The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Twenty-Seven "Bet Gone Awry"

in #story7 years ago

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“I believe I fulfilled my end of it,” Jenna said, her mouth still twisted in what was almost a sneer. She bent down and retrieved her discarded clothing feeling his eyes on her, wondering what he was thinking.

He cleared his throat and she glanced at him with one eyebrow in the air as she straightened with her clothes in her arms.

“You do this kind of thing often?” His expression was unreadable.

She smiled teasingly, she could feel the quality of it on her lips and almost laughed as she cheered herself on internally. “What? Did you think I was a virgin?” she snorted. “It’s just your dick I’m not interested in.”

She felt great satisfaction as his expression clouded. As often as he pissed her off…revenge was sweet.

She pivoted on her heel and went into the bathroom to dress. Once her clothes were back on she looked in the mirror. Her face was lightly flushed, her lips swollen from their kiss, and her eyes were actually dancing. She looked….sexy and evil. She grinned widely and thought “Take that you smug bastard.”

She walked out of the bathroom and found him leaning up against the wall, arms folded across his chest. He was definitely pissed off, his eyes narrowed, lip curved in a subtle sneer.

She met his anger head on. “What’s wrong Mattie, are your balls giving you trouble?” She feigned a look of sympathy then laughed. “Serves you right you cocky bastard. Why don’t you go back to the bar and have the blonde relieve you of your pain.”

He pushed off the wall. “Sounds like a plan.”

Jenna narrowed her own eyes in response, “Will you make pretty promises, paint a picture of the future for her?”

Mathias started to retort then stopped, some of the anger fading from his expression. “Is that what this is about, you think I’m toying with you?”

Jenna frowned. “I could really care less what your intentions are, I certainly would never believe they were honorable.”

His face softened further. “Jenna…

“Oh please, don’t even bother, I really don’t care. I despise you, don’t you get that?” Her voice rose a little and she had to clamp her mouth shut before she proved herself a liar.

“Fine, you despise me. But you don’t fool me with the whole “girl who routinely strips” bullshit. What you are is an unforgiving, frigid bitch.” He smiled mockingly as her face drained of color.

“You are so fucking wrong!” she sputtered, “I happen to love sex, all kinds of sex, particularly no-strings attached sex, and I’m only a bitch to you because assholes tend to bring that out in me!”

He moved towards her so fast she didn’t have time to react, his lips crushing down on top of hers, punishing her for her words.

She struggled against him but he tightened his hold and then she was kissing him back with the full extent of her own anger.

Their tongues clashed together like swords in a battle and he lifted her off her feet and dropped her on the bed without breaking contact. His weight pinned her to the mattress and she pummeled his back with her fists as she continued to kiss him. Lust and rage rolled together inside of her creating a storm frightening in its intensity. He grabbed the waistband of her pants and yanked, popping the button with his force. She brought her own hand down to stop him but found the betraying fingers going for his pants instead. He needed no further encouragement.

In a whirlwind his pants and hers were down around their ankles. He continued kissing her violently as he ripped the lace of her panties to the side. He freed himself from the confines of his boxers and rubbed against her entrance, scruffing her sensitive spot with each motion. An orgasm ripped from her in seconds and she cried out into his mouth, biting down on his tongue.

He yelped in surprised pain and retracted the injured muscle, but kept his lips firmly on hers as he pushed the head of his cock into her core. She made a strangled sound of protest and he slid back out replacing it with his fingers. Using his thumb to caress her he slid two fingers in and out. Her protests died away replaced with moans of encouragement.

When she was on the brink of another release he placed his painfully hard cock back at her entrance and gripped her hips. In one smooth motion he thrust in to the hilt. He experienced a mixture of relief and disappointment that there was no barrier to push through. Still she was extraordinarily tight and smugness returned with the knowledge that he was far larger than she was used to.

He started to move slowly inside of her when her teeth found purchase yet again, this time on his lower lip. The sharp pain brought his anger back and he growled as he backed out of her and slammed back in. She cried out and brought her hands under his shirt digging her nails into his back which he rewarded with another hard thrust. She raked her nails down his skin so hard she drew blood and he lost it completely. He turned her head to the side to keep her from biting and pressed his palm down on her cheek to hold her there. With his other hand he braced himself on the bed and slammed into her over and over, the muscles of his ass clenching with each thrust.

Jenna experienced a moment of debilitating fear when he pushed her face against the mattress and she nearly cried out for him to stop, but then anger rose up and crushed it. With a cry she lifted her hips off the bed to meet his angry thrusts and she was hit by an orgasm so intense it made her back bow and took her breath away. Wave after wave of intense pleasure slammed through her as he slammed into her.

Her inner muscles squeezed him so hard with the force of her climax he felt his own release on its heels. His balls tightened painfully as his cock engorged even further and he shouted in the old language, swearing fiercely as he erupted. He continued to thrust as his seed poured into her. He moved his hand off her face and pressed her head into his chest, groaning as the last of it eased out.

He was breathing harshly and held his position while he waited for his heart to slow. When his breath returned to normal he brought her head down gently to look at her face and was shocked into stillness by the fury and hatred in her eyes.

“Get. Off. Me,” she seethed.

He sat backwards away from her and she scrambled out from under him throwing her legs over the bed and pulling her jeans back up. Her hair provided a curtain around her and he pulled his own pants on, his mind reeling.

Without looking up she spoke in a shaky anger filled voice. “I am going to get up and walk out the door, and I don’t want you to follow me. In fact I don’t want to see you again. Not ever.”

Mathias stared at her shaking form feeling his own anger grow. Was he supposed to feel guilty?

