One Year Review of the 2016 Toyota Prius 3

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Anyone who knows me will tell you I'm into automobiles almost as much as I am technology (these days the lines between the two blur). In January of last year I cashed in one and a half bitcoin and bought a used hypersonic red 2016 Prius 3.

Remember $16k bitcoin?! Those were the days.

So what's the verdict after owning the Prius for a year?

My initial impression of the Prius was it was like learning to drive all over again. What quickly became apparent is this wasn't just a car, it's more like a behavior modification device. I'll explain more about that later. My previous car was a 2010 Honda Fit Sport and, although the Honda was a wonderful vehicle, the Prius is so technologically advanced it's like a spaceship in comparison.

Ruby's (yes, I name my cars) maiden voyage was a trip halfway across the country to New York City in mid-January. The hardest thing to get used to was the sheer amount of feedback coming from the display, there's a LOT going on and at first it was a huge distraction. The smaller screen in the upper center of the dashboard shows how efficiently you're driving and gives you a "score" between every start and stop. This was super annoying at first but now I (mostly) ignore it. I have to say that whether I ignore it or not, it has made me a better driver.

This trip to the East Coast was like boot camp, riddled with a myriad of dangerous obstacles. One of the scariest of which was when a woman directly in front of us slammed on her brakes unexpectedly and for no apparent reason on a freeway off ramp somewhere in rural Indiana. I merely tapped the brakes and our poor beagle Amstel immediately came flying through the air from the hatchback and through the gap between the front seats. Luckily, my wife caught Amstel like a football a fraction of a second before he hit the dashboard. Lesson learned, those Toyota disk brakes definitely have some serious stopping power.

By the time we crossed through the Holland tunnel into New York City l had really started to appreciate the Prius. First of all it's quiet and fun to drive but the most astonishing thing was the gas mileage. We averaged well over 50 mpgs while driving 70+ mph. Little did I know the best was yet to come. My Honda had less horsepower and averaged around 29 mpg overall. I later discovered that city driving is truly where the hybrid powertrain shines. Around town I'm now averaging closer to 70 miles per gallon. I literally only get gas once every three or four weeks.


Everything aspect of the design of this fourth generation of Prius is polarizing. People either love it or they abhor it and this generation's sales have taken a huge hit as a result. I happen to like the look of this car, especially the taillights, which make it very visible at night. The front end makes the car appear to be a sneering bird of prey and my wife and I lovingly call it "the angry hybrid." The sharp angles remind me of a stealth aircraft.

The interior of the car is just as polarizing. Most of the hypersonic red models I've seen have the black/grey interiors but mine has the lighter tan and light grey color scheme, which makes the cabin feel much larger than it really is.


The 4th generation Prius is a bigger car than you might imagine. It's not nimble, by any means, but most people don't expect a hybrid to drive like a sports car. It has acceptable power in most situations, especially in Normal or Power Drive mode. When accelerating to pass on the freeway the power is more than you expect. When starting from a complete stop (unless you're in Power Mode) acceleration feels slow, which makes sense from a fuel economy standpoint.


This is one area that Toyota is known to excel in. Fit and finish on the car are flawless. At nearly 33k miles there are no rattles or squeaks whatsoever. If previous generations are any indicator, expected reliability of Gen 4 should be way above average. I recently had to take Ruby in for some recall work (engine wiring harness) and met an owner of a Gen 2 (2009) Prius that was in for its 250k mile service. The mechanic told him they changed the spark plugs and found nothing else wrong. He said it should be good for another 100k miles. The drivetrains on these cars last so much longer because the internal combustion engine is only operating a portion of the time you’re driving. The Prius continuously cycles between running on the internal combustion (gasoline) engine and the electric motors depending on driving conditions so there’s less wear and tear.

The Heart of the Prius


The Hybrid Synergy Drive powertrain is the heart of this car and is where the Toyota engineer’s have showcased their brilliance. The most advanced aspects of the car are tucked away under the hood and once you learn more about how it all works it’s truly fascinating. With each generation the HSD system has taken a huge leap in efficiency and refinement. This fourth generation HSD is a full 70lbs lighter than the first generation sold in America in 2002. The amazing gas mileage is the obvious advantage but many forget that the C02 emissions of the Prius are only a small fraction of comparable internal combustion models.


As great as the Prius is I likely won't keep this car more than a few more years. Even before I bought it I realized this would be my "bridge car" to the world of pure electric vehicles. The plan is to make the step up to a Tesla 3 in 2020 or 2021. The reason I’m waiting is my wife and I live in a condominium and can’t install a charger in our garage stall. Elon Musk has said the goal of Tesla over the next few years will be to make electric cars feasible for apartment dwellers to own. To make good on that promise Tesla will be aggressively expanding its already impressive network of supercharging stations over the next few years. Battery and charging technology will be sure to improve exponentially as well. I don't know why they just don't make the batteries slide out so they can replace the depleted battery bank with a fully charged one, there must be a good reason why.

Soon, charging a Tesla will be nearly as simple and as easy as filling a conventional car up with gasoline.

