The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Twenty-Eight "Race Against Time"

in #story7 years ago

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Chapter Twenty-Eight

The morning after Jared shot down her plea to help the sick man, Anna convinced him to take her into town. She insisted she needed food and other sundries, though in truth she just needed to go anywhere to relieve her cabin fever. And she was also hoping to sneak in a purchase of a prepaid phone. She had a visa and if she could get him bored enough to wait somewhere else for her…it was risky but if she couldn’t tell him about herself she still needed to be able to contact her dad.

She took her time looking around the town’s only department store and after a while she could feel him growing annoyed.

“You could always wait outside on the bench and smoke a cigar, or in the diner where it’s warm,” she suggested. They were currently in the woman’s clothing section. “I want a new dress and it might take me awhile to try different ones on.”

He grunted and pulled a bank card from his wallet and handed it to her. “Don’t be all day.”

She nodded shooing him.

She waited until he had disappeared, then hurriedly selected a couple of dresses to try on. The electronics department was at the other end of the store so she would need to make a quick selection and dash over there for her phone purchase.

She was just stepping into the changing stall when she heard her name and turned to see Camilla from the tavern hurrying over to her.

“I’m so glad tae find ye here! Your da’ called, he seemed very intent on getting a hold of ye, have ye spoken ta him?”

Anna’s heart stilled. She looked towards the entrance wondering fearfully if Jared was listening. She looked back at Camilla and the concern on the woman’s face drove home what she’d said…dad was intent on getting a hold of her? He was never intent on anything.

“Could I use your phone again?” she asked quietly.

“O’ course!” She handed it over and Anna excused herself, sliding into the changing room stall. If Jared was tuning in she was about to have a very bad day.

The phone rang twice and a woman’s voice answered. A woman’s voice?

She wondered if she’d dialed the wrong number. “Um, hello, this is Anna, is my dad there?”

“Oh! Honey! Oh, honey. He’s been waiting for your call.” The woman sounded distressed.

“Is…is something wrong?”

“Um. Oh, this is not the way I would want to tell you this, in fact I’m sure he’d want to do the telling but…well he’s sleeping right now and it’s important that you come home.”

Anna’s heart started to pound. “Home? He’s in New York?”

“Yes dear, he’s been here for a couple of weeks.”

Anna shook her head slightly, her brows knitting in confusion. “Who are you?”

“I’m his nurse sweetie.”

“His….what? Nurse? What do you mean?” She squeezed the phone tighter and felt the saliva drying in her mouth.

“Oh this is so…your father is sick honey. He has a tumor. In his brain. Oh goodness, I certainly didn’t want to tell you this over the phone but the sad fact is there isn’t time.”

She was frozen for a moment as the words sank in. “W-wh-what do you mean there isn’t……time?” she choked out the last word, shocked disbelief racing through her mind.

“I think it was wrong of him, I know it’s not my business, but he should have told you much sooner. He didn’t want you to spend months worrying about him when there wasn’t anything you could do, but it would have given you time to prepare.” The woman tsked.

Anna felt her head shaking back and forth and she couldn’t stop it. The phone slid from her hand and she dropped down on the bench trying to understand what the woman was saying, because it didn’t make any sense. Her dad was dying? Of a brain tumor? Not possible.

She looked at her hands and stilled. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

She bent down and retrieved the phone.

“Hello?” The woman was clucking.

“I’m coming,” she told her and hung up. Her hands were shaking as she dialed information for the numbers of private jet companies in the surrounding areas, or anything of the sort. She pulled a pen from her purse and jotted down a bunch of digits and began calling.

“I need to hire a private jet for as soon as possible to get me to NY.” She repeated the statement several times until she landed on pay dirt.

She made arrangements and for a small fortune she would have paid a hundred times over a plane would be waiting for her whenever she got there, fueled and ready to go.

One small problem. Or extremely large one, rather.
She looked nervously at the dressing room door half expecting him to be standing on the other side with fire in his eyes. She pushed it open and peered out. Not there. He must not have heard her. So what now?

The jet was conveniently located at the same airport where she and Jared had arrived in Scotland, which meant she could blur straight there. Whether he’d catch her depended on how long it was before he noticed she was gone.

Well if he caught her she’d have to tell him everything, which was the same as what she’d have to do right now if she wanted to include him. Her fear was that he would reject her at the worst possible moment of her life, or far worse- refuse to let her go. At any rate the explanation would waste valuable time, the way the nurse had sounded….NO she shouted in her mind, he will NOT die before you get there, you will get there and heal him and everything will be okay.

She saw Camilla at the other end of the store and hurried over. Before the woman could speak loudly she pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear.

“I can’t explain right now but my boyfriend is outside somewhere and he can’t know about my dad’s call. Or the fact that I’m leaving out the back door of this store. Please don’t say anything else, and thank you for your help.”

Camilla stared at her with wide eyes as she took her phone. She made a key turning gesture against her lips and Anna mouthed thanks again. She rushed to the back of the store and pushed open the exit, peering around her. Since the temperature was frigid there were no people milling about and when the door shut behind her she blurred.