She started to get up and he flew to the door blocking her exit. She stopped and looked at him incredulously.

“I don’t know what kind of males you’re used to,” he growled, “but this one doesn’t take orders.”

“So I have to scream then?” she snapped. Her eyes were bright and wild and he didn’t doubt she would.

“Try it and I’ll have your mouth covered before a sound escapes.” He licked his lips to indicate what would cover it.

“Why?” she demanded. “Why not just let me leave, you got what you wanted!”

“Why are you so fucking angry? And why are you acting like I….”

She held up her hand, “Mathias, please.” She pulled in a long shaky breath and let it out trying to regain control. “Okay you’re right, I was obviously into it, so you don’t have to feel guilty. I’m pissed at myself more than you. This wasn’t supposed to happen.” She nearly whispered the last few words then forced herself to get a grip.

“Despite what I said earlier, about all kinds of sex, I’m definitely not into the angry sex thing. It makes me feel…” she pulled a hand through her hair and choked back a sob forcing herself to finish, “hollow and ripped a..apart.”

Her pain hit him in the chest like a cinderblock. He came forward and pulled her into his arms holding her tightly.

She tried to push him away but he wouldn’t let her. “Sorry,” he whispered into her hair, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

The anguish in his voice took her by surprise and she stopped fighting him, hot tears leaking out of her eyes. He ran his hands up and down her back in a soothing manner and she let herself be comforted for a few minutes before pulling back.

“It’s my fault,” she told him honestly while she swiped the tears from her face. “I shouldn’t have pretended to be something I’m not.”

His brows furrowed and he cocked his head. “So you’re not the casual sex type?”

She bit her lip. “I just want to go home now, okay?”

He let her go and looked down at the floor. He felt torn and hollow himself. What was he doing? He’d known she was lying. Despite her lack of virginity he’d known she wasn’t the kind of girl she’d claimed to be.

“I am a bastard,” he said aloud and she cocked her head.

He met her eyes. “I’m sorry Jenna, I knew better. You’re a good girl and I’m a fucking asshole. I didn’t mean for this to happen either. I like our bantering, it’s fun…I only meant to get a kiss and a rise out of you….”

She nodded, a lump forming in her throat. “It’s okay…I’m gonna go now.”

“Let me take you.”

She started to shake her head and he stopped her. “Please?” he asked.

She met his eyes and nodded reluctantly.

He blurred her back to her aunt’s and once they were there he found himself at a loss for words. Not something that happened to him often. Varying emotions crashed through him but the underlying theme told him that anything with her was impossible. And why he was even thinking along the lines of something more was a complete mindfuck. How the hell did he get from playful teasing to this point? He had only intended to continue the thing they’d had going-insults and heated flirting.

“Look, I believe you didn’t mean for it to go that far. I’ll be fine really.” She had watched his face while they stood there and the turmoil on it went a long way to soothing her. She dug deep and found a smile for him. “Let’s just forget it happened, okay? I’m sure as unlucky as I am I’ll have to see you again at some point, I’d rather not dread it.” She managed a teasing lilt to her voice and he smiled uncertainly in return.

“What I said about you being an unforgiving bitch? I take it back with vengeance.”

“Shyeah, you better,” she rolled her eyes.

“Or what?” he cocked an eyebrow.

She laughed a little. “So…good luck finding more vamps for the cause.”

He smiled. “Thanks.” He put a hand on her cheek then leaned down and kissed her hair. “You’re one hell of a female,” he breathed into it. “I envy the man who wins you.”

Her heart squeezed and she tried to think of something equally nice to say but when she looked up again he was gone. She glanced around and sighed. Well today was a day to put inside her mind vault. And lock it up tight.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


Nice book cover,

It's fantastic isn't it? Go and check out @therealpaul's page for more great art and stories and even music :)

Nice 27 chapters for me to binge read, I believe I covered the first two to three chapters, so I am ready to blaze through these soon, and then meet my ill fated disappointment of having to wait for more chapters haha I don't know if I can wait any longer, I was hoping to see 50 chapters by now hahaha, but 27 will definitely do for now, your writing is priceless my dear friend :)

Definitely look forward to you joining this journey my friend :) I remember how quickly you would fly through chapters when you got into them,haha, reminds me of me ;)

Oh be ready for the madness my dear friend! I am going to blaze burn holes through every chapter with a vengeance lol

So much passion, zeal, rampage and fury to breed something truly spectacular.
It seems like Mathias got what he wanted, a girl to match his ascendancy and power.
Let's see if this bitter-sweet relationship will continue to last.
Another really captivating chapter @dreemit. So much emotion and power it really 'made me feel like I was there' experiencing their fervour. (Not something I thought I would ever say haha)

Awesome, I got you to say something you never expected to! Thanks @arckrai, you've made my day :)

How did they get from playful teasing to that point? Oh Jenna... I thought you were better than Anna in that regard. Heck, my entire comment for the previous chapter was based on that assumption. I wish she was stronger.

How old is Jenna anyway? I keep wondering as the whole scene erupted.

Now that he has inseminated her, would that bear fruit? Is vampire sperm incompatible with other species or are we seeing the makings of a hybrid? Interesting stuff. Great job, sis!

Yeah this chapter was crazy intense!
It seems Jenna might possibly bear his vamp child. I’m slowly catching up to where you all are in the storyline. Cruising my way through the chapters.
Your previous assumption was indeed spot on! Nice call but yes terrible situation

This chapter was so full of raw detail and emotion, I can just say that this has had a lot of complications birthed now from this situation. Crazy stuff. Maybe Jenna will become pregnant. Either way, heavy heavy themes and you wrote it so precise. Way to set up the drama and next chapter my friend!

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