Until that day, Ruby, my very polarizing and p!ssed-off hybrid will suit me just fine. : )

Thanks for reading!


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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

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Beautiful car with a fun review. I like them too and this is the first review I have read by an owner. I am so glad you managed to not hit that other car and Amstel is saved due to the quaterbacking of your wife.

You were very smart to cash in when you did and when you get something with the crypto cash you enjoy your investments more.

Thank you! Yeah, that experience was anxiety inducing and I felt horrible for Amstel. We were all shaken up for a while afterwards. He has seizures that can be brought on by loud sounds or excitement, thankfully that didn't trigger one.

I learned to a valuable lesson during that last bull run, disengage that part of your brain that screams, "Don't sell, it'll go way higher!" Lol.

"Don't sell, it'll go way higher!"

I found out the hard way.

Wow one and half bitcoin, that was really those days really, but my goodness, this baby is smoking hot, the customization is really cool if you ask me, this is amazing

Thanks! If it only was as fast as it looks! ; )

Wow what a car, love the personalised number plate and the fact that she's a lady, a real hottie at that ;) But she knows how to stop you dead in your tracks not so ;) Thank goodness your wife caught poor Amstel! Great review Eric of a real beauty!

Thanks @lizelle! Lol...she stopped us dead in our tracks, indeed! That Steemit plate is a bit of photoshopping from my friend Doug. How's your New Year going so far? I hope it's cooled off a little.

Aha very clever LOL!
It's been a little cooler the last few days, thank goodness! But soon there'll be no respite!!!
The last of our holiday guests left today so things will slow down a little, been hectic with our staff on leave!

Anyone who knows me will tell you I'm into automobiles almost as much as I am technology (these days the lines between the two blur)

This is where I have to disagree with you.
The vaunted Tesla, was built straight out of a book published in the 70s.

If i was building a car today, i would build a turbine running a genset.
Probably a tesla turbine, so the thing could be built and repaired by any machinist. (ooooh, those people have gone away. Used to be a machinist in every garage)

So, a turbine, that can basically run on any fuel, with extreme efficiencies, with the very nice drive control of electric motors.

Do you know why railroad companies use diesel-electric locomotives? For that very control. Yes, diesel locomotives are hybrids. Been that way longer than most people have been alive.

And, the last piece i wish to drop about "technology" is that i had a 1985 Ford Escort Diesel that got 50 mpg highway.

I have to disagree on the Tesla front. The hardware is nothing new but the true genius of Tesla is the software and the flexibility to do significant upgrades over-the-air. The hardware is merely like the blank canvas and the software is the paint that brings it to life.

The turbine idea is a great concept, definitely more flexible than EVs and would be much more practical if the infrastructure breaks down. I am aware of the diesel/electric locomotives, I wish the US would utilize these more for transportation. I've always been fascinated by trains.

The Escorts were good cars and the diesel engines can have amazing efficiency! I had a 1986 Honda CRX HF (gasoline) that averaged around 45mpgs. It was so small and light though and didn't have many of the safety features today's cars have (which add significant weight) but it was an amazing car to drive. The weight distribution was nearly perfect.

Great review, my friend and I remember that your post when you bought your car. You are right, having spent only one and a half Bitcoins, you made this purchase, I really hope we will return to such times! The car itself is stunning and its design causes only admiration, technical data is excellent. But you go further and I wish you to fulfill your plans on acquiring an Tesla 3 even earlier than planned, well done! Thank you Eric

Thank you! I hope we return to those glory days too! I've heard many people say we'll never see ATH's like that again but I think some coins will recover and maybe even reach new highs.

My mom has a new regular Toyota Camry and it is mostly electric now. It seems as though eventually all cars are just going to be like the Prius used to be.

I still remember a post of yours a few months back, when you were just about to buy it/ had just bought, and you were excited :)

I really wish you to buy your dream car Eric even if it will take a little longer than you expected ;)
Exciting times ahead!

Yes, I could hardly believe it when I Ubered to the dealership and drove the Prius home. I had wanted a Prius forever so it was like a dream come true.

Thank you @mindtrap! If all goes as planned I'll be trading in Ruby in a year or two for the Tesla 3. I usually buy my cars used and I may do this with the Tesla, I've heard there's not much that can go wrong with the drivetrain on them since they're electric.

Amazing car and amazing review . Electric cars will be future cars. So this is good decision you are planing to buy Tesla's electric car.

Your complete analysis of this Toyota Prius 3 car really makes me to like the car more, I do have a Honda bullet model car but it seems to me that Toyota cars are more robust and advanced in terms of their design and comfortability to drive . Well written review of your Toyota Prius 3 car @ericvancewalton

Honda makes an excellent car, I've owned 4 in my life. I'm a HUGE fan of the new Civic Type R. Reading the reviews of it make me want to go out and get one. Thanks @obest!

Thanks for this review! We've been considering getting a hybrid as it is nearly time to change cars for us, but we were also just considering skipping straight through to full electric as well. We would love to do that but are still researching options...

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