She rushed through the airport terminal’s automatic door and hurried to the information desk. The woman directed her to the runway she needed and she prayed they wouldn’t hold her up at security.

Luck was with her, apparently rich people didn’t have to go through security, well if they were taking a plane with no other patrons anyway.

A man guided her out to the steps of the vessel and she hurried up them. There was one flight attendant on board and she asked her how long until take off.

“Just a few minutes if you’re ready Miss Preston.”

“I’m ready.”

She buckled into her seat, her heart thundering in her chest as she stared out of the window.

Once they were in the air she let go of the breath she’d been holding and rested her forehead against the clear pane. Her heart jerked. Jared was standing on the runway staring after her with a look of shock on his face. When the jet moved into a position that blocked her view she dashed to the other side. He was still staring up and she wondered if he could see her. She pressed a hand against the window and mouthed “I’m sorry” and then he was gone.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


Ah! It's been too long since we last saw Inverness. In...verness (yes, I know, they don't prefer it being punned for "in fairness") this was a very meaty chapter with tons of questions one can ask. Stockholm syndrome, double blind, and a bunch of other concepts.

As much as I want to sympathize, I really find it hard to when lying is involved. I get it, she's scared of what LJD can do, but is it worth the risk even at the cost of her father's life? I love how you contrasted it against the other sick guy Jared refused to cure. It really gave a sense of contrast, and I think I know how you're going to reveal everything to Jared. This kind of payoff could've only been achieved effectively by the slow burn approach you took for this.

Nice turn giving her dad the tumor. For a second there, I thought he had a secret girlfriend. When she revealed who she was, everything made sense. I just kept thinking why Anna still wouldn't reveal her intentions. Obviously, Anna and I don't operate the same way, but if it were me I would've told Jared I needed to go home to tend to my sick parent..who was human..because I was human. At least that would give Jared a clearer view of the pieces. Great work evoking such emotions! :D

I also thought he had gotten married or had a new gf lol great minds assume alike haha

Father's love is all we forget when we are busy with us and do not give it much importance but when an sad news comes we regret and wanna live our life again to correct the mistakes we have done in the past. It is the truth of the modern world.

It's so interesting to me that the men reading this see her as betraying Jared, and being narcissistic and manipulative. Even Jed who I'm usually on the same wavelength with {hi Jed!}.

Whereas I just see as her a DAFT BINT WHO KEEPS MAKING STUPID BLOODY CALLS! {yes I meant to shout at her} ;-)

EDIT: For those familiar with Myers Briggs, she is obviously an F for decision making, whereas I am a T, hence my response.

HAHA! I wouldn't say that she's outwardly betraying him, but that sense of concealing the truth, for whatever reason doesn't sit well for me. Manipulative, sure, in that almost subconscious way. She doesn't kmow it, but she's getting away with a lot of things she shouldn't be excused from. In her mind, it wasn't what she intended, but the chips keep falling her way and I think that qualifies as manipulative, from a strictly 3rd part standpoint hahaha! I did say in a couple of comments before that she keeps making stupid decisions haha! So wavelength synchronicity is still in full swing :)

Fun fact: I was an INTP for the longest time, but have been INTJ for more than five years now :) I guess that's the reason for the wavelength match haha

I'm actually an ISTJ, or was. Last time I was tested, I was much closer to the middle on a couple. The N/S and I can't remember what else. I think it's because the type of work I do has strengthened my intuition.

I still don't see her quite as manipulative, but I think we can agree on self-centred?

Agreed. I guess it comes down to cultural difference or maybe even language? Here, being self-centered is often paired with being manipulative since said person does things to get ahead, therefore manipulating the outcome to favor them haha

I just read some lines of the story, anna character seems to be so tensed.

Lucky for her that she was able to get Jared's card.
Jared's doesn't seem to learn that he should take Anna's word with a pinch of salt as she always tends to betray him in some way but at least most of the time it is for the greater good.
I was shocked when I saw 'He has a tumour. In his brain'. I froze in disarray trying to conceive what Anna must be feeling but I don't think anyone can mirror a feeling like that.
Well I hope that her father is okay in the end but we'll just have to wait and see.
Another exceptional chapter @dreemit

I forget that you haven't read book one of the series, but it's not his money she used to get the jet actually, haha, she's very wealthy. The trip she took to Europe with her friends in the first book, how she ended up the way she is, all of that was funded by her, an inheritance from her deceased maternal grandparents.
Thank you my friend!

I really enjoyed this chapter contrasting the opposition of Anna’s Desires to Help a sick man and now her father with Jared being a looming consequence for her every move. So much deception is building up on her end and I am sure Jared will be infuriated later more than he is puzzled and shocked now... great twist with the brain tumor, like @jedau commented, I too thought the nurse was Anna’s new step mother or girlfriend to Anna’s father before she revealed her identity lol

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