ALARM CLOCK DAWN (An Original Novel - Episode 57)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Did you miss Episode 56 of Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to catch up.

Are you new to Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to start at the beginning.


“Oh my God. What are we doing?” Evelyn said, as it seemed like the panic was beginning to get the better of her. The train rounded the final corner and the lights of the familiar XenTek station slowly came into view. As the three got closer, they could see the platform was flanked by dozens of the XenTek security team standing like pitbulls ready to pounce. Her face went flush and Adam was afraid she'd faint.

Adam grabbed Evelyn by the shoulders as the subway careened towards the station. “Trust me. If you follow my plan everything will be fine.”

Evelyn didn’t seem convinced. Staring into Adam’s eyes, she said, “I understand, better than anyone, the depth of Johann Pfizer’s sadistic nature. I’ve come to fear him more than anything else in the world.”

“We can’t forget that we have someone immensely more powerful on our side, Evelyn. We’ll be fine,” Adam reassured her.

Bear sat across the aisle, leaning forward in his seat. He stared ahead, the muscles in his temples visibly throbbing as he clenched his teeth and tensed up his huge fists. The train car was now beginning to slow down now and the bell chimed, signaling that the doors would soon open.

“Bear, don't resist them, please,” Adam pleaded. “Go willingly, or, believe me, they will kill you.”

The train pulled into the station and Adam closed his eyes. “Don’t be afraid! The power of evil cannot touch your soul unless you welcome—” Before Adam could finish his last sentence, the security guards had wrestled all three of them to the ground, handcuffed them, and dragged them out of the train.


We have all three of them in custody, Captain Ellis messaged the director.

Prepare them for a long interrogation, the director responded. I want to take my time. Don't separate them. I want them all in one room. Have you found him yet?

No, I'm sorry, he hasn't turned up, but we're scouring XenTek headquarters. It's only a matter of time.

Keep up the search. We need to find him right away. He needs medical attention.

As always, your wish is my command, sir, the captain answered.


Adam, Evelyn, and Bear sat in the middle of a vast storeroom colored in only slightly differing shades of gray and made entirely of concrete. Each of them was handcuffed to wooden chairs with their hands secured behind their backs. All three appeared unscathed except for Adam who had a small cut above his left eyebrow, compliments of Captain Ellis.

The room was dimly lit save for a large sodium vapor light that shined brightly on them from directly above. Just within the reach of the dimming edges of light Adam saw massive metal meat hooks suspended by chains from the wall.

Adam heard the echoing click of a deadbolt lock and a door creaking open. He couldn't penetrate the darkness beyond the light's reach, but he could hear the sound of footsteps approaching. The sound of the footsteps slowly walking towards them was chilling, and they approached at a painfully slow and steady pace. The sound of the hard soled shoes reverberated off of the concrete.

The chair that Evelyn was handcuffed to rattled as her body shook violently in terror.

“Visiting outside the city, were you, Adam?”

For a moment, Adam was stunned and his mind went blank. Something wasn't right with this voice, and it took him only a few seconds to figure it out. This wasn't who he expected.

Seth Busby stepped into the light. Evelyn let out a sigh so loud that it made Bear twitch.

“Mr. Busby, please!” Adam pleaded.

“Shut your mouth!” Seth snapped. “I'm in charge now, and for once, someone is going to listen to me.”

Seth began pacing behind them. Bear’s chair scraped against the concrete floor as he tried to twist his neck back far enough to see him.

“Mr. Harkin, you have to be one of luckiest people on the planet. If today's events would've played out even a little differently, it would be Johann standing here instead of me. Do you have any idea the things he would have done to you?” Seth rested a hand on Adam’s shoulder and he jumped. “My guess is all three of you would’ve already been hanging from hooks right up there on the wall, praying for death to take away your suffering.”

“Well, you're not Johann,” Adam said. “And I mean that in the best way.”

“You know what? You're absolutely correct. I'm not Johann.” Seth said as he unbuttoned his suit coat and began to pace, “I'm sick to death of business as usual.”

He then took a small key from his breast pocket and went down the line unlocking the handcuffs one by one. Adam, Bear, and Evelyn rubbed their wrists and stretched their cramping arms and shoulders.

“This, my friends, has been the worst day of my life. We've found out that because of our lust to attain future technology, our planet is dying. In fact, it's taking its last breaths. Oh, yes, and I've accidentally shot Mr. Pfizer, and he's disappeared, nowhere to be found. All things considered, I couldn't give a damn about two former employees disappearing from the city or any secrets they may have taken with them. Do you understand what I'm telling you? Given our circumstances, all this is meaningless. I'm officially in charge now, and I say you're free to go.”

“But we can't go,” Adam calmly responded.

“You can't what?” Seth responded with a bewildered look.

(All gifs sourced from

We’re down to the final few episodes! The final installment of the novel (including a ENORMOUS plot twist) read by me at the first annual SteemFest in Amsterdam on Saturday, November 12th. The copy I read from will be printed on parchment, autographed, and auctioned off to the highest bidder. All proceeds will be donated to support SteemFest.

Alarm Clock Dawn is the first novel of a trilogy. The sequel entitled, Truth Is Stranger, will be published in the Spring of 2017.

Please visit my website to sign up for my author newsletter. My newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates on the release of the sequel and other special offers.


amazing novel ......

Thank you, @royalmacro! I'm glad you're still enjoying it!

Great story! Will you be releasing the sequel here on Steemit in the same way you are Alarm Clock Dawn?

I appreciate it, @gregory-f! I'm definitely considering releasing Truth Is Stranger here on Steemit in a similar way. I'm trying to figure out the timing and logistics. The sequel is going to be such a different book, cryptocurrency is going to be central to the plot.

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