Maple - a Guzzi SF adventure (G5)

in #story6 years ago (edited)


"Tell me why we're here again?"

The Garship had landed on Maple, one of the first earth-like worlds in the sector colonised by humans, and now the sector capital. They had left the starport and were heading for a small coastal city a few hours travel by the ship's air-raft from the capital.

"Mn nn nn mn nin anin" Schmeep had found an especially whiney voice for its interpreter and was engaging in childish imitation of Guzzi every time he complained. If its tortured junkyard smash of laughter meant anything, it was enjoying itself immensely.

Guzzi tried his best to ignore it. "Or you know, the first time. Just tell me the first time."

"It'll spoil the surprise," Jazz sing-songed.

"Oh yeah, 'cause I love surprises."

"All right then. A test," said Jazz. "Given what you know, what's missing from this team?"


"Well, who. A type of who. What type of who is missing from this team, given what you know."

"I know nothing."

"Mn nin mnnin."

Guzzi scowled at Schmeep. "Alright then. A type of who, you say?"

Jazz inclined her head.

"S'easy. The type of who that knows more than shindung about what we're supposed to be doing. Unlike us, it seems."

Schmeep emitted a sound of crunching gravel and looked less happy than usual.

"Ha! Bingo!" Jazz laughed. "I get to drive home!" More sing-song.

Schmeep glowered quietly in a deep shade of metallic-looking rock.

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"I am Schmeep Gar of the fourteenth hive," his voice crashed and thundered as an avalanche of shale - and the university guards approaching the air-raft, landed for effect in the middle of the forecourt, backed away. "And I claim the Gar debt owed by this planet."

All movement stopped. The two guards looked at each other, eyes wide. Then one bowed hesitantly towards the Gar and ran inside the nearest building.

"Nice," said Jazz, nodding. "Nice."

After a time a woman in ancient looking robes exited the building, followed by a flock of men in various states of getting dressed.

"A-hem. My Lord Gar," she intoned solemnly when she reached the air-raft. "I am Chancellor Lorish and I welcome you to Maple University. We have sent word to the President's Council and they are preparing to depart the capital as we speak..."

Jazz strode forward. "No need for any of that. We are just wanting to borrow one of your professors. Can you please tell us how we find Dr Plinfinorfyck?"

Guzzi stared at Jazz. "Oh no. Her? She's here? Really?"

✨ 👽 ✨

...Continue reading:

Jazz (G6):

✨ ✨

....Continued from:

✨ 👽 ✨

Picture courtesy of



@drwom footer by the awesome @ryivhnn !!



Level of this fiction is really high. To be honest i am still reading it again and again so that i get exactly to its roots. Love the humour u have put it in. Its different kinda humour i feel. Intelligent one. Great looking forward to increase my vocab from your write up's

Glad you like it 🙃

Yea Sir.. looking forward for more:)

very nice post, thank you sir for sharing us

well information man thanx keep it up

it's a very interesting idea and worth trying
thank you for the information

Amazing post sir thanks for sharing....

I love science fiction. What a cute short story. Thank you for sharing. And what an amazing piece of work this picture. Some stuff.

Great. Appreciated.

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