed, it is clear that the car is gorgeous. I hope for the next year you will buy it

Wao that beautiful and elegant. It must be very expensive!

It is a luxury car ... I have never found it on the streets in my town.

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