My Two Year Steemit Anniversary!!

in #story6 years ago (edited)

When I analyze how much my life has changed since I wrote my Introduction Post in July of 2016 (to my surprise it made $489.62) it’s difficult to fathom I’ve only been on this platform for two years.

Steemit has been like a warp-drive which catapulted me directly to my dreams and helped me realize each and every one of them (and many more.) I feel like I’ve actively taken part in something that will be viewed as truly historical.

The chart above maps out my Steemit experience more accurately than anything I could imagine. The amazing height of that first curve coincides with the euphoria of the original SteemFest in Amsterdam. The gut-wrenching low of the first valley on the chart represents the long, cold winter of 2016/2017. If you were around then you remember when the price of Steem plummeted to $.06 USD sparking an exodus of “first wavers” from the platform. I kept writing and posting through it all and I’m so glad I did. Today, I find myself landing somewhere between Hope and Relief.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius

That first year I posted twice per day, pretty religiously. In my second year my posts slowed to one every few days, tapering down to about once per week as of late. This isn’t because I’m losing interested but now there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. Even if I can’t write every day I try to spend time curating and commenting on other’s posts.

The past two trips around the sun with you all have been such an unforgettable experience. I’ve made new friends, been pushed way outside of my comfort zone, been taught some good (and sometimes harsh) lessons, learned about and have become a huge proponent of cryptocurrency and distributed ledger technology.

My wife and I recently bought a condo. As often is the case when moving I was weeding through things I wanted to keep and things I was ready to part with. I found all of the memorabilia I had tucked away from both SteemFests, looking through it all sparked a flood of memories. I remember looking down at my wrist at the blue SteemFest wristband while climbing the ladder of the tower of Oude Kerk in Amsterdam.

As I slid on the Steemit ring, with the name of my novel and username engraved inside it and I was reminded of how exciting it was to post a new installment of Alarm Clock Dawn every day.

More valuable than all of the Steemit swag and overseas travel have been the friendships and the connections I’ve made throughout these past few years. These relationships have made some wonderful collaborations possible, the results of which will reverberate for decades to come. The pinnacle of this, of course, is The HardFork Series.

As with anything in life it’s easy to dwell on the negatives and the deficiencies. Push all of this aside and the truth remains...Steemit has, and continues to be, been both groundbreaking and life altering for many. My advice to those who are still establishing themselves here is twofold: 1) Find constructive ways to channel your energy into the platform to change those things you don't like; and 2.) Seek out ways in which you can collaborate with others to collectively change your lives for the better.

No matter where life takes me all roads will point back to this platform as the genesis of it all. I can’t thank you all enough for the support you’ve shown me, for this I’ll be forever indebted. I plan to continue sharing, curating, and offering support in any way I can.

Thanks to Steemit for being the catalyst that allowed me to do what I love!

Steem on!

Yours in the Chain,

Eric Vance Walton

(Gif sourced from

Please follow our official Steemit account for the film series @hardfork-series. Did you miss our last post? If so CLICK HERE to read it!

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.
My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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Great story and great journey so far by you sir, Many many congratulations and based on the experience you can guide me to stay motivated here in this coomunity. Thank you.

Warp drive is a superb way to put it, Eric!

It is phenomenal to see what is possible when the right people and the right situation collide and create fireworks.

Congrats on the new condo and 2 years on Steemit!

Thank you so much @lydon.sipe! I'm still in awe of how everything just lined up.

It is great to see this post. I know you guys have been busy moving.
Fun to find that ring isn't it? You worked for this and now can enjoy it.

Thank you @rebeccabe! Yes, we've been busy for the past two weeks. I always underestimate how long this process takes. Hopefully this will be the last time for a while. We want this place to be our "home base" in St. Paul. It was fun to find the ring! I don't wear it that often because I'm not much of a jewelry guy but I'll always treasure it. Maybe I'll pass it down to a relative some day. How's your week going?

My week is going great. Thanks for the comment upvote. It is like the depression of the 1930's in America with the SBD being down so much.

I have moved so much it sounds lovely to have a home base.

Link for photo

Glad to hear you had a good week. Yes, the lower SBD price is really impactful. The post payout structure was different the last time SBD was this low.

We just got back from taking our final load from the old condo. It does feel nice to have a little home base here. We've moved a lot in the past four years.

You can relax for a while. No more boxes :)

If I never see another box or plastic bin it will be too soon. : )

LOL that's right it is all plastic now.


Congratulations on your two-year anniversary, my friend, you have come a long way and have done an excellent job at the Steemit to your success, which has provided invaluable support and much useful for our ecosystem! Do not worry that you get to make messages rarely, but they are multifaceted and very interesting! By the way, a great ring! Thank you Eric.

Thank you! I always appreciate your comments and support.

A whole lot of people would give up, seeing steem at $0.6 really it's really been an amazing journey for you seeing your euphoria, it's just my 8th month on this platform, and I came to know you, through the blockchain memory project, what can I say, it's been an amazing journey for you seeing your stake on the platform, congratulations buddy, I hope to also see a third year anniversary.

Such an amazing journey! I couldn’t be more thrilled to have jumped in a year ago with you (seems like so much longer!) These successes on and off the platform couldn’t have happened to a cooler, more talented and deserving guy!

Thanks @dougkarr! I'm so glad you jumped back on when you did. Can you believe it's almost been a year since we began the preliminary work for HardFork? We've come a long way since grateful for it all!

You worked hard to get there. I always had faith in you. Check out my post.

Thank you @luckyfellow! I have faith in you as well. We both have paid our dues, that's for sure. I'm looking forward to our Montreal trip to celebrate this year's successes!

Oh! I missed my 2 years celebration :) we come a long way Eric 💕

Yes, we certainly have! I hope you're enjoying summer @mammasitta!

Cant believe it's already been that long...

Sometimes it feels like yesterday, other days it seems like it's been a decade. : )

Congratulations on all fronts, anniversary here, new condo and most importantly doing what you love. Two years will soon be twenty, I hope I am around here to congratulate you again then.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67698.91
ETH 3266.83
